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Mental Health - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

AA hasnt done it for me
I need help
I am tired of being a loser

2007-02-25 10:10:06 · 6 answers · asked by domani 1

2007-02-25 10:09:32 · 6 answers · asked by themalator 2

Does it feel like you are in your own little bubble world? I know for me it is like that. Whenever I see happy people it hurts so much. The deep contrast that I feel from it just scrapes away at me. Sometimes I get so down I have this constant inner dialogue with myself. I can be walking in the mall just relaxing and then the voice comes in saying "Why am I here? What am I living for?". I can have that voice and try to smile but it takes so much out of me. I just want the crap to stop. I want to be free. I dont want to constantly keep thinking of the best way to kill myself so it doesnt hurt. Im trying to get away from all pain because right i feel it acutely. I have a therapist and a psychiatrist and will start going to support groups. When that voice gets strong i lay down in bed and hope i dont get up and do something. What do I do about this? It hurts.

2007-02-25 10:09:12 · 3 answers · asked by b 4

I am afraid of people asking me questions about my life and
stuff. You know? It is embarassing to admit that I had a
mental/nervous breakdown and no longer am a productive citizen.
Silly I know, but it truly is hard to present myself in society and or
social situations because of this. What can I do to help myself? This is surely a pot hole in my road to recovery. Thank you...

2007-02-25 10:00:32 · 26 answers · asked by Sereny 3

i have always been underweight and it makes me dislike being in this body its awful.i hate the way i look.in fact its ruining my life as im unhappy about myself.i want to put on 4stone but i just dont manage to put weight on no matter wot i eat.im in a active job on building sites altough i admit to not eating whilst at work.

2007-02-25 09:55:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I walk around in gym short a bunch since I work out at home. I've caught her four or five times. When I go out and chastise her she tries to make me smell her fingers and says she is so horny. I don't wnt to get her n trouble with the cops, but this is creeping me out.

2007-02-25 09:52:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need to know asap

2007-02-25 09:48:36 · 19 answers · asked by klokloi 1

I am only 13 years old. This is like my 4th question on this subject. I am not completly sure why I am depressed but I know I am. I know some reasons I am, but I don't know why I am so sad about all of it. I have always strived for perfection. I know perfection is not possible, but I have always been pleased with my work. Everyone thinks of me as perfect and that bothers me though. I am not and I screw up too. That's partly why I am in the situation I am in (but not the whole reason why). My reading teacher realized I was depressed and told me she thought I was about 2 months ago. I told her that wasn't true even though it was. She didn't believe me. (I am a horrible lier.) She sent me to the counsoler's office. I wouldn't talk so she finally let me go. I am a shy person which sucks. I have tried to come out of my shell. I have a little. I would like for my teacher to ask me again so I can tell her the truth. I am scared to just go up to her and tell her.

2007-02-25 09:39:39 · 17 answers · asked by tennisluver90 2

I heard of the "condition" when it came up with a victim on CSI Vegas. I've got to figure out what causes it. When I looked it up on the internet, it gave me a bunch of weird and I think they were unrelated sites. Can someone diminish the mystery?

2007-02-25 09:26:22 · 3 answers · asked by meamonkey648 2

How can I fight off telepathic mind-conditioning?

2007-02-25 09:22:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over the last 10 years I have taken at one time or another Zoloft, Celexa, Zyprexa, Paxil, Seroquel, Klonipin, Xanax, Valium, Ativan, Remeron, Trazadone, Wellbutrin, Serzone or Cymbalta. In short like I said all worked to little or no avail. The Zoloft is the only SSRI that gave me the least amount of side effects and after taking it for years it just stopped working. I also suffer from severe back pain so I take Vicodin & Soma for that . Hence b/c of side effects/interactions the ONLY thing I can use to treat my anxiety is xanax (other than weed lol). My mother went to a nutrition specialist & he recommended some women's mega vitamins called Natural Woman & recommended drinking at least one glass of O.J. per day. I know more exercise wouldn't hurt as well. My final ? would be should I listen to these so called Dr's prescribing crap that doesn't work or give the "natural" methods a chance. Every conventional DR is going to recommend some anti depressant I have already taken. Input NE1?

2007-02-25 09:12:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cant sleep on enight at all without waking up and staying awake. I have been to the doctors so many times and hes given up basically and wont give me anymore slepping tablets? Any good ones that i can buy in the UK?

2007-02-25 09:00:44 · 16 answers · asked by Fayeboo 2

See she cleans the bottom of her expensive sneakers everytime she wears them to keep them clean. She takes extra long in the shower. One time she showered twice. My pack of disposable gloves seems to have been disapearing latey. And she asks a lot of questions about gems and flesh-eating bacteria. Sometimes she scrubs her arm so hard that it bleeds.

Mysophobia is a term used to describe a pathological fear of germs- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacillophobia

2007-02-25 08:58:39 · 4 answers · asked by lorrnae 3

in a real real bad car accident? ie-person or you being in acoma?

2007-02-25 08:54:21 · 2 answers · asked by juicyfruitishandsome 4

I have tried everything from counting sheep, the relaxing every muscle in my body, to trying to think on nothing. NOTHING'S WORKING!!! And my schedule is too busy and my days to active to only get 6 hours of sleep every night. Help me!!!

2007-02-25 08:33:18 · 6 answers · asked by cockadoodleDIE 2

she was deppresed because she couldn`t have children. after the treatment she was a totally different person. She became bad tempered, nasty, reclusive, couldn`t trust anybody and much more. Why would such a barbaric (i won`t say treatment) be accepted, i have seen the damage this causes first hand.

