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Pain & Pain Management - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

2006-08-31 23:45:56 · 10 answers · asked by budhha 2

Besides surgery can anyone PLEASE suggest any medicines or therapies for tendon inflammation of both fingers and toes?

2006-08-31 23:22:57 · 4 answers · asked by indian girl 1

2006-08-31 21:10:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Could the cleaning cause the fever. I also have a very bad headache. I told the dentist that I have Trigaminal Facial Nueralgia, but he worked harder in causing me as much pain as he could possibly do to a patient. I have been going to him for a few years and he has never treated me like this before.

Any ideas?

2006-08-31 19:39:50 · 1 answers · asked by dgraney2001 1

2006-08-31 19:35:58 · 4 answers · asked by bpaa11 1

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

2006-08-31 17:01:22 · 7 answers · asked by hey you 5

2006-08-31 16:20:19 · 2 answers · asked by MAK 6

My doctor diagnosed me with falling arches and prescribed me special insoles to put in my shoes. However, the insoles hurt worse than being without them.
Recently I started a new job, standing 8 hrs a day. I can't even stand up anymore. I get home and I'm falling down all over, that's how bad the foot pain is.

It's basically swelling in both feet at about 2 hrs., then my feet start to ache at 3 hrs. on the job, then my feet start burning (I don't mean a slight burn, I mean "someone has a flame up to my feet" burn) this happens at about 5 hrs into the day. By the time the day is done, I'm basically falling over. I also have bad aches in my back.

Is it just the falling archs problems, or maybe something more medical?

2006-08-31 15:44:15 · 8 answers · asked by Carla N 2

I do NOT deal well with pain - I cried just thinking about it after my consult. with the oral surgeon. So... Percocet or Vicodin?

2006-08-31 09:46:38 · 18 answers · asked by L S 1

I'm pretty sure we have all done it once in our lives. I slept on my neck the wrong way and because of it I can not turn my neck to the left with out extreme pain. What is the best way to treat this.

2006-08-31 07:22:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My hands hurt all the time and my right one is pretty painful/stiff. My massage therapist says surgery is dangerous and not necessary, and that massage will help. Do you think this is true? Have you had surgery and regretted it? Any other details you can share would be great!!!

2006-08-31 04:07:40 · 15 answers · asked by alwaysright 3


I woke up this morning with a strange pain in my chest. It mostly hurts when I take a deep breath. It almost feels like very sore muscles around my rib cage, but I haven't done anything to make them sore. I've pretty much just been lounging around the past few days! My family thinks I may be having a panic attack, but I've never had one before so I don't know what they're like. I have been diagnosed with depression, but at the moment there isn't anything that's bothering me that may even cause a panic attack. Anyone ever have a problem like this??? And by the way I am only 21, I do smoke but not that much. Should I call the doctor now or should I wait to see if it passes?

2006-08-31 03:50:20 · 10 answers · asked by sparkles 4


My GF,has been experiencing weird pains for the last 3 days.We were having sex on monday and after we finished,she said she had a hard time breathing.....last night,She ate a sandwich and called me in the morning telling me she had a really strong stomach pain.....something she had never felt before....Then Tonight,she told me she had a pain and discomfort on her side as well as a headache....any ideas as to what this could be and the severity????..thanks

2006-08-30 22:12:37 · 5 answers · asked by Max Powers 4

2006-08-30 20:28:11 · 2 answers · asked by bhopedipak 1

I've recently suffered a Salter Harris Fracture Type 2 in in my left knee, along with a sprained MCL. Because I am a hemophiliac (yes, I know, a female hemophilac - it's rare and I'm one of the few in the USA), I can't take any NSAIDs, as they thin your blood and it would cause bleeding in my joint (which also happened with said injury, but it was drained). I also have a fatel allergy to Tylenol since I was a toddler - I'll go into Anaphlyatic shock if it gets into my system. I was given a total of 4 cortisone shots, which helped, but the pain was still signifgant.The Orthopedic Surgen perscribed me Oxycodone for pain (the only other drug which I can take, Ultram, wasn't helping). I was perscribed 10 miligrams (2 Tablets), every 6 hours. But so many people have told me that I will become addicted before I know it, and I'm scared to take it now. What are the chances of this? Can I prevent it? I'm in allot of pain, but I'm afraid that I'll find myself addicted if I take it...

2006-08-30 16:57:50 · 5 answers · asked by Cherished_Bride 3

in your shoulder

2006-08-30 15:51:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

whats the fastest way to heal a cut or bite inside my mouth.

2006-08-30 15:48:36 · 5 answers · asked by KidHeretic 1

Please read in full. For the past maybe two to three years that I can remember I have had a pain in my lower back and to my right side. It is lower than the kidneys and I have had tests done for kidney or bladder infections. I have never had any further testing done as I have no insurance and wouldn't even know where to start.

Anyways, sometimes I won't feel the pain for months and there are times when it feels as if someone is stabbing my with a knife or it burns like fire. Sometimes it is a more constant dull pain. I can't think of anything that triggers it to be worse than other times. What could this be?

P.S. The only thing I can remember around the time I started feeling this pain was I was pushing my motorcyle out of the garage by standing next to it, it started to tip over and I grabbed it and was leaning and straining to pull it back up. Could this be a pulled muscle and why would it last so long and flare up sometimes?

2006-08-30 14:04:05 · 7 answers · asked by Amy >'.'< 5

I need the ultimate one night heal. I have a football game tommorow and if I don't I am kicked off the team I want to be as refreshed and sore free as I can. So should I use heat or ice. Bengay? Tips. Tricks. Thanks all help would be appreciated. Don't say quit or I don't know please.

2006-08-30 13:56:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've heard mixed things about this...can rain or thunderstorms cause someone who has had a surgically repaired joint (my shoulder) pain?

2006-08-30 13:43:35 · 12 answers · asked by The Snake 2

Or reduce the pain? It's killing me... lozenges, sprays, Tylenol and Motrin don't work. It's not strep. Any ways to make it feel better until I can get something for it?

2006-08-30 13:42:17 · 7 answers · asked by kae 4

it a little round pill white with v at the top slash in the middle an 5012 at the bottom

2006-08-30 13:16:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-30 10:25:13 · 8 answers · asked by chunkymunky 1

I'm having a severe back ache and when I type my shoulders starts aching and back is continuosly aching terribly. Dont know what to do....

2006-08-30 08:30:26 · 2 answers · asked by xyz 1

i need some good lube or painkillers because i have this hand stuck up my ar*e and i'm in agony its no fun being a glove puppet

2006-08-30 07:53:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

so i don't know how to get them to stop. what should i soak them in? hot water? cold water? i don't have any weird soak stuff so just plain and simple. it feels like i've been wearing heals for a long time thats the pain but its from tennis so yeah. help. also when your running how do you get rid of those cramps you get from running?

2006-08-30 06:39:38 · 2 answers · asked by blondecoley 4