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Im a teen. I dunno, maybe that has something to do with it. I feel so...frustrated/angry/fat/depresed/ i want to scream out but i dont want anyone to hear. Ive got 5 CLOSE friends. Two of them are having bad difficulties and i just cant deal with it. I should also add i constantly feel fat and want to just start a fresh away from everyone and just break away. I have a great family/school life/friends. I dont know why im feeling like this. Im such an ungrateful cow!!! So many people are going thru worse and all i can think about is me. What is going on?

2007-02-25 06:49:28 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

32 answers

I really don't know what's going on but i have friends that feel the same way and i try to encourage them. You have to believe in your self is there a voice that's saying that you are a cow and that you are fat. Don't listen to that. Be confident in yourself say i'm proud the way i look or the way i feel and if you aren't in your heart or your soul you feel you aren't confident make plans to do what you have to do or try to loose weight. Just try to believe in yourself

Words of Confidence

2007-02-25 13:28:23 · answer #1 · answered by Angel G 1 · 0 0

It is so hard being a teen. Always know that you should never feel guilty about the way you feel. Everyone has problems and your problems are major to you. I think it is wonderful that you can acknowledge the blessings you have been given. I would start with your school counselor. They are the first line of defense for you. They will be able to talk with to see if you just need to blow off steam, or if you need to talk with someone on a long term basis. It sounds like all you need is an objective ear and some coping skills.
Also, don't be so hard on yourself about your body image. Go to your doctor and tell them your concern for your weight. They will let you know if you could use more exercise and healthier eating habits or if it is simply a perception problem. If it is a perception problem, therapy will definitely help. God bless u.

2007-02-25 07:19:03 · answer #2 · answered by missyme 1 · 0 0

Being a teenager SUCKS. I don't care who you are it sucks. You have adult hormones, an adult body, adult feelings, all these things telling you you're an adult. The fact is though you are caught in between childhood and adulthood because you don't have the experience and knowledge to deal with everything. If you think your fat, talk to your councilor or health teacher and see if you really need to lose a few pounds or if you may have an eating disorder in the offing....... Also if you do need to lose some weight they can help you do it safely. You aren't an ungrateful cow, you are a teenager stuck in a tough spot. Talk to your councilor, your parents if you can, other friends, older sibs, or even a teacher you feel comfortable with. Everyone deals with stuff during their teenage years, You are not alone, You are not the only one, even though each persons situation is unique.

2007-02-25 07:34:06 · answer #3 · answered by goddessmelanisia 4 · 0 0

you are right when you say that so many people are going through worse things than you but at the end of the day you do need to think about yourself sometimes so in my opinion your not being selfish at all. you need to look after yourself and that may be why your feeling depressed. i know this probably wont appeal to you as you are a teen but how about thinking of some after school activities like tennis, swimming or any other sport related things as the exercise will make you feel much better about yourself and you can either ask your friends to join you or even make new friends. i go through stages when i feel really fat and ugly but i think thats just a female thing. i recently joined the gym to tone my body up a bit more as i lost some weight last year and it makes you feel so much better after and you really see the difference in your confidence. if sport is really not your thing just try and get out with your friends a bit more and do the things you enjoy. make the most of your life and make sure you enjoy it. the best thing in life is to be happy and itll help others to be happy around you. good luck.

2007-02-25 07:06:00 · answer #4 · answered by Jenny S 1 · 0 1

Teens have severe fluxes of hormones that will make your moods feel crazy...yes, it's normal, but you can get counseling and ask your doctor if there is anything you can do to help ease the hormonal tides.
I didn't feel comfortable about my developing body until my late thirties when I finally felt like I grew into it...I guess I was big for my age when I was a teen. I wish I had realized that EVERYONE is different and beautiful in different ways, but my society seemed full of tiny girls getting all the attention. I realized just how different women are one day at the pool when I looked at how many shapes there are! Accept the body you have with grace.
Anyway, take care of yourself and just take pride in being healthy and content no matter how you look compared to others. One day when you are still looking good and the others have aged and withered, you will appreciate yourself more.

2007-02-25 07:01:33 · answer #5 · answered by ladystardonna 2 · 0 1

It is very common for teens to feel depressed, often for no reason at all... There are changes that all teens go through that affect the way they feel about themselves. The first thing you should do is realize that you are NOT an ungrateful cow...

Lots of teens have negative body images - you should check your weight and see if you are inside the normal range for your height. Even if you are not, this can be fixed - the best thing to do is not beat yourself up about it - it happens to the best of us. A balanced diet and exercise would not only improve your body image, it would probably improve your mood (even if you are NOT overweight - exercise is a proven anti-depressant).

