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Mental Health - April 2007

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I have been out of the abusive relationship for a little over 2 years and I haven't had a lot of incidents of post traumatic stress disorder but about 2 weeks ago I had a confrontation with my sister and her husband that has really sent me into crisis mode. I can't eat or sleep, I'm sick to my stomach. I feel as if I might die, I feel the same way I did 2 years ago when I kicked my ex out of the house. I know that my feelings are irrational for this situation. I know that my sister isn't going to hurt me and that sooner or later we will work things out and talk again but I can't get rid of this horrible panic I am feeling. Does anyone have any advice on getting past an episode of PTSD?

2007-04-18 08:50:03 · 5 answers · asked by hthr_1974 4

2007-04-18 08:46:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. After hearing my family history, which included two depressed parents and a mother who drank and smoked weed while pregnant with me, and giving me nuerological tests, my doctor is pretty sure I am genetically predisposed to depression. I've tried therapy, but I didn't get anything from it. Talking it out doesn't make me feel any better. I've tried altering my behavior and taking up new activities, but nothing fulfills me. I am currently on medication, but it has side effects (insomnia, mood swings, nausea, headaches etc.) just like the three other meds I tried before it. I cannot recall anytime in my life when I considered myself happy and I spend most of my time in a state of total apathy.

Are people like me basically doomed to being unhappy and/or taking medication that may or may not work and has unpredictable side effects? I'd appreciate any thoughts and advice.

And if you read all this, thanks.

2007-04-18 07:56:22 · 10 answers · asked by Subconsciousless 7

I know they say people need people but I really am happy when Im alone with my thoughts ! I find myself sometimes just staring into nowhere and just loving it . Maybe Im wacky but I don't care ! I could live very well on and island all by myself !

2007-04-18 07:40:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


My son who is 21 has Adult ADHD, Is there anyone out there with it? And is there good help with medications. I'm hoping for a happy story. I'm very concerened about him. Please if you can help write me back. Thank you so much.

2007-04-18 07:31:23 · 7 answers · asked by majat888 2

In the past I've bruised my arms by use of walls. But to use stairs (obviously my whole body - not just my arms will be hurt in the process) - that takes courage. Courage that thrills me yet haunts me at the same time. I feel that one day I may do this (despite the obvious negative consequences) for the experience. I may continually hold myself back out of fear and thus may not get to it for several, several years. Or perhaps, because I am preoccupied with this goal, I may impulsively carry it out one day within the next year or two.

What do you think?

Perhaps I should do something to get it out of my head, due to the slight insaness of it all. However, I feel it won't go away and I won't feel better unless I go through with it some day. I've had this wanting for about 3 years now and today it surfaces in my mind consciously. It will continue to do this every now and then until I DO something. Either it itself, or a way to rid myself of this feeling if at all possible.

2007-04-18 07:23:09 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

How to apologize for missing class due to emotional and medical reasons that are currently under treatment.

2007-04-18 06:58:56 · 4 answers · asked by Chelsey L 1

do you suffer from this illness

2007-04-18 06:39:59 · 2 answers · asked by ian SPACEBOY 2

He has been to a 7 day rehab. But I cannot seem to trust him to go out anywhere without me. Even when we go out together I question what he is doing.

2007-04-18 05:31:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I took lexapro and the side effects were horrible so my doc gave me Zoloft for my anxiety disorder,I just havent taken it cause im worried it will have same side effects as the lexapro is it true??I do also take Xanex but dont want to be addicted.thanks

2007-04-18 05:25:48 · 8 answers · asked by Carmen S 1

I'm so frightened of dying that I'm afraid it's become a phobia. I don't leave the house or drive anywhere out of fear of traffic accidents, I only eat certain foods etc. Lots of things. How do others come to terms with the fact of their death? How do you go on living, knowing that it's ultimately pointless?

I've thought about therapy and such to try and get a better handle on what happens when one dies, but no one can really scientifically prove anything beyond a doubt. So even when I had Christian beliefs, I kept thinking "Well what if they're wrong? There's dozens of other religions, how do I know this one has it right?"

This has really started to cripple my life and I need help. Does anyone know where I can start?

2007-04-18 05:25:24 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm only 23 but I have a horrible time remembering things people have only told me a few minutes ago. I visit my husband every weekend in Rochester and when I leave and someone asks me what we did I have an awful time trying to remember. My mother is 52 and she has the same problem and I'm worried that if I don't do something about it now then it'll only get worse. Are there any supplements or exercises I can do that have shown to make and improvement?

2007-04-18 03:28:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I worry al the time it is non stop i worry about getting older it totally frightens me i worry about dying and my family dying sometimes it is overwhelming, everytime i have a physical problem i think it is cancer or something terminal, i just want to enjoy life everytime i do start to feel good i feel like something bad is going to happen am i nuts?

2007-04-18 03:11:40 · 9 answers · asked by Ruby69 3

I have a really bad health anxiety disorder and i have a tremendous fear of becoming ill to cancer. i dont know why. no one in my family or my circle of friends have had cancer. why do i feel this way? Im seeing a doctor over this but it hasnt been resolved. does any one understand how i feel.

