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Mental Health - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

2007-04-28 16:08:19 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are some people's dreams so strange? I know everybody has strange dreams from time to time, but my dreams are ALWAYS way out there. I'm embarrassed to even tell people about them! Any time I tell my husband about a dream he looks at me like I'm crazy. I am a pretty well balanced person...most of the time :) So why all the strange dreams?? Does anyone know what controls individual dream experiences?

2007-04-28 15:52:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i go to bed at about 9 and it takes me up to 2 hours to get to sleep and then in the morning i always wake up early (6-7). i can understand the not getting to sleep but why do i wake up so early as well??

2007-04-28 15:06:46 · 13 answers · asked by karlakozak93 1

I really would like to phone up my local doctor's clinic and make an appointment. I want to talk to him and ask my doctor so many questions.
I know i cannot diagnose myself over the internet, but im over 100% i have the things i look up everynight.

I feel i have: Social Anxiety, OCD and CSP. I know it seems that if i really wnated to get help, i would hve gone by now. But i just have this huge fear that he will say there is nothing wrong with me, im wasting my time etc.

Anyone know how to overcome this? Or should i not bother going?

2007-04-28 12:31:37 · 12 answers · asked by xestrangedx 2

I feel tired and run down all the time. I can sleep for +14 hours and I have recently. I have a foggy head a lot. I have a lot of thoughts floating around in my head, and sometimes I become very anxious! I will usually clean the house hardcore when I feel like this and everything has to be perfect! I feel restless. I can't concentrate and become bored easily. I can't organize my thoughts either. I'm usually depressed and I feel overwhelmed. I feel empty a lot and search for things to make me happy. I'm also very, very, very irritable and quick tempered. I have headaches and I'm nauseated about once or twice a week. I have chronic back and neck pain too.

2007-04-28 12:07:02 · 12 answers · asked by Creme de la Creme 2

Just I don't seem to push my kids enough about their homework. At work I just don't seem to care about things like I should.

2007-04-28 11:23:26 · 7 answers · asked by jspradlin11 1

I have terrible memory, and recently I forgot where all my homework was so I missed 5 homeworks that day in school. I searched for memory exercises online but couldnt find any. Can someone help?

2007-04-28 11:15:58 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's been under the Dr. and under the hospital were he as had
tests and they can't find anything wrong.He's had the alarm that wakes you and many other gadgets that have not helped.He can never have sleepovers are go on school weekend trips like is brother. Can anyone HELP US! PLEASE

2007-04-28 11:06:43 · 18 answers · asked by gizzy 2

Yesterday I came back from a school field trip in DC and during my time there a friendship between one of my (ex)friends ended. She was getting all mad at me for no reason and began yelling at me because I'm on a diet. Anyways, ever since then my self-esteem is at the lowest it's ever been. Since our friendship ended, I can't stop crying and there are "voices" inside of my head that keep telling me that I'm fat, ugly, stupid, etc. and the images of people who have criticized me in the past won't escape in my mind. I've been getting the urge to cut so badly. I know you're all going to say that I should talk to a counselor, but trust me..it DOES not work...I've been to one before and have stopped seeing her (thank God). I just don't know what do with myself anymore, and I feel so hopeless and lost and I don't know if I'll ever make it through anything anymore. Is there any way for this to all go away? Because I honestly hate every second of this and want it to stop...

2007-04-28 11:04:53 · 3 answers · asked by *Brianna Nicole* 3

I've had clinical depression for about 2-3 years now and I've been on a lot of antidepressants. My doctor assured me that no one can build up a tolerance to an antidepressant, but it always seems like after a year of being on a certain antidepressant it loses its effectiveness and I have to switch to another. Or maybe I haven't found the right one yet? He said that if I continued having trouble he would recommend electroconvulsive therapy, whatever that is. I'm so confused. Help!

2007-04-28 11:00:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

im addicted to self harm because of past experiences and ive seen every 1 there is to c about it and depresion but i seem to them apparently fine.. that makes me feel bad coz i dont feel fine.

2007-04-28 10:58:30 · 24 answers · asked by munphy 1

He is currently on probation--has two children with the girl who put him in jail for domestic violence (he's not allowed near them)--he has little money, no car, and lives with his mom.

2007-04-28 09:27:41 · 8 answers · asked by Holiday Magic 7

I mean I'm a nice girl, I only cuss at old people when I see them walking around, I wanna beat them with a stick, but other than that I don't say bad words. But when I have sex I say the filthiest things. Why is this? Any psychologists can explain it?

