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Mental Health - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

This is my relative. He is too young for alzheimers. He has a history of psychological problems and is on antidepressant but the psychologist said that would not cause memory loss and the psychologist thinks he is lying about it.
But my relative keeps forgetting things and I have witnessed this, I don't think he is faking and I am concerned. He forgets things I've told him, forgets things we've done together. He forgot his passwords. He does things he doesn't remember doing. I am seriously worried but the psychologist said there is no way he is telling the truth. Is there some condition that could be causing this? IF so, what?

2007-04-30 07:35:53 · 22 answers · asked by julliana 3

people are always saying that eating disorders are bad, that there is absoutly nothing good that can come from them... do u agree, why or why not?

2007-04-30 07:13:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


My mother is dying from cancer and in another state. I am afraid to go see her. I dont want to hurt her feelings, but I dont think I can handle seeing her. My family is on my case and Im afraid I will lose it. I want to remember her how she was not how she is now. am I a bad person? I am very depressed and stressed out over this.

2007-04-30 07:00:35 · 11 answers · asked by every1sfool 2

So I was on 10mg.Luckily no side effects or weight gain but im still full of anxity.Ive stopped being as emotional,but very on edge.He raised my dose to 20mg.Im kind of nervous that the dose seems high.He said I have been on it 3 weeks and should have had it kick in by now.Anyone have any experience in this

2007-04-30 06:40:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

is there a certain period of time this feeling last's or can it be with you for months? it is a horrible feeling i am having right now and i do suffer with anxiety. i have been feeling strange/unreal for about 8months constant...Everyday i feel weird like im behind some hazy/foggy screen...such a weird feeling....yeh is it normal for this feeling to last 8months?


2007-04-30 06:31:07 · 4 answers · asked by StyluZ 1

I have atlaest 2 dreams every night that i remember fully, there never pleasent or cheerful, only death and pain. the last time i had a good dream was about 13 years ago, somtimes i will wake up and search my house for clues i dont understand it. either im saving children from death or saving myself, i have dremt about biuldings and things that i have never seen before then one day i will see it in the news, or i will see street names and roads im my dreams then find out somone got murderd there! im freaking out help me!

2007-04-30 06:29:20 · 3 answers · asked by tinydancer 1

I was physically threatened at my last job by a co-worker who was later promoted to supervisor and harassed by my manager and her boss. Both were because I was on light duty because of back injury. I am now working at an awesome company and have been through surgery and have a hard time talking to the manager about any type of pain or physical problem. My manager is awesome and I know he won't give me problems. It is also necassary to discuss this stuff because the job is extremely physical with 10hr shifts. I am sooooo paranoid and try to hide it from co-workers and everything even though the surgery is not work related.

2007-04-30 06:19:54 · 8 answers · asked by linnea13 5

does anyone know how long it will take before the fears start going away

2007-04-30 04:18:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I still can't believe my step dad used to get me sick just to take me to the doctor for attention. I need help dealing with this.

2007-04-30 03:54:28 · 6 answers · asked by mark v 3

hi, tomorrow i have a test it is one of those tests where you have to speak one on one to someone in italian, im really nervous especially because i find it hard to talk because of self esteem. how can i have better confidence?

2007-04-30 01:25:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't really know much about being on disability. I was talking to a bunch of social workers Friday and they were pressuring me to get on it and asking me when I was getting it. How do you get that started? Can I do it without having seen a doctor yet? My drs. appt is 5 weeks from now...

2007-04-30 00:51:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


I'm 23 years old. Since i was 18 i have been having panic attacks. Well, thats how i describe them. When i get really nervous i am physically sick. I get a cold sweat all over my body. But i know when it will happen. there not random and for no reason. example- going for a meal with my boyfriends friends/family. or going on a bus. (haven't been on one for 5 years now) for fear of this happening. I think its when i'm in a situation where i really don't want to be sick for fear of being embarrassed or talked about. i'm quite a shy person. I have seen my G.P about it and he suggested counselling, which i am not keen on, or medication, which i have been on since it started 5 years ago. Its a form of anti-depressant which helps me sleep and is supposed to be calming.
I just wondered if there was anyone out there who has the same kind of problems as me. get in touch if you do.

