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Mental Health - April 2007

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Personal reasons have forced me to spend time for two years at home after college - without working. My college was a great institution - with universal respect, - but now I feel I am sinking into shame and oblivion with each passing day - and my parents don't understand. I smile and talk well with everyone around me, but there's a fault line inside that I push each time I get the blues- and that is very often. People look and me and start wondering aloud - and that still doesn't make any difference to my (single) parent. I start fantasising useless dreams - like turning the clock and starting school again - or I work myself into a self-sustaining loop of anger. Somebody help! Please!

2007-04-15 16:19:52 · 29 answers · asked by mostlyharmless 2

I do work out, eat healthy and see a Counselor. I try to also write out my feelings and talk to friends/ family when needed.

Any other suggestions?

I have a tendency to feel sorry for myself over the state of my life.

2007-04-15 16:13:45 · 10 answers · asked by Stareyes 5

when i ask other people about life, they say you should only be living for yourself.
But i am not sure if i agree with that. I really think i think about myself too much. I dont know how to stop it, i think i grew up like this. bcos my sister always tells me i should be writing letters, and my mum always tells me i should be with her, and my dad says i should be talking to him. But i dont want to, but apparently im hurting everyone in the process. Is this self-obsession/self-absorption. i dont know what to do.

2007-04-15 16:02:26 · 4 answers · asked by silly 1

I'm going on a trip to DC with my school next week and I have so much anxiety. I usually don't get anxiety at anything, but lately a lot of things will give me anxiety. I'm stressed out about it, and can't really enjoy things I used to anymore. A month ago I would have been so excited, but now it's killing me. I'm stressed, can't enjoy anything, and can never go to sleep. What should I do? More importantly, what the hell is going on with my damn mind?

2007-04-15 15:52:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-04-15 15:46:40 · 14 answers · asked by gina_d 3

ive heard of ppl making comments that conditions such as depression, ADD, etc r fake & that ppl shudnt and dont need to be medicinally treated for them...such as tom cruise.
this bothers me because i have both conditions, among others that these ppl dont believe r real. i dont like hearing ppl say that such things are just from laziness, etc, when i have horribly suffered and had my whole world turned upside-down just this past year after being a really hard worker and valedictorian of my hs class. symptoms of ADD didnt just show up when i was having a hard time. even while at the top of my class, everyone knew i had ADD. there was no control over it. i was hurt by it and often stressed due to my disorganization and tendency to 'miss things' during class. i set high standards for myself, & i dont understand why someone should demand the diagnosis false, and blame laziness. -& depression?no one wants that. i just want to get an understanding of where these oppinions come from

2007-04-15 15:37:54 · 11 answers · asked by ck 2

i think i'm feeling soemthign like a seizure idk but i'm on we;llbutrin and lexapro and i've been snorting codeine pills and smoking pot and drinking vodka and coke tonight and i can't sto[ clenching my endire lower pody and ig's relally freaking me otu please tgell me what is wrong with me and soryr for thej typesois but i am totaly serious

2007-04-15 15:32:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

serotonin is the chem responsible for sensations of pleasure/happiness etc, right. so is there a chem that is responsible for sadness/depression? or depression is primarily the effect of low serotonin level?

2007-04-15 15:05:14 · 6 answers · asked by mE0wmeow 1


I think I have ADD.
I'm 18 yrs old
Distracted thoughts and sounds
Homework and Projects finish last minute
Dont finish assignments or tests in normal time frame
Backpack is a mess
Lost id card, money, etc.

2007-04-15 15:01:49 · 14 answers · asked by Jess 2

-I have really bad mood swings....one minute I will be EXTREMELY happy and then in one second someone can turn my upside down and I will be crying and ready to commit suicide.
-I have violent intrusive thoughts that cross my mind that I do not think I have any control over.
-I self harm by writing hate...yes much HATE including really bad things in my journal to myself about how much I hate myself
-I like to slap myself or harm myself but do not have courage to do so always
-Sometimes I feel truly insane .....like I have no feelings and that I am lost in reality.

2007-04-15 14:43:34 · 7 answers · asked by Tiffany H 1

im 22, self harmer of 6+years. I'd say for my age quite a heavy drinker! At the moment apart from the occasional pet sitting job im unemployed, i spend most of the 24 hours sleeping and when im not doing that im drinking and harming and thinking of ways out of life. any1 got a free bullit! sorry sorry thank u

2007-04-15 14:21:21 · 34 answers · asked by Sparrow 1

my ability to remember wot i have gone up the stairs for or wot a measurement was that i had just taken etc etc seems to be getting worse at an alarming rate.my long term memory has sufferd to i think as i find it difficult to rememeber wot it was like growing up or who i was if u like.its more of a block than a blankness is how i would explain it to somebody. i am 34yrs old by the way

2007-04-15 14:03:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

At times I have tried to stay sober, ...and had one to many...in other words "I feel good. Is that such a terrible Sin or an Illness? Anyone???????

