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Pain & Pain Management - October 2007

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I'm 16 by the way so don't think I'm pregnant right off the bat. Anyways back to my problem. I went to Disneyland from Sept 10-14 and when I got back I started having this pain in my sides where my kidneys are. I thought it was just food poisoning but when it didn't go away after a week or so I stayed home from school and went to the doctor since I had thrown up twice earlier that morning. The doctor thought it was a urinary tract infection and gave me some medicine for it. I took all that medicine and I'm still having pain in my side. The doctor found out that it wasn't an infection and that he's not sure what it is. I haven't had a fever lately and I haven't thrown up lately either. I just want to know what this pain could be. Do you guys have any ideas?

2007-10-01 17:04:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My doctor prescribed Diazepam as a muscle relaxer for my neck, I also have a horrible head cold/respiratory infection infection. She recommended over the counter meds, as it is not bacterial and so I have taken some Nyquil. Should I take the diazapam as well? I feel like a drug store cowboy!

2007-10-01 16:36:06 · 4 answers · asked by Calisam 2

what haappens will it hurt me?

2007-10-01 13:47:22 · 21 answers · asked by dan a 2

since i was a little girl my knees use to pop and would hurt i was afraid sit in the floor cause it was a pain killer getting back up and my knee would pop. but since i was like 13 one night they hurt so bad they made me cry and more if i moved them. and so it started like that and every year it hurts like that but now its getting worst cause now it just starts to get cold and it will start hurting. like last week one knee was hurting so bad i could not sleep.. and its cuase that evening i pump into something but it was nothing serious well that night was a nightmare and then this week like last night both of thim wore in so much pain i cry all night and i could not even get up of bed to get me an advile i could not even touch them. but this time it wasnt just at night.. they hurt all night and all morning untill around 11:00 am they stop if i was just sitting or in bed but i would walk and the pain will come back and now they are still in a little pain.

2007-10-01 13:03:34 · 3 answers · asked by Nancy 3

I have a small white spot on the side/tip of my tongue, its not raised but it has been hurting so bad for the past 5 days, it hurts to eat, i have tried baking soda, an asprin, orajel, and salt, nothing helps, it hurts so bad i can cry, my whole jaw hurts at times after I eat, has anyone had this, what can I do other than go to the doc, please help im miserable♥

2007-10-01 11:58:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-01 10:06:18 · 7 answers · asked by angel 3 1

having been prescribed soluble aspirin to prevent strokes at a dose of 1 a day..... the patient who is a little forgetful ...due to age .... has taken at least triple that ... even though ... they are being monitored .... when there isnt anyone there ... they forget they have taken the tablet and so takes another.....

2007-10-01 07:52:14 · 11 answers · asked by amlis 3

I don´t know what caused it originally and don´t know what I could be doing to aggravate it or what counts as ¨rest.¨ The only thing I do is walk - average of about a mile a day - because I don´t have a car. But I´m going crazy not getting more exercise. I´ve heard conflicting advice about stretching and what to do or not to do in general. Should I do yoga? Stop walking? Specific stretches? Haven´t had much luck with physial therapy either. Can anyone give me advice?

2007-10-01 07:26:23 · 1 answers · asked by kaelasage 1

I have a large bump the size of a gumball that came up on my inner elbow after I hit my elbow about 3 months...its still there but doesnt have any pain associated with it...does anyone know what this could be??

2007-10-01 07:11:35 · 1 answers · asked by gracey 6

2007-10-01 05:48:12 · 7 answers · asked by mcksimmy 2

I've met a wonderful man whom I will be married to next Feb. 14th. He's told me that he gets headaches and normally wakes up with them but that they can also come later on too. Sometimes they are beyond what Ibuprofen can do. Come to find out, countless thousands have been spent testing and doing things to no avail. This has been since 5th grade he says and he is 38 now. They are always right in the middle of the forehead above the nose. Anyone have any thoughts? this really bothers and scares me.

2007-10-01 05:25:17 · 4 answers · asked by no one 2


2007-10-01 05:06:50 · 3 answers · asked by FULTZ 1

no surgery just exercise

2007-10-01 04:43:45 · 2 answers · asked by darna_ako 1

Its on the same side as the thumb on the top. I just woke up this morning with this lump. Wrist feels restricted and achey but I wouldnt say it was painful at all.... More prominent if i move my hand down. Any ideas?

2007-10-01 04:24:43 · 9 answers · asked by JustJem 6

i have had really bad nausea (but not been vomiting at all, just feeling like I am about to vomit ALL the time - especially when moving - i.e car, bus,train etc, and also when I lie down to go to sleep - I cannot lie on my back as then I just feel too sick) This has been going on for about 6-8 months - first really noticed it when I had some wisdom teeth infections and tonsillitis at the same time, but then after those got fixed up I felt a bit better, and now feel really sick again. I also broke my leg a few months ago so have been feeling extra nauseous but was still feeling really nauseous prior to that as well.

I am busy (have a toddler to look after, study full time, and work part time from home, and walk my 2 dogs) but just feel sick and tired ALL the time - even when I get to have plenty of sleep and rest.

Has anyone had anything similar??? My throat is a bit sore as well.

2007-10-01 03:42:43 · 2 answers · asked by Diana 1

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