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Pain & Pain Management - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

2007-10-29 13:08:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-29 12:58:56 · 4 answers · asked by thewayner1964 1

Bear has constantly been getting up and started limping, but after walking on it for a few minutes, he's back to normal. Lately, he won't respond to his name, and is is too much pain to lay down. My dad refuses to take him to the vet cus suposedly "he's just fine". Does he have a serious problem that for sure needs to be taken care of by a professional?

2007-10-29 11:29:43 · 2 answers · asked by pepsigirl_1992 1

I know many things about losing weight since my wife is a nurse, what I don't know, is how to control my appetite when I am getting STEROIDS BY THE MEGA DOSE TO CONTROL SEVER PAIN! If anyone has had any experience in this area, and successfully lost weight please reply.

2007-10-29 11:24:08 · 3 answers · asked by thehawkster999 1

tired, dont feel good, headache, overwhelmed, chest tight, cant breathe, cant handle must, cry a lot, get upset over things i would ussually. This has been for about 5 months, depression, stress? should i go to the dr.?

2007-10-29 11:21:18 · 7 answers · asked by Hannah B 1

It feels as if I had the surgery two weeks ago. I can't make a 90 degree angle with my arm unless I use my opposite hand to pick my arm up. Can anyone offer any advice on (1) why this happened and (2) what I should do for the pain? Thank you.

2007-10-29 11:17:01 · 1 answers · asked by dlorber2007 1

In the past few weeks I have had a strange sensation in my neck. It occurs when I am anxious/hot and bothered. The feeling is near or under my ears, it is a tightening that does not stop for an hour or two. When it first starts I even start pulling my collar thinking the neck of my shirt is too tight. I guess having a turtleneck on would feel like what I'm describing. It scares me, almost feels like someone is choking me. Sometimes its worse if I talk in a stressful way, rushed. Any ideas?

2007-10-29 11:14:08 · 4 answers · asked by HopeIsTheThingWithFeathers 1

I am 6ft 2 and have 3 bulging discs, surgery is not an option as I have been told today by my consultant. I just need to "manage my pain"

I do drive for work and at 6ft2 I find it difficult to get a car which is comfortable to drive.

I need to have the seat at its highest position (or i can walk when i stop to get out)

Does anyone have any experience of UK cars which may be suitable. many thanks

2007-10-29 09:29:11 · 7 answers · asked by chazza 2

Has anybody experienced the same problem. Also since the knee was replaced I now have hip pain.

2007-10-29 08:48:27 · 1 answers · asked by usbloke1 1

I have been getting pluracy for the last three years around this time and I have it yet again. My doctor still isn't sure why I keep getting it. I've been put on medications all three years and it doesn't seem to help much. What can I do?

2007-10-29 08:33:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you know what it is? I cant stand up, I cant sit down, Iam hurting so much, and I cant take anything bc Iam pregnant. Please tell me bc I am seriously considering going to the emergency room.

2007-10-29 08:25:27 · 17 answers · asked by Is that your final answer? 3

Ok, so since friday, i've had a soar throat, but yesterday i completely lost my voice, 2day i sound really groggy, and my throat feels like it's on fire. Nothing making it feel better, and i've already taken advil and tylenol 2day along w/ like a million halls cough drops. I really have 2 go 2 school 2morrow, any ideas on how i could get my voice back, and make my throat feel better, plz any suggestions could help me!

2007-10-29 08:22:30 · 9 answers · asked by yea shawty! 3


My shins are so oversensitive. Even touching them hurts. It has been this way for probably a yr, but seems like its getting much worse, since now it hurts when i walk too. I tried researching it online, and all that keeps coming up is about runners getting shin splints. Well, i dont run, and spend only an average amount of time on my feet (i dont work standing all day or anything). Last night my 4 yr old ran into my shins and i literally saw stars and thought i would pass out from the pain. What could this be? And please dont tell me to go to the Dr...i know i should, but i have a phobia of Dr's.

2007-10-29 07:52:23 · 7 answers · asked by Jessica 3

Last week I started getting shooting pains through the left side of my head to the back of my left eye. For the past couple of days the pain is more prolonged behind my eye and my neck is aching like billy oh . I have been under some stress and I suppose a bit more than usual which is why if others have had the same symptoms when stressed I dont want to bother my doc with it. Thanks

2007-10-29 07:46:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i sit in science and we have these really horrable stolls and it starts to hurt my back after a while i feel if i crack my back it will help how would i do it with out the teacher noticeing

2007-10-29 07:36:51 · 1 answers · asked by DR REAPER 2

I've had lower back pain in my right side so I went to the doctor. I also had the constant need to urinate but no pain when I actually urinate. I've never had a UTI before but that is what they treated me for. It has been 2 days since I have been off the antibiotics and I am still having the same pain. It isn't very painful, just annoying. I have a follow up appointment but I'm impatient and want to know what could be wrong. Thanks.

2007-10-29 07:18:13 · 5 answers · asked by Lindsey A 1

i just noticed a small pea sized lump on the left side of my throat.I can feel it when i run my fingers down the side of my throat.It dosent hurt or cause any discomfort.i am 26 year old and i wouldnt think it would be cancer but i was wondering if it could be tonsils or thyroid.If any one has any ideas feel free to let me know.And yes i do know to give it a few days and if its still there to go to the dr.