It is also normal for teens to be egocentric (think about themselves alot). this does not mean that you are a bad person. It means you are normal. It is a period of life we all go through, and you should come out of it. Maybe you are just worried about yourself...

If you cannot work through these problems, you should see a psychiatrist (I'm not saying you're crazy - depression is treatable if it is diagnosed). Short of doing that, maybe you should try opening up to your friends - you say they are close - they will probably be willing to listen.... They may be able to help you through this. Also, don't be afraid to talk to your parents or your teachers - I'm sure they will be willing to do whatever they can to help.

I hope everything works out for you!

2007-02-25 07:02:23 · answer #6 · answered by Occam's Pitbull 6 · 0 1

It is possible that hormonal changes are contributing to your feelings, though your worry about being fat, and your anger at yourself for feeling this way, suggest to me that there is more to it.

You should try to get some counselling, through your school, your GP or some local services (which you can look up online).

People who tell you it's just normal for teenagers to feel this way are irresponsible and patronising, chances are these problems will stay with you into your twenties and beyond if you don't deal with them.

Also, don't feel like you're wrong for being unhappy when you seem to have a better life than other people, it just doesn't work that way. Your life may seem like it should be great, but there might be problems you just haven't realised are real problems. Counselling can help you to identify them.

I hope you can find a way to feel better. Feel free to email me if you want to.

2007-02-25 07:18:01 · answer #7 · answered by Foot Foot 4 · 0 1

Your hormones r going off the wall, u may as well b an alien, every fibre of yr body is in a state of change and that includes your mind, which means yr thoughts n feelings r all over the place, so it's best nt to take anything too seriously. Being angry/frustrated/depressd is all normal, thou it dnt feel like it, im nearly37 bt remember thinkin n feeling things that seem silly now, bt at the time they'r real eh ? try to look at all the things that make u feel good n laugh at yrself - yr nt being ungrateful, it's just life, its never as we want it, we dnt usually gt wot we wnt bt we get thru n as long as we can laugh at our silly selves we r a step closer to sortin things out. Wantin to get away is pointless cos most of our probs start with us n end with us, so it dnt matter where u go, face it head on , thats the only way. If yr overweight, drink lots of water n stick to as many fat free foods as u can, walk n find something that makes u push yr body to its limit physically - n no drugs - they really will screw yr head up n yr body, Hope ive helped, n dnt feel ungrateful, look at these millionaire beautiful looking people, they whine on about their haidressers - n comparing yrself to worse off people doesnt help yr situation so its nt worth doing that either. Was that a lecture ? lol

2007-02-25 07:12:05 · answer #8 · answered by Claire 2 · 1 1

I'm a teen too, and although this could be chalked up to "normal" teenage behavior, you sound like you may have more serious problems. Try talking to your school counselor, your parents, or a trusted, older / adult friend who you can go to for advice about your feelings -- oftentimes, it helps just to write down what your feeling as well, to get it out of your system and out into the open. You mentioned multiple times that you feel "fat" and "depressed" -- if you are unhappy with your weight (although most people consider themselves overweight when they're really not, I do too sometimes) please talk to a doctor or health care professional after consulting with your parents. You shouldn't be feeling this way -- remember that depression CAN be cured. Some ideas: you know that other people are worse off than you -- why not try volunteering at the homeless shelter, halfway house, etc?? Not only will you be exposed to people that are worse off than you, but you will be making a difference in their lives rather than focusing merely on yourself all the time. If you are religious (or even if you're not) try becoming more deeply involved in your faith. Believe me, God is deeply involved in our lives, and if you let Him help you, he will. Your faith will help you to become more deeply rooted in your daily life and give you a strong foundation to hold onto and stop becoming so caught up in your material problems. I wish you the best of luck -- please consider doing at least one of the things that I have mentioned here (they have worked for me!!). Good luck and God bless!!!

2007-02-25 07:06:13 · answer #9 · answered by piecrumz 4 · 1 1

You are just going through a stage in life when there is so much going on that it just feels overwhelming. You feel the pressures of being like everyone else, feeling you're not trendy enough, pretty enough, skinny enough. You just need to take some time to get to know yourself. Maybe try writing down what you like about yourself...you are probably a good friend, maybe a good student, maybe you have nice hair...and then have another list of what you don't like. Then think of ways how to improve yourself...getting angry and depressed will not get you anywhere, you need to start thinking constructively about making yourself feel better about who you are. Good luck.

2007-02-25 06:59:25 · answer #10 · answered by sexy_devil 4 · 0 1

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