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Mental Health - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

Should I take her to her doctor first or a counselor? Are there treatments other than medication? I will do what is necessary to help her feel better, but I hate the thought of putting her on medication. Is it dangerous for teenagers to be on anti-anxiety medications?

2007-04-26 03:13:26 · 12 answers · asked by kat 7

Why do parts of our body "fall asleap?"

2007-04-26 01:50:01 · 2 answers · asked by cowsrulecanada 2

I think I might have a Vitamin B deficency. I have anxiety attacks, trouble sleeping, nervousness, confussion, headaches, and not being able to concentrate. Ever since i took a vitamin b complex i have felt better, a lot better that i have in a while. Should i get tested for it. Can you?

2007-04-26 01:12:20 · 8 answers · asked by ill*Will 2

Getting vitamins by perscription only, that's
what the FDA is wanting to put in effect.

Learn How the Pharmaceutical Industry & the FDA
are Endangering Your Health for Profit.

When you are sick it is highly profitable to various giant corporations.
When you are well, it doesn't profit them much at all.

(Please note that at times drugs are
necessary and helpful, some can be
effectively treated without drugs or

This tells me that people are very successful
treating their selves or the pharmaceutical
companies wouldn't feel so threatened

Check out this web site for more info.

Sign the petition to stop the FDA from taking our
vitamins away

2007-04-26 01:00:16 · 2 answers · asked by Shangrala 2

2007-04-26 00:07:54 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to do many clicks and complex programs. They give me anti psychotic medicines.

Neurologist says why you came here. The mere fact that you came means something is wrong in you. I was curious about medical shops. I went alone 1st time.

Can i put some sense in my parents not to purchase medicines i dont need. I get sleep naturally then also irritation is there. I have heart burn before i awaken and abnormal dreams before that. This is on those days that those medicines take effect. How can i stop myself being bullied.

Lot of noise if i dont get up. Its multy party world war early in the morning. Only one toilet till recently.
Can i put some pressure from my friends side so that they stop troubling me about my brothers marriage or any new business. They want money also.
I wanted to know if banks and hospitals are same.
I was well behaved child but some times people suggest things that i dont want to do.
Can i get out of my house and settle independent

2007-04-25 19:38:41 · 4 answers · asked by 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 4

I have a new therapist and whenever i open my mouth i never know what will come out or what voice it will have in my mind and it is driving me crazy. I don't know if i am making things up or going crazy or what.

2007-04-25 19:18:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom has a disorder that causes an unnatural, uncontrollable urge to control EVERYTHING around her, or, not even around her. From how and when the grass is cut, to what is going on in MY bank account, to what my husband does and if SHE thinks it's important..........I know moms can be nosey, but this is insane. She has a thing with calling her bank ten, fifteen times a day and figuring and re-figuring the money she has. There are DOZENS of papers on her table that are literally COVERED with numbers from her figuring her finances. I know she probably has OCD to say the least, I myself suffer from BPD plus a few other things, but what should I search on the internet for and bring to her attention that she may want to go to the doctor for? She knows she might have a small problem, but she really doesn't see the severity of it. Maybe if I give her some possibilities, she might want to look into it further. I don't want to diagnose her, just open her eyes and maybe a few doors.

2007-04-25 17:47:46 · 5 answers · asked by portiaraylee 2

My boyfriend is about to put on abilify ..........does anyone know anything about this MEDICINE....and if so how long will it take to start seeing changes in his behaviors????

2007-04-25 17:31:48 · 7 answers · asked by Lesha 1

My mother died in December 2005 and he is living by himself. He has always been manic depressive, but never this bad.

-He has shown an increasing amount of violence towards me (getting so angry he was jumping up and down, spitting, and pulling on my scarf around my throat - about a very small issue, among many many other things)

-His vision of reality is very warped (he thinks his 45 year old sister is going to have a Messiah baby by her ex-mafia, now dead-of-diabetes boyfriend, and they have no proof she's pregnant, for just one example)

-He is obsessed with doing everything as quickly as possible, many times putting others' lives in danger. (out of character)

-He won't listen to anyone; anyone who has a difference of opinion, over things big and small, is negative. Even people he trusted before.

How do I get him to get his meds checked when he thinks he's doing the best he's ever done? How can I help this man? He is on a rushing train towards destruction of some sort!

2007-04-25 17:13:15 · 9 answers · asked by gilthoniel00 1

ok well i am not sure what i have but i know i have something...mentally wrong with me. I think i might have insomnia i do not know or obsessive compulsive disorder or depression or all three. I stay up for hours upon hours cant sleep, wont sleep. wen i try to sleep i lay there for like hour to 2 hours sometimes. i hate it wen i am alone i start to feel empty that i am worthless and that noone cares about me. I constantly have headaches all the time. I want to cry way to much. i cry over nothing sometimes. um i have a hard time telling the truth i dont know why i lie about everything even wen it doesnt make since i will lie. i am obsessed with my ex i call him and i dont say anything. i made up a fake girls pro so he will talk to me. i think about him 24/7. i cry over him all the time, we broke up over a year ago. i am 15 years old. i have problem with showing effection to anyone. i am not suicidle. well if anyone can tell me something about do u think i have a problem please tell me..

2007-04-25 17:07:46 · 5 answers · asked by brandi e 1

I am so infatuated with a guy and so I went to a doctor for these kind of problems and so he mentioned the words erotic obsessions relating to what I have.