2007-10-29 06:35:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My MRI from April says: "L5/S1 degenerative changes with central disc herniation deforming the anterior margin of the thecal sac."

I don't even know what a thecal sac is! I DO know that I have back pain that prevents me from getting any kind of restful sleep. I don't have sciatic problems. When I bring up my herniated disc issues, people immediately assume I have sciatica and start telling me about their sciatic pain. I was wondering if there's anyone else out there with similar back problems who can shed some light on this. Did you have surgery? Do you have flare ups in between periods of well-being?

I felt great all summer but I've been feeling pretty lousy since September. Thanks!

2007-10-29 06:28:17 · 5 answers · asked by Visions_Of_Johanna 3

I don't know why but mine does and a few others are complaining about it too. What should I do to sooth my throat?

2007-10-29 05:59:25 · 13 answers · asked by ShrunkenFro™ 7

Okay I had my surgery thursday the 25th. I had the 4 incension surgery. Im doing pretty good. I just have a question about what they used to hold my skin together. My belly button is the only thing sore. It feels like it is a poke every time i move. I cant remember what they used to close my incesion with. I know its not staples b.c I asked them after I woke up if they used thema nd they said no they said something else but im not sure what it was b.c i was still half asleep. I think there white and they feel like there plastic and there flexiable. Other then that its all healing good. I just dont know if I need to be worried about my bellybutton or not.

2007-10-29 05:52:51 · 2 answers · asked by Sexy_Bitch 2

i have this chest pain in my left chest. its very mild but i want to know what it is. sometimes i just felt a finger pushing a part of my left chest. sometimes i feel the pain on my chest ribs and sometimes i feel discomfort when raising my hands. but whats constant is i felt it for weeks now.

i wanna know if its a muscle pain or not? i still have traumatic experience because of the death of my mom due to heart attack..

to those who will answer.. thank you in advance and also do pray for me.. thank you!

2007-10-29 05:51:11 · 3 answers · asked by Jeremiah Zacarias 2

I get migraines every so often, and I was wondering what the best way to treat them was. I've used Excedrine Migraine, but it doesn't always work. If you have any suggestions I would greatly appriciate it.

2007-10-29 05:46:58 · 10 answers · asked by LilyDragon 3

Recently my husband found out that there's a lump on the left side of neck,he feels sharp pain on and off .. We went to our family clinic and he prescribe the antibotics for him , the doctor say that the cause of lump should be cause by infection so this few weeks he eaten the medicine and the lumps really gone down but after 1 weeks later it came back again... Can anyone tell me what can we do to make the lumps disappered....

2007-10-29 04:56:33 · 1 answers · asked by worriedworried 1

I had invited my friends yesterday for lunch and while cooking I had to cut quite a few green chillies. Now my I have a burning sensation on my hand. Can anybody suggest any solution for this. Thanks in advance.

2007-10-29 04:56:26 · 3 answers · asked by The Orion 1

Do you find that you're exhausted most of the time? When it hurts less due to medication or any other reason (just having a good day, just had trigger point injections, etc.), do you find that your level of alertness and energy increase dramatically?

I think I see a connection in myself... I don't take my pain meds (not opiates, other stuff) every day, but I've noticed that on days when I don't take them if I'm in pain, I feel extremely tired most of the day. This is also true on days when I take them, but they don't really do the job because it's just a particularly bad day.

I guess I'm trying to figure out the cause and effect relationships.

Maybe I'm hurting because I'm tired? Maybe I'm tired because I'm hurting? Maybe there's a different reason for both? Maybe the correlation is in my head? lol

2007-10-29 04:46:09 · 4 answers · asked by Joy R 2

I have had two knee scopes and have horrible arthritis and constant knee pain. Vicodin is the only thing that seems to work for the pain. No I am not an addict or junkie, I'm a 38 year old married mother of 3 who has a full time job outside the home who just can't take being in constant pain anymore. Any suggestions from anyone? I am too young for a knee replacement I'm being told so........

2007-10-29 04:27:32 · 10 answers · asked by Donna C 1

I think I slept wrong on my shoulder jamming it. During the summer it wasn't so bad when I was taking glucosamine but I stopped taking it. I think I jammed my arm again, or I need more Glucosamine, because when I lift my arm shoulder length I hear a popping - like the kid in high school who cracked his knuckles - I also feel pain. Any exersizes ? Therapy ?

2007-10-29 04:09:52 · 2 answers · asked by martin r 1

My right tonsil seems swollen and my throat is a bit tender as well. Is this anything to be nervous about? I'm 24 and have always had a somewhat enlarge right tonsil, but it's never hurt like this. The throat is tender when you put pressure on it (if you press my neck from the outside), and internally my throat hurts a bit as well, but I always have a slight postnasal drip so that's not really a cause for concern.

Is this simply a small case of tonsillitis? (No, I don't see any white spots or anything on the tonsil just yet.) The tonsil feels enlarged enough that it's physically uncomfortable. Can I just take Tylenol/Ibuprofen, get rest, and wait it out?

2007-10-29 03:55:55 · 3 answers · asked by dmsymbol 2

and is there anything that can cure?

2007-10-29 02:58:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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