2007-04-18 02:42:00 · 17 answers · asked by ellielou5 2

person operating a open-airtmosphere, laser communication device.

2007-04-18 01:07:49 · 11 answers · asked by Kelly S 1

i think i heard that somewhere. i just wanted to see if anyone knew

2007-04-18 00:09:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend has given up his medications of his own accord; any advice?
He has a very neglectful GP, has sufferred from side-effects to the anti-depressants, feels better right now because he feels 'drug-free'...

2007-04-17 20:34:46 · 11 answers · asked by Serene 6

How do you know when they are ready to snap?

2007-04-17 20:07:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

have you ever thought yahoo! answers is a good way to be noticed? a feeling like at least someone cares about what your thinking?

2007-04-17 19:52:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 22 years old,and im deciding i want to join the navy.been thinking about it for almost 3 months now.but theres something stoping me from joining....well my question is i have a minor asthma,,when ever i sleep i always wake up in the middle of the night,,,but its not really bad..would they do a waiver of some sort?or kick me out if they find out?but i can control it when im doin exercise's..and what is the score to pass the navy asvab,,i keep getting answer like 35,31,or 40..or would the navy help me with my minor asthma?
thank you

2007-04-17 19:37:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this problem of have songs repeating my head when I got to sleep, or try to go to sleep is more like it. It only happens when I turn off the light and lay down and try to sleep. I used to be able to think of something else long enough to let me go to sleep, but now it's gotten so bad that I'm up for hours at a time with a song just playing over and over in my head. Nothing i've tried has worked and i'm getting annoyed by it. Does anyone have any advice?

2007-04-17 18:51:37 · 7 answers · asked by jltyrell 1

2007-04-17 17:57:25 · 14 answers · asked by JustWondering 1

In light of the Virginia Tech event and many of the horrific events that have happened in the past, why is the perpetrator most commonly a man? As a woman, I wonder if there are deeper issues that men deal with that women can't even imagine or what? I KNOW that all men are not prone to such violent acts, but it just seems so uncanny how so many men seem to go over the edge and snap in such violent ways. Any insights?

2007-04-17 17:17:57 · 10 answers · asked by TwinkaTee 6

Other than wandering through Yahoo Answers, obviously.

2007-04-17 17:00:06 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

can they tell my parents about what i say while talking with them? i'm 17, i had heard that since i'm a minor, they can say whatever they want and there is no confidentiality until i'm 18. can someone provide some insight on this?

2007-04-17 15:52:10 · 7 answers · asked by tuna 2

I have a 4 y/o son that was diagnosed as ADHD. That I will not deny b/c he is definitely intolerable. Just last night, he took my daughters goldfish bowel and dumped it out on the counter, then proceeded to cut up the poor little fish with a pizza cutter! He used to go upstairs and opens windows, knocks down screens and hang out the windows. He does all sorts of crazy things like this and that is why I wont deny he is ADHD. I adopted him so I dint really know what bio mom did when she was pregnant from him. I took him in at 4 months old. Well anyways, his doctor put him on focalin and seroquel for his behaviors but everytime I give him his meds, I feel so bad b/c he is just there like a zombie. He wont even move from our couch. I guess thats better than all the other things he does but he complains it makes him feel bed and his heart is racing a thousand mph. Would I be a bad mom to take hime off his meds and stop seeing this doctor?

2007-04-17 15:42:19 · 19 answers · asked by Blue 4

Ok, I'm the type that is easily stressed out over the simple things. I've suffered from stress migrians (I'm 14 by the way) I'll get close to panic attacks. I get a lot of anxiety, ect. Everyone keeps telling me to calm down and relax, but I can't. I've tried deep breaths, drinking some water, counting to ten, ect, but I cannot find a solution that works for me. Anyone have any ideas at all. I've been dealing with stress for awhile, but I've just moved. My third day of school, not from missing everyone, but stress, I just broke down crying. I usually don't go that far, but migrians are really annoying too. Any ideas that I've not already stated?

Also, I'm in school most of the day, so although running and jogging do help me out sometimes that's just not an option when I'm in the middle of an Algebra test, or learning about Madame Curie.

Any ideas for during school? If you have any other ones those are also much apperciated, but I really need some during the day.

2007-04-17 15:40:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, I'm the type that is easily stressed out over the simple things. I've suffered from stress migrians (I'm 14 by the way) I'll get close to panic attacks. I get a lot of anxiety, ect. Everyone keeps telling me to calm down and relax, but I can't. I've tried deep breaths, drinking some water, counting to ten, ect, but I cannot find a solution that works for me. Anyone have any ideas at all. I've been dealing with stress for awhile, but I've just moved. My third day of school, not from missing everyone, but stress, I just broke down crying. I usually don't go that far, but migrians are really annoying too. Any ideas that I've not already stated?

2007-04-17 15:02:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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