2007-04-30 00:37:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lately I am having a lot of anxiety attacks at night due to daily high stress. I never had anxiety attacks up until recently because I used to unconsciously get my stress out through angry outbursts, but I have stopped doing that and I guess it all builds up inside me and when I'm alone at night before bed it gets out of hand and it is hard to breathe and I start shaking.

It has gotten so bad that I have gone to the E.R. countless times, but it's never very helpful, and I have seen a regular doctor about this, but the doctor has not been helpful.

Since science is of no use here, what are some things I can do for myself to stay calm and not have anxiety attacks? I know I need to eliminate the source of stress, but I cannot do that just yet. The source of my stress has to stay around until I am finished with it (another six months).

Please give me some advice on staying calm. I want to avoid taking drugs everynight, so please try to suggest anything but that.

2007-04-29 22:40:44 · 7 answers · asked by Susan 5

I've tried stopping but it only lasted for a few months , then i resume pulling again. It has been like this for me since i was 12 years old but now i'm 18 and i dont want to continue being like this. I really need help coz i dont wanna live like this .. besides i'm shy and i have low self esteem because of this hair pulling disorder..I've tried all sorts of treatment from going to the psychologist and "mediums". The "mediums" said that i was possessed but i just dont believe all those craps. I am a born again Christian and i have tried praying but still i can't control my urge to pull my hair. I pull my hair and eat the hair shaft and this have been my so called "hobby". But this "hobby" of mine is turning me into an ugly girl. I have to cover my very big bald patches by wearing a scarf all the time when i go out and to school too. I've been to a psychologist and he said it was stress related but now i think it's my bad habit coz i keep putting my hands on my head and pull my hair.

2007-04-29 21:22:31 · 10 answers · asked by ashley 2

2007-04-29 21:15:59 · 13 answers · asked by Malav T 1

I am slightly over weight and i always feel as if everyone is judgign me and thinking about how fat i am, i'm sure not everyne is though. I am now bulemic but now i feel extremley ashamed about it.

2007-04-29 20:40:37 · 8 answers · asked by Normal 1

2007-04-29 20:38:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've read that depression actually shrinks parts of your brain and damages it because of overabundance of stress hormones, chemical imbalances, etc.

I've been suffering from depression for quite a while (almost a decade). I keep remembering all those years back when this never was happening, and I keep remembering the years when it began to build up. All I can remember is that slowly every year, it seemed as if I was thinking less and less, becoming less and less efficient. Things that came to be so easily before are so incredibly difficult and even impossible now. That's really sad because I think my mind has been reduced to the point where I think I was smarter 10 years ago than I am now. I used to look down on kids who didn't get good grades in school because I didn't understand how it could be so difficult. Now I am one of those kids. I almost dropped out of high school and I have dropped out of college twice.

Anyways, is there a chance I could become the way I was before?

2007-04-29 19:59:28 · 13 answers · asked by hey y 1


well... This is a question about 2 phobias.
1. when I see a spider, I`m a little unpacient and I call mum or dad to kill it. When it`s on me, I scream very much and I tell the others around me to take it from my body. Am I arahnofobic? (I don`t know if this word exists in english to express the excessive fear of spiders)
2. I`m afraid of death. I`m very afraid of it, because I don`t know what happends after u die. Is this normal?
Sorry if the question are stupid.

2007-04-29 19:38:12 · 8 answers · asked by iasmina_d94 2

my head is so ****** up right now. i want just die or cut-- soemthign to stop whats going on right now. im lost, stuff happened two times and i feel liek it was all my fault, a really nice guy was helpign me out and i just lost the only support i had. but i bitched at him and now i just dont know wha to do. im scared and i feel so stupid and my mistakes in the past are killign me...

