Was given a 2month old australian shephard that is driving me nuts. Here's a list of things he does:
1. Goes to the bathroom on my bed and blanket.
2. Jumps on my kitty and plays so rough with him that he meows loudly in pain. His hair stands up whenever he sees him and runs out the door and hides under a furniture.
3. He knocks my kitty down while he's eating and steals all his cat food.
4. Fights with my Chihuahuas. They growl to let him know they don't want to play, but instead of backing down, he growls and barks back and jump them. An ugly fight ensues.
5. He jumps in the kitty's litter box and digs for something to play eat/play with.
6. When I lock him in the kitchen for the night so he doesn't bother any of my dogs or cat, he cries, howls, barks all night long until I let him out.
7. Right now, he's outside running around turning over bowls, knocking down wooden walls, harrassing...
I've never had a puppy that was this wild and uncontrollable! Help!!!!
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