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Mental Health - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

Is there an anti-depressant that works great at the store?

2007-02-26 00:44:35 · 8 answers · asked by joshnya68 4

Although I don't want to die, I strongly believe that one day I will take my life. I just find life so hard and tiresome!!

2007-02-26 00:37:20 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really really depressed. i really feel suicdial

2007-02-26 00:36:32 · 11 answers · asked by Edel F 1

Kisses for all :-***

2007-02-26 00:28:57 · 11 answers · asked by AMOReninha 7

does this drug cause any sexual side effects and if so, what?

2007-02-26 00:23:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are some other symptoms, too ?

2007-02-25 23:54:32 · 10 answers · asked by yourprettyhot123 2

at the end of the year i got a reali big test and i dont even feel like studying for it... i do everything at the last min even during my final year exams last year i wan to get rid of this stupid thing. I try to find things that motivated me but it was no use HELP me i wan to be a hardworking boii!!!!!!

2007-02-25 23:23:24 · 4 answers · asked by Lazyboiii 1

my friend said eating aluminum off gum wrappers will prevent this condition

2007-02-25 23:19:43 · 5 answers · asked by pawpamac 2

I dont know how to feel anymore.i have not sleped in 3 days.ive called hot line but i feel rushed.i heart so meany frinds and love ones. why cant i just chang over night?why is asking to be happy so haerd? i think about deth way to much. i do want to stop but how?i have sooo much going on right now.can i help me and everyone eles at the same tmie?cus thats what i want to do.i dont want to die,but i think about it all the time.why?

2007-02-25 22:24:29 · 7 answers · asked by xo 2

i am 14 and i think only about negative things.my parents cannot understand me.does listening to music cause any harm to my mind?if yes what kind of music should i listen to?i listen to music a lot.on t.v i watch only sports channels most of the times .does seeing the video of pop or english songs affect the mind.my thoughts are going out of control and too.............negative please help!

2007-02-25 22:12:34 · 10 answers · asked by coolgal 3

can anti-social lead to social anxiety?
when i went to a place that is unfamiliar or my church.i will feel abit anxious becos i fear of being judged and critise by others...when i was a sec 2,alot of my classmates hate because they judged my looks and my expression..slowly,i felt anxious when i talk to those unfamiliar people and my church friend and start perspiring non-stop..was it a social anxiety

2007-02-25 21:40:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

my family is far from a normal one and it sometimes gets hard to cope . im 17 a very mature 17 year old by the way i consider my self an adult . anyway the problem is my family are really hard to live with i live with my grandma who is 81 my grandad who is 87 , my mum and my my antie all in one house . my antie has obsessive something or other disorder i cant remember what its called e.g if she gets the slighetest bit of dirt on her hands she washes them 10 million times she once checked the door was locked when we went out she actually pulled the door handle off . my grandad is loosing his mind with old age and has started peeing his self he stinks . then my grandma is deff with old age and you have to shout for her to realise you are talking if not she talkes over you . also my unckle lives next door he is a total wierd o he has huge elvis side burns and his house is stuck back in the 60 s i darent be seen in public with him i pretend i dont know him

me and my mum are the normal

2007-02-25 21:38:56 · 7 answers · asked by eddy m 2

I've been bulimic for a few years and want to snap out of it. I feel like I am getting better, and know that I can't get over it overnight, but i'm tired of being this way, It's a habit now and doesn't consume me like it used to but i just can't seem to stop even though it's upsetting people who love me. Any advice?

2007-02-25 21:36:10 · 5 answers · asked by jane1980 1

I was once locked in a bathroom for eight hours before I managed to use a broken towel rack to make a hole in the door large enough to get my hand through it and open the door from the outside. It was a scary experience.

2007-02-25 20:38:26 · 3 answers · asked by Ti 7

Why can't i choose to die.

It's my life

Don't give me the reasons like family bla~

Who cares

I suffer a lot

some say they know

but they really don't

you r not me

you don't know me

why trying to save souls that belong not to the world

Never say that being positive

you don't know the feeling of being raped by 10 men

beaten bow to stern

2007-02-25 20:22:11 · 17 answers · asked by ? ? 1

i had a session yesterday to get over my depression , i felt so bad after it i couldnt breath , my doctor start asking me about details about child abuse happened to me,he was so pushy to know the details ,like im telling a story and he is enjoying it ,he starts saying sexual things i didnt like to hear ,i didnt feel comfortable at all ,even if i tell him he cant get the time back and erase that . i think i should take that with me to the grave!!!