2007-02-25 08:30:52 · 10 answers · asked by the wheel 2

get well and get a life, achieve my hopes and dreams. but in my moments of darkness an low moods, i cant see how im going to achieve, a good job, my own home, emmegration from the uk, how ill meet someone nice...i feel so lonely, abandoned and isolated right now, living in a small one bedroom flat, i have no friends, and find relashionships difficult, im scared this state of being will last forever..seeems like therell be no end to it..every person i see that asks questions about it, the answers paint so much bleakness about it, saying its difficult to treat...so what am i supposed to do with that? are you just gonna leave me with that response, saying its difficult to treat im doomed, thats it? how can i be strong? is their hope for me?

2007-02-25 08:25:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 13 years old and my parents verbally abuse me. they constantly curse me out, put me down and threaten me to the point that im an emotional wreck.they always mock me and tell me im stupid when im smarter than both of them. my mom suffers from clinical depression and constantly takes it out on me as if its my fault. most of the time i bottle up my emotions until i get a chance to cry until i have no more tears left. recently ive tried to tame my emotions with poetry and it seems to work, a little. most of them are about death, scuicide and manslaughter. i laghed through Saw 3 untill i couldnt any more. i really need help.

serious answers ONLY. Help

2007-02-25 07:58:12 · 31 answers · asked by Booter 3

I was diagnosed with depression a few years ago. One of the symptoms is a very strong Boredom. I do not enjoy things that I used to enjoy before. Everytime I get involved in an activity that I like, I am "attacked" by this boredom. I am not able to concentrate or read an article because I am bored. Not able to watch movies either. Do you have any advice to overcome this boredom?

2007-02-25 07:54:25 · 21 answers · asked by Lisa 4

Sometimes when i yawn or look at something white i see little gold dots floating all over the place what could these be?

2007-02-25 07:47:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have trichotillomaina, a disorder in which you pull your hair, which comes along w/ OCD. i have been puilling for 2 years now and my therapist and i have run out of ideas to help me stop pulling my hair out! any suggestions or recommended sites? thanks...im 14 by the way

2007-02-25 07:45:07 · 8 answers · asked by poppy_princess14 1

Im 18 & sr in hs, i was thinking about trying for baseball, but i don't know if it's worth it. I've had very bad luck with sports (couldn't play soccer this year cause of an injury) & went out for baseball as a soph just to be the last one cut (literally the last since the jv coach couldnt decide & kept me an extra tryout just end up cutting me). Then he said the reason was cause the Vars coach didnt think i would make it, but now that same JV coach is on varsity, & he seemed to at least think i had some talent since he kept me & was the last cut.

However, I didnt play last year or tryout, & theres a lot of politics w/ sports as you're expected to play in private summer leagues (basically the seniors are already picked). However, now i feel guilty i didnt do these since i liked bball & let others politics take over.

Is it worth being cut again just to see what might happen, or keep some dignity from these sports/politics(& not leave hs as the 1 who was cut again)?

2007-02-25 07:30:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay..so obviously i have depression. i'm taking anti-depressants and i USED TO cut myself. I DONT DO IT ANYMORE. there are scars on my wrists and arms and i am covering them with makeup now to hide my past. I am labeled "emo" or "goth" at school and i dont really care but now that i dont cut anymore i'm tryin to get rid of the emo label. *emo is considered a kid that is obsessed with darkness, writes about death and pain, and wears their hair a certain way and in some cases they cut themselves* the only reason people label me emo is because i cut myself, used to. anyway. how can i convince people that i'm not emo anymore? * and i'm in therapy now and i'm doing very well* oh and i'd appreciate it if you guyz dont lecture me about not cutting myself anymore cuz i dont do it anymore. i've been clean for about 2months now. i'm done. thanks.

2007-02-25 07:23:08 · 7 answers · asked by bribabygirl5 2

i was raped wen i was like in grade 3 in india by my cousin! n at dat time ididnt even knew wah rape meant! he was old like 17 or smthin he was always close to me n stuff anf touch me all de time n as far as i remember he also put his private part into mine n i was like wat de hek! buh i jus ignored it i didnn tell no one as i never knew the meaning n stuff! buh wen nowi no wah it meens do u think i should tell my parents or i just keep quiet n he z married now!
plz tell me!

2007-02-25 07:16:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-25 06:51:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a teen. I dunno, maybe that has something to do with it. I feel so...frustrated/angry/fat/depresed/ i want to scream out but i dont want anyone to hear. Ive got 5 CLOSE friends. Two of them are having bad difficulties and i just cant deal with it. I should also add i constantly feel fat and want to just start a fresh away from everyone and just break away. I have a great family/school life/friends. I dont know why im feeling like this. Im such an ungrateful cow!!! So many people are going thru worse and all i can think about is me. What is going on?

2007-02-25 06:49:28 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-25 06:34:00 · 11 answers · asked by armybratsaandn 1

Im 14 years old, and my mom is sending me to a pshyciatrist for depression, and I am really nervous about it....Can someone explain what will happen at the first meeting, and stuff like that?

Thanks so much.

2007-02-25 06:27:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

about 2 weeks ago my aunt fell and my grandpa had 2 call the ambulance 2 take her 2 the hospital because she couldn't get up....since then i always hear a siren that sounds exactly like the one ones they have on an ambulance or police car....i know its nothing 2 be worried about but its getting really annoying because im the only one who can hear it and i never know if its real or if im hearing things....what can i do 2 stop hearing it??

2007-02-25 06:26:08 · 3 answers · asked by the idiot down the road 4

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