2007-04-25 17:06:07 · 8 answers · asked by Flare loves you 1

Well I've been looking up the subject on suicide. And I've found alot of different things on it. And I still don't understand why people do it. Well my question is. Is there only one reason why people would commit suicide or is there other reasons or a make up of reasons? I've found that some people commit suicide because they lost friends or family members. Some people think about suicide because of a bad break up and others do it because of the way they look. Or others may try it because they have absoulty nothing to live for. No friends, No family, No job no house no pets. Just all alone with nothing and then they commit suicide. So my question is why do you think people do that? For what reason? And yet others may say it's because they are demon possed thats why they do it. I've tried it in the past and I failed but I want to know is it mental? Physcial? Or emotional? Or a combination of all three?

2007-04-25 16:58:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have constantly nightmares. And one of them keeps on repeating. (5 times in a week i have the same nightmare) (don't know why)
Once in while I might have a dream.
How could I stop having nightmares?
I can’t seem to sleep anymore because every time I go to sleep I keep having the same nightmare.

2007-04-25 16:50:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help I need to stop this stressful behavior. It is similar to cutting. I get to the point where I can't walk. The doctor is giving me more medication. I don't sleep much and barely function. I have some depression which is compounded by some life situations that I don't have any power over.
How do I stop?

2007-04-25 16:49:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 17yr old male, told to be handsome and "sweet personality". One thing that's killing me though is Masturbation. I do it once approx. every 3 weeks; and afterwards, I get really really depressed and a lot of feelings of guilt. I heard it's "Healthy" but I know somehow or another it isn't natural. Why do I think that? Because if it were natural we/ I would never be in deep depression and guilt after I have done it. I used to feel sorry for woman because of the period they have once a month but now I see that I should really be feeling sorry for men, because we have sexual arousal every day, and have to masturbate weekly to "releive" ourselves. Anyone know why I might be feeling guilty after masturbation? And please, if you know any way to reduce it by any means write it in your answer, And please; do not tell me "It's healthy--Masturbate". Thanks.

2007-04-25 16:24:39 · 7 answers · asked by asds a 1

we have a child in together,unfortunatley I found out to late about this person and their problems.This person used tobacco,alcohol,marijuana,and crystal meth during pregnancy and has kidnapped our child to another state through false allegations of domestic violence.I have filed for custody and a hearing is coming up soon. I am concerned about my childs wellbeing but have been restrained from contact with the mother and my child. The mother has admitted to using all of the above to doctor.Is there any legel recourse for these actions?I would also like this person to be prosecuted for the lies that were told to several courts and for slandering my good name in the local area.I would also like to know how to go about collecting monies I have lost to lawyers,travel expenses,time off work.etc..This person has an extensive criminal record that includes various drug charges and wanton endangerment,dwi's ect..This person knows the system and uses it for own personall gain.I do not.pleasehelp

2007-04-25 16:08:30 · 8 answers · asked by hoey 2

should people with a psychotic disorder watch small children alone

2007-04-25 15:44:49 · 9 answers · asked by Tina M 1

My great aunt (who was like a grandmother to me) passed away last wednesday. The funeral was beautiful but it also hit me really hard. She left behind a note saying to not cry when we think of her but smile and remember all the good times. I want to fulfill her wishes, but I'm at college and it's so hard to grieve alone where no one understands. It's almost done with so there are no support groups. I'm really having a rough time with this. Can anyone offer me any advice? I'm so depressed, I can barely get through the days.

2007-04-25 15:06:11 · 12 answers · asked by Kim H 3

here's my problem: I think too much!!!! i think about EVERYTHING!!! and i worry about what EVERYONE thinks! i can't focus on tasks that matter,i'm a very intuitive person and i know it sounds weird but sometimes i know what ppl around me are thinking(it's true, my friends always ask me how i do it) and it drives me nuts!!!i even started talking to myself which is more like thinking out loud. and because i over analize everything i ende up not finding sence in anything which is bad.

2007-04-25 14:36:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I did not eat either. I started to see things move, i heard voices and seriously thought someone was trying to kill me. Please help.

2007-04-25 14:31:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do u feel bout that and dont say bad things cuz thats what i have been seeing on those questions. I really feel bad for tem and i wish i could help!

2007-04-25 14:30:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our son went to the doctors today and they think that he has ODD. Our son is only 3 yrs old and a handful. I think that we have done everything to help him but it is getting worse. They gave him medication today until he can go to the Psychiatrist. If there is any other parents out there that have gone through this if you could please respond and give us some helpful information. We feel like we are all out there by ourselves. Please help.

2007-04-25 14:28:15 · 2 answers · asked by hyltonmommy25 1

I have PTSD and DID. Tonight felt revenge starting towards my abusers and was quite frightened by it. Is this a normal reaction? The revenge I mean!

2007-04-25 13:48:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

& whats the difference between clinical depression & manic depression???

2007-04-25 13:27:50 · 10 answers · asked by Cori 4

I said that you know you are mentally abused if
-when you are with that person you lose your own identity
-that you have your own opinions, but after being with that person, you become confused and are no longer believe in yourself
Was what I told her correct?

2007-04-25 12:57:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone in my family takes St. John's Wort for depression. Now they have suggested I take it. How effective is it? Is it inexpensive? Where is the best place to by it? Are there any side effects, good or bad? Would you use it, over doctor prescribed meds?

2007-04-25 12:57:43 · 6 answers · asked by ? 1

If you were diagnosed as having severe depression and ADHD and you went to your physician to ask a health question and your physician walks out on you for no particular reason what would you do? How would you respond??

2007-04-25 12:51:58 · 5 answers · asked by ace 3

I was just wondering if everyone (at some point in their life), do they have thoughts of..ya know..suicide? Or is it not common (like with teens)?

2007-04-25 12:35:30 · 18 answers · asked by Nicole 2

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