2007-04-15 13:43:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

ii had A HUGE ARGUMENT with my parents over the weekend all the anger and fustration was built up from years of thing i cant or dont wanna talk about on yahoo.alot of it has to do with alcohol,hangover part time parenting and how messed up iam in the head i never cracked before the way i did on the weekend i threw things at the wall and in a moment of rage i thought of violence and other bad things....i just broke down and feel to the floor crying lmost like i collapsed i was soo upset i just felt like dying like giving up on life its self i felt like total garbage and for a second i couldnt do anything i couldnt function for a few minutes but i pulled myself together and went to a family members house then i had another argument and things got worse over the weekend i pierced my ear[[got 2 more holes]] and spent time with my best friend i forgot wat had happened but now that im in my house i remember it all again and i have this feeling like things wont get better i feel like life is

2007-04-15 13:36:51 · 7 answers · asked by gottaloveme =] 1


If someone has mental health issues like depression, and they're being treated for it by a physician, would they be considered "disabled"?

2007-04-15 13:24:00 · 6 answers · asked by tink 2

I see this individual every day and sometimes the odor is really ,really offensive.The person is nice I always speak to them but, it's just that one thing.I said somthing before and they got offended.I believe the person is mentally challenged ,they have children .I feel I need to help.What else can i do.Should I mind my own business?

2007-04-15 13:22:16 · 4 answers · asked by Laura M 1

I've had some difficulties in recent years. They are now coming back to the surface, triggered by relationship w/ my boyfriend. These memories are starting to hurt all my relationships and tear me apart, and I need to put them behind me. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to do this?

2007-04-15 12:30:57 · 6 answers · asked by srgirl6391 2

2007-04-15 11:37:15 · 2 answers · asked by petrastaten 1

Im taking 2 caplets (25mg) a day.
I havent felt anything...

2007-04-15 11:21:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Be honest, if someone you trust asks you if you are ticklish, or says they are going to tickle you...what goes through your mind? Pleasure? Dread? Both? "Hope they don't find my ticklish spot here ______."?

2007-04-15 11:05:47 · 19 answers · asked by way2ticklish4myowngood 3

The Independent on Sunday has opted out of its 1997 decriminalize cannabis support campaign on account of new findings on “super strength skunk” that show a correlation between cannabis use and psychosis and schizophrenia. The IoS denounces that today’s availability and strength of the new drug variety is proportionately higher than 10 or 20 years ago. Assuming that cannabis is a causal factor for schizophrenia, Hickman and colleagues argue (Journal Addiction) that there will be an increase in the number of this mental illness if we let prevalence and incidence of cannabis use increase over time.

From a sociological point of view, if we take into account the flow and stock data Hickman’s thought experiment is based on, this increase of schizophrenia in the population groups is the most likely outcome, but here we should not forget the model is also based on assumptions. So far, the medical statement has not been faced yet with a situation where cannabis has been the cause of permanent brain damage or incurable schizophrenia, so it is rather difficult to say whether an increase in prevalence and incidence to new super strength skunk will necessarily mean an increase of incurable mental health problems.

Regarding the study of human flows or social sciences in general it is rather difficult to point out causal links. Association between variables does not necessarily mean some of them must be the cause or have a knock-on effect upon the rest. Other difficulty to pinpoint casual links shows its ugly face when not all the relevant variables are included in the sociological model. There seems to be a correlation between cannabis and the surge of violent crime but so far we have not a relevant study yet on cannabis resin use, as a likely variable operating on its own, and the incidence of violent crime.

Cambridge University Professor Peter Jones’ chart on cannabis use is withdrawal symptoms is rather surprising since an explanatory reduction to chemical compounds and the activity of the brain has not been possible yet in this sense. Even if we concede Professor Jones the occurrence of these variables, the account is still problematic as it cannot include those cases where withdrawal from this substance did not show withdrawal symptoms at all. In the Lancet report, cannabis appears as the third less addictive substance, only surpassed by steroids and LSD (1st and 2nd less addictive substances respectively).

Due to the chemical properties of THC, one of cannabis’ main active ingredients, since it remains in the body after a month of its ingestion, UN representative Antonio Maria Costa’s claim that users should be treated as those arrested for driving under the influence might seem to have some support. If not as dangerous as alcohol is, driving after its use is still just as problematic as driving while speaking on the phone. The medical establishment is aware of cases where studying or other tasks that require concentration have been achieved under the influence of cannabis resin, but there’s also an increment in the amount of time needed to fulfill those tasks as distraction and other factors are very likely to lead users away from it every now and again. This does not necessarily mean “distraction”, as a consequence of cannabis use, is a permanent damage difficult to avoid once it settles in since withdrawal from it always improves concentration levels, but it does underline the fact that laziness and apathy are always important factors that break in when users recur to it.

