Why do certain people, that obviously have no clue about fish care, tell people that their fish has ick/ich when they clearly don't? And then to tell them to buy medicine? You (and you who you people are) suck. Don't give advice if you don't know.
So, in a nutshell, if your fish has ick/ich it will look like it was sprinkled with salt. There's various ways to treat it, meds from a pet store such as rid-ich, formalin, etc. But read the labels, because some Tetras, cory cats, loaches, scaleless fish can get seriously burned/die from it. You can also slowly (1 degree an hour) raise your tank temperature to at least 82 degrees and add AQUARIUM salt (not kitchen, table, rock salt) which is also picked up at the pet store, with dosing instructions on the package. Again, certain fish cannot tolerate salt, most of what I've typed above. Now, here is a link all about ick/ich, everything and anything you ever wanted to know (stole it from you Sly from AC).
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