2007-04-29 19:25:41 · 6 answers · asked by L 2

I often think about me being dead I think it would be better.

2007-04-29 19:16:41 · 9 answers · asked by NeeNee 1

I am so frickin stressed!!!! I'm a high school senior taking all hard classes plus a college class, I haven't applied to ANY scholarships yet, and I'm sick all the time. My dad works about 4 hours away and is only home on weekends, and my mom works nights and sleeps during the day when she can, and I'm the only responsible one out of four kids, so I have to run errands, make dinner most nights, and try to keep the house clean. I have two older sisters, both 18 (one is kind of adopted), who drive me crazy!!! One is a selfish ***** who has absolutely no concept of compassion and doesn't care what anyone thinks about her, and the other one has no common sense, doesn't do her homework, and acts like a 14 year old. She is the most annoying person I 've ever known. My 14 year old brother is the 2nd most annoying person I've ever known. I have no real friends, the ones that I do have don't like to do anything with me. My bedroom is a disaster cuz i have no time to clean it. Help Me!!!!

2007-04-29 19:11:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What if you have depression but don't need to see a doctor yet. How can you improve your light depression symptoms at home? Don't say some type of pill, because I would want to go through a doctor before I take any kind of supliment.

2007-04-29 17:48:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


im 15 and i feel like life is too much for me to handle. i cry all the time for no reason wishing that i was dead. do you think i need medication or am i too young. i dont like pills at all! but i would do anything to be happy/

2007-04-29 17:10:09 · 12 answers · asked by kalyn M 1

im doing my science work for my teacher and i gotta do a boucher of schizophrenia

2007-04-29 16:50:32 · 6 answers · asked by chris j 2

My psych just kept switching me from one to the next ( Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, and Back to Paxil) even though I explained to her that it was making me worse and increasing frequency and level of my panic attacks and making me reckless. Are they really controlled by these pharmaceutical manufacturers?

2007-04-29 16:32:18 · 9 answers · asked by T-Bone35 2

I just switched from Effexor to Wellbutrin XL. Ever since I started taking Wellbutrin, I've been hearing a few things. I've heard a German couple arguing, and the man sounds very violent and angry. I just started to hear gunshots a couple of days ago. I haven't been able to tell my doctor yet; I see him in approx. 2-3 weeks.

I'm 15YO if that helps.

Is this a normal side effect or should I be concerned?

2007-04-29 16:09:07 · 10 answers · asked by Renee 2

I got accepted to a decent university and went to a lesser one. I was interested in a degree in sciences/math but got one in literature because it was much easier and i just gave up. Especially after I failed 2 computer science classes - one of which I thought I had dropped. When employers look at my resume they notice that my interests seem quite different from my area of study. I still imagine what I'd have liked to study if I had a chance to go back and do things differently. If I start to work on another BA now, at 28, that would just be odd and I would mostly be doing it because I feel bad about my past. My career interests don't require getting a masters degree or higher. Ever since I graduated I haven't worked much except at embarrassing/low paying jobs and I've been severely depressed for years. Can I ever feel any better about myself or am I doomed to be miserable?

2007-04-29 15:05:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm being attacked by flashbacks and horrific images in my mind... i've tried to stay busy today... took a bike ride, took a bath, etc....
i recently started seeing a new therapist and i'm wondering if this is what is making it happen, or happen more frequently...
i haven't slept through the night in over 3 weeks because of nightmares and now these things are attacking me all day too. i feel like i'm being trampled by heavy darkness.
any suggestions?

2007-04-29 14:48:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

how can u tell if u have depression, or if your just really emotional or if your just emotional about something ur specifically unhappy with? also my mom and grandpa have depression, and my grandpa also has bipolar disorder.

2007-04-29 14:23:26 · 10 answers · asked by libbykins202 2

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