Even though THC lacks a nitrogen atom in its molecule it can be safely included in those psychotropic compounds’ list that build up upon benzene or indolic rings if we take on board the effect upon the body. The schizoid episodes to be found in cannabis users are of a lesser importance and intensity than those commonly associated with substances such as LSD but this can be explained just recurring to the way this substance breaks in into the body. An ingestion of cannabis resin, instead of its usual use in water pipes or rollups, would put users certainly closer to those psychotic episodes so characteristic, for instance, in indolic compounds. However, any psychiatrist or psychologist worth its salt knows how easy it is to get rid of these symptoms with proper psychological help in case there were not a latent physiological predisposition to develop schizophrenia or psychosis prior to cannabis use. And once the problem has been sorted, it is very unlikely users will go back to previous stages or positions.

Here it seems sensible to underline the importance of proper technical vocabulary to better give account for these social phenomena. There is of course a margin in everything to defend ones’ personal preferences or inclinations, but the data we draw our conclusions from must be accurate. The IoS states that super strength variety skunk is 10 times stronger than cannabis resin (25 for The Daily Mail, 19th March 2007), but this datum is not accurate at all. Cannabis resin is far stronger than cannabis itself since “resin” is one of cannabis’ by products. Even the oily stuff of regular plants will still yield the highest concentrations of THC as plant and resin work out on a ratio of 100kgms/1grm. Super strength skunk can only be stronger than cannabis resin if the latter means “adulterated resin”, which is still available today. The new variety of the plant’s higher concentration levels can be seen here as the user’s ultimate attempt to avoid cheat and provide with a better product for himself in a world dominated by gangs and criminal mafias. Super strength skunk seems to sell well because there is a social demand for it.

Correlations between higher concentrations of THC and addiction, even if these variables seem to go hand in hand, should not lead us to think there is a casual link between them. “Cannabis addiction” is a sociological term and it should not be used in medical explanations if its use beguiles readers into thinking there are physical and physiological factors that can give account for addiction itself in this sense. It is obvious social activities such as biting your fingers or gamming on line can be treated as addictions as well-and surely there are endogenous chemical compounds and molecules that must be involved in them (perhaps as a source of dopamine or other endorphins)-but all of these cases always present readers with weak individuals and soft characters, which exemplify extremes that cannot be helped or prevented with proper medical care.

2007-04-15 10:55:52 · 17 answers · asked by george 3

This question is for people who know about drugs. I smoke weed pretty regularly, but i was thinking about maybe trying something new. I want to try shrooms also, but mainly acid. If you've tried acid, what is it like? is it scary or relaxing? What are the negative effects? How much should i take to get a some-what mild effect but i deffinately want to have enough to get the idea. If it gets to be be too much is there any way to make it go away?

2007-04-15 09:46:45 · 13 answers · asked by sk8eremu5 1

2007-04-15 09:30:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you or someone you knew quit drinking and went on anti-depressants which caused really bad anxiety as a side effect causing you to withdraw from going out with your friends, and these friends didn't bother asking you what was up but just spent their time taking the mickey out of you - accusing you of being melancholic, self-harming, singing joy division songs to you and generally treating you like an idiot, would you still want to be their friend?

2007-04-15 08:59:30 · 24 answers · asked by colejoe79 2

I was diagnosed moderately to severely depressed about two months ago. My low moods started about a year ago as a result of my acne and gradually I became worse as I secluded myself from my friends and social situations. before this though i was popular at school out evry friday and saturday night had loads of friends, I'd have occasional times when I'd feel low but i'd be able to make myself get out of it quite quickly. now i cant get out of my depression that was brought on by my acne, i have stopped talking to my friends and have become a recluse.
I think i'm depressed because of my acne even though i know its irrational. but now that i'm depressed i remember alot of times during my teens when i'd get very down that i had previously forgotten about.

so my question is... have i been born with this depression and is it something that i will never be able to get rid of?

2007-04-15 07:02:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-15 06:25:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-15 06:11:00 · 11 answers · asked by Sissy 1

I have a serious problem and I am having a hard time with it. No matter what time I go to bed the next day I am really fatigued when I wake up. I sometimes sleep from 9pm til 2pm the next day and it's really frustrating me. I have tried setting the alarm for 7am, but nothing seems to be working I end up hitting snooze without realizing it and eventually my fiance shuts the alarm off. My kids are suffering because I don't get up with them. I started exercising and eating better to see if that would help and I have talked to doctors and still nothing. I hate being tired all the time and I was wondering if anyone has ever dealt with this kind of problem and what helped you with it? Thanks in advance to everyone!

2007-04-15 06:01:18 · 3 answers · asked by sweetnsassyny83 1

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