2007-04-28 09:04:57 · 25 answers · asked by succubus 2

I'm pretty positive that if the right people truely accesed my father in law, that they would diagnose him with schitzophrenia. He lives alone and has spraypainted very paranoid words on his ceiling. He has spraypainted his windows red, so nobody can look in. He recently told me that somebody broke into his house and stole a little green army man that he had. He pisses on his ex wives chair that is still in the house... he rarely if ever showers. He has shot holes in his house, including 2 TV's, and mirrors. He has been in a looney bin 2ce in the state of Maine, but they wont keep people against their will without a court order. I feel like he could be a headline waiting to happen. I dont live in Maine anymore. Should I butt out or do something... if i should do something, what should I do?

2007-04-28 08:06:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've heard the term used here and there, so maybe you guys'n'gals can shed some light on it. can a person, in your opinion, be perhaps too optimistic? is there anything wrong with only seeing the bright side of things and as a result rarely being discouraged or upset? i figured that would be a good thing!

2007-04-28 07:54:52 · 4 answers · asked by nuttyfruitcake 1

I jsut got raped, I dont know what to do, help

2007-04-28 07:31:08 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like to draw on post-it notes :] hahah

2007-04-28 07:05:13 · 6 answers · asked by girly-girl 3

Is it normal or possible for adults to regress(go back to an earlier stage or do something they did/enjoyed earlier in life) when they are trying to face a painful or stressful situation from the past?

When i say regression, i don't mean completely but perhaps for them to go back to thumb sucking, cuddling a teddy, bed wetting that sort of thing??

If anyone has any experiences that would be good, thanks!


( I posted this question earlier but its not showing up for me)

2007-04-28 05:48:02 · 10 answers · asked by SH2007 6

maybe that's why they don't get help. I heard a gay man call someone "bi-polar" and told them to take their meds. then he laughed. Black, gay, "crazy", ... Who do you make fun of? Is it right?

2007-04-28 05:35:57 · 10 answers · asked by Luch d 3

My friend stutters. Unless he says less than a sentence he will stutter and then his mouth will get stuck open like he is trying to bite through something. The only thing that has ever stopped the stuttering is drugs and alcohol. I think the problem stems from his brain but is exasperated by stress.

2007-04-28 05:31:48 · 13 answers · asked by ti 2

2007-04-28 04:53:05 · 13 answers · asked by Tim M 1


I erase all moods from the previous day, upon waking, and start totally fresh.

I am helpful to one person each day, and expect nothing in return.

I absorb gems of humor and wisdom daily, as I believe that feeding the heart is as important as nourishing the body.

What three good habits are you pretty proud of having?

2007-04-28 04:00:59 · 20 answers · asked by Sincere1 2

My dads short term memory is very bad, he gets confused and common sense is gone. he thinks he has millions and doesnt. he is trying to throw away everything in the house. He has no concept of the value of stuff. The other day he escaped the house and went to walk 7 miles to a toyota dealer to get a car (his wallet and keys have been taken away from him. This has all progressed within the past month. He spent 3 days in the hospital having every test done that could be done. The only thing they found out that was his B-12 was low and will need one shot a month for the rest of his life. he is 68. He also has high blood pressure. There is a 4 hour test that he is refusing to take because he says he's fine. The test would tell if he had Dimensia or early stages of Alzheimers. His brain is scrambling the short term memory loss and arranging it to make sense to him. He's two people but both are confused. Please help with links or possible disorder that match. Thnx. Marcus

2007-04-28 03:41:58 · 9 answers · asked by marcus b 1

how would u help a narcissist. I think a friend of mine is a narcissist. How could i help her.

2007-04-28 03:24:57 · 3 answers · asked by silly 1

God help me, here I go....

I've been dealing with clinical depression, anxiety, and OCD for a few years now, through high school and college. They seem to have followed me to adulthood and I just feel as though I'm at my wits end.

I recently moved about an hour away from home to start a career with high hopes of a new life, a clean slate, and people liking me for who I am. I mean, I'm an adult now, right? People should appreciate that I have a career, am a nice person with high morals, and not care I wasn't the captain of the cheerleading squad. It should be easy to make friends.

Wrong. I feel just as lonely as before, if not more. I swore up and down I would make friends here and go out; I have yet to make a single friend. I approached a guy that was giving me signs of liking me on transit, and now he acts like he hates me, too. I don't know why people just don't like me.

I feel so disengaged from my God, and so alone. My depression is acting up full force, and I

2007-04-28 03:23:39 · 15 answers · asked by YoungShyCareerGirl 6

i amnot able to complete what i have decided to do and my papers are just few days after
please answer fast

2007-04-28 03:16:03 · 4 answers · asked by sakshi 1

I want to give up if you know what I mean. Please help if you think you can.

2007-04-28 03:08:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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