2007-02-25 20:10:54 · 10 answers · asked by Alexandra 1

i need some help here.my husband is going out of station for a week officially.his works demands him to.and i jus cant stay even a day without him around me...the very thought of me not seeing him for a week makes me cry.i know this will upset my husband but i jus cant do anything.i think i have some sort of addiction towards him...i love him more than anything in my life and it is the same from him.pls help me...thanks

2007-02-25 19:50:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Actually, I have never had him diagnosed but have been told by every adult that crosses his path to put him on meds for ADHD. I dont beleive in doing that because I love the way he is. He is fisty and hyper and full of energy and life. I wish I was more like that but he is almost too much for most people to handle. He can run circles around kids his age. People say he will be the next CEO, great actor, etc.........He is a bright kid but sometimes shows signs of disinterest and depression. His dad is the same way as him and got on drugs and has alot of other problems which is why we divorced. Are there any adult ADHD men that could give me advice on steering him in the right direction?

2007-02-25 19:37:13 · 11 answers · asked by Cindy 1

I have BP with meds for 15 yrs.

I get so mad some times I will punch things etc. But real anger is reserved for slicing my arms or pounding myself in the arms and face with my fists (i hit myself 25 times hard in the face today), or pinching/twisting so hard it will draw blood.

I seem to feel better after. i know its not healthy. i dont want attention and I dont want to die.

Dont give me any "GOD" copouts either . Not interested.

2007-02-25 19:36:46 · 7 answers · asked by dragon3652001 2

i was engaged to a guy and i found out he is bipolar and he broke up with me after he stopped taking his meds and everything i have read about being bipolar says it is a bad thing to take yourself off your meds. i am wondering if i should talk to his family doctor (also my family doctor) to let them know what he is doing for his own health?

2007-02-25 19:31:13 · 3 answers · asked by Darcel R 3

Also, Are there things you could do to improve memory? If so, what? What is mnemonics? Does heredity affect memory? What's ginko?????????

Thank You

2007-02-25 19:27:20 · 3 answers · asked by duingidy 1

I have BP, and BAD. I take lamictal 200 mg and wellbutrin 150 mg / day. I lost my job one month ago after my boss (who is African american) made desparaging racist remarks about me that I found about and flipped. This caused many dangerous thoughts and actions that were bad enough for me to be on paid med leave for the BP for 3 months. My time ran out a month ago, as did my insurance, and I am running out of meds....I quit a month ago
I am looking for a job. i am really smart, i have an MA in econ but here in michigan the economic climate is not so good and finding a job is harder than I thought it would be.

Do any of you blessed souls know what programs I may be eligible for? Medicaid, SSI? What are consequences of enrolling in these progs? Can I work

No kids, single, white... 3 strikes right there. Im 27. Its getting bad, cant sleep, eat right. Stress but I cant get it together to head stuff off at the pass, for instance I missed a bill for the first time ever! Advice?

2007-02-25 19:20:33 · 4 answers · asked by dragon3652001 2

My husband is a good man; I love him to death (& visa versa). I'm disabled w/several syndromes & it took him time as we were dating to "understand" them (ex: my chronic pain & that it was *chronic* and okay to feel helpless about it). He wants me to be happy & does everything he can to make me happy. But, I've fought depression most of my life; now that it's been rearing its ugly head again, he doesn't understand why I sometimes feel sad & lonely & he takes my withdrawal personally. Best I could do was say it's like being in a dark room w/ no door or windows & being handed the only lamp available to light my way out & being told to put it together including the bulb. He misunderstood it as "it's too hard, so you just give up?" He's right when he said I helped him to understand my disabilities. This just happens to be 1 of them too at times. So how do I explain this w/out hurting him or our marriage?

2007-02-25 19:15:57 · 9 answers · asked by irishturtle 2

help and i'm only 13 years old nearly 14

2007-02-25 19:12:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am incredibly frightened of pocket lint. I know that this sounds strange and it's serious for me because where I work, I have people that give me change and such from their pockets and I almost have a panic attack when lint is included. Is there anyone who can offer some advice for dealing with this?

2007-02-25 18:41:15 · 4 answers · asked by Sally M 2

For more than a year I have been picking at my feet in anxiety. I have picked off skin to the bare tissue. I can barely walk. I am a logical person and don't understand this. Why can't I stop?
I have been to doctors and psychritis and they say it is extention of the pain in my life. Anyone understand this?

2007-02-25 18:39:03 · 8 answers · asked by sugarsweetsweetiepie 2

I was strolling (yes I said it, "strolling") through the swamp the other night, when all of the sudden a horrible creature with a green beard and green afro came up out of the muck and started talking about his +5 longsword he got off a goblin the other day.....I think I'm insane because what kind of goblin has a +5 longsword, am I right?

2007-02-25 18:20:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I was seven, I was raped by my 17 year old brother. I never told my family, or anyone else for that matter, nor do I want my family involved. I don't want to put them through that. I have just tried to forget about it, but it's not working. I'm now, 20 and it's affecting my relationships. What are the best ways to cope? Will I ever get over this? I'm so sad and angry. I'm just lost...Can someone give me some advice?

2007-02-25 18:12:39 · 16 answers · asked by Jane d 1

but isn't it true that there is no test that can determine if you are bipolar and it is a subjective diagnosis by Dr.s

2007-02-25 17:57:02 · 3 answers · asked by Olive 4

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