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Injuries - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

im a baller, an artist, and video gamer. for about 3 weeks, over the summer, i played basketball at the y for 2 hours, and then when i come back from playing basketball, i play video games and i draw. then one day, my arm felt weak. i couldnt shoot very well in basketball. cuz my arm was weak, but i dont feel any pain. my doctor said, dont worry about it. i dont trust my doctor lol. anyways, what is this? is this strained elbow?or tennis elbow? or is it nothing that it my arm becomes weak when i overuse my arm?most people who had strained elbow or tennis elbow, they said there is alot of pain and weakness on ur arm. but i dont have pain, its just weak.my parents think that sometimes it happens when i overuse my arm, my right arm (good arm) is weaker than my left arm (weaker arm). if i feel my right arm, there are less muscles than left arm now. its been a month. IS THIS PERMANENT? i tried using it, and i can see the difference, no distance when i shoot. just doesnt feel right u know

2007-09-12 10:40:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got tackled and hurt my left lower back.
i went to the doctors and she said i shuld avoid contact activites for 1 week.
well its been almost 4 weeks now and its better but now it hurts when i bend or lean a certain way. it also went over to the other side when i bend and lean a certain way. she searched for scholiosis and said that i had it a little. wtf ive never even had like any signs of it. and last year i got checked last year and i didnt have it. Seriousely im about sick of it and i would like to really no. thank you. oh and i also went to the doctors yesterday and she said that i should wait a frew more weeks.

2007-09-12 09:53:24 · 5 answers · asked by Bill T 1

A guy i used to work with got stopped by a policeman because he had a screwdriver sticking out of his head.
He had no idea he had been stabbed, it had ruptured his brain. An odd chap.

2007-09-12 08:04:44 · 21 answers · asked by Icarus 6

Because i was in karate last night and my ankle started to hurt about halfway threw the second class.(brown & black belt class) The pain is still there today. it goes from fight obove my heel and it goes strait down the center all the way up to about 2 inches away from my knee. What do you think i did. It hurts just alittle. It hurts alittle when you walk and it hurts more if you point your toes to the ground while standing up of try standing flat footed and pul your toes trying to make the point up while the rest of your foot is flat on the ground. What could i have done?

2007-09-12 07:04:55 · 3 answers · asked by tree_mower 2

i injured my back an didnt think much of it because working at UPS for 2 years i have had all kinds of aches and pains that just come and go, after 2 weeks it is really bothering me and i brought it up to my supervisor who in turn accused me of lying but sent me to the clinic to get it checked out, the doctor made me touch my choulders move side to side and touch my toes, then he poked me in the back a few times an concluded by saying i strained some ligaments and i am to return to work same day(shift was over anyways)....... so my problem is that the bribery of a clinic doctor was brought up at a union meeting and i am curious about whether or not i got screwed. my back twitches after a long day of work and i get random numb/tingling over my spine and the doc didnt take any of that into consideration and just wrote me off, so does anyone know how i should go about taking care of this or know where i can find a good article about a situation similar to mine??? thoughts are welcome

2007-09-12 06:47:30 · 4 answers · asked by chrisss9889 1

my son broke his wrist and the cast is coming off 2day, does anyone know how they remove them??

2007-09-11 19:39:08 · 7 answers · asked by ? 5

On August 18th I was getting into the drivers side backseat of an SUV and the person driving the car didn't know I wasn't fully in the car yet and started driving and drove over my foot but my ankle twisted and the tire twisted it into a very odd angle. I went to an urgent care the next morning and told them what happened and they refused to x-ray it because they said I would need more than an x-ray so I went to the E.R. and all they ended up doing was x-raying it and saying it was sprained but a workout trainer I know said that you can tear tendons when something like that happens and my foot and ankle still hurt when I move them in different positions and angles. Does anyone know anything I can do BESIDES going BACK to the hospital?

2007-09-11 17:37:06 · 4 answers · asked by addicted2hockey060607 2

A few days ago...I fell on my back and hurt my back terribly. I skipped gym twice and don't want to skip it again but I'm doing cross country in gym and need to get in shape and I think my teacher is getting annoyed with me for skipping...It just hurts so bad to run...any tips for me?

2007-09-11 15:21:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


My right pectoral muscle is killing me. If I raise my arms in the air it hurts. If I push out my chest it hurts too. I think that this injury is a result of overtraining. Football season started up, and I didn't change my routine to a less intense one. Whatever, you live and you learn. But anyways I need advice on this injury. I've done a bit of research and I think it could be just a tear, but you never know, it could be something as serious as pneumomediastinum (hole in your lungs or something).

I'm probably going to the doc tommorow. But does anybody here know anythin about what I am experiencing?

Ask questions if you need to. THANKS

2007-09-11 15:19:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok. So, my boyfriend was at football practice, and this HUGE guy fell on him. He also stepped on his penis with cleats on. My boyfriend is now having sharp pains and is urinating blood. We are both very worried. I tried to make him go to the doctor, and he says he might, but I just need to know what the problem might be?.. PLEASE HELP!!!

2007-09-11 11:04:42 · 19 answers · asked by dazednconfused 1

Ok first off I have had 2 c sections. One I had an epidural with and the other I had a spinal. I'm not sure if that plays a part or not. Yesterday the pain started in my lower bacl. It has happened several times before. It hurts to do anything I can't even lay down or anything. My lower back feels like there is something out of place or that doesn't belong there. My hips and and sides of my buttocks ache like there is no tomorrow. Everything I do every move I make makes it worse. It hurts enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. I also feel muscle soreness in my lower abs. I have not exercised or been involed in anything to make me sore. I am not over weight and am in decent shape. Any ideas on what this can be? How can I make it better? It hurts and I have to sit at a desk for 8 hours everyday for my job. Thanks

2007-09-11 10:51:33 · 7 answers · asked by ashlee91977 2

I recently pulled my muscle in my quadricep and I have a lot of athletic things coming up very soon and I really want to be able to do them; how long do you think it will take for my pulled muscle to heal, and what's the fastest/best cure?

2007-09-11 10:28:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alright, so on Saturday, (three days ago) I got my collar bones pierced, as a surface piercing, it's seaming to bruise extremely bad, &I'm starting to get worried, although, it may just be part of the healing process, it doesn't hurt at all, so I don't think that it is infected, but does anyone know anything about it?
Is it normal for it to bruise?
Is it infected?

Here's a picture if you'd like to look to get a better idea;

Thanks. <33

Oh, &PS, I don't want your ridiculous critizims, they're only annoying, &it won't change my point of views at all, so don't even try it,
if it honestly makes you feel better about yourself to try &make me feel like ****, then go ahead, because it won't make a difference. :D :D

2007-09-11 10:23:35 · 6 answers · asked by kara skeetskeet 2

i do not have health insurance so a doctor visit is going to be extremely expensive or a major hassle at the free clinic. my neighbor is an emergency room nurse (she is young 26). she is a friend, but not really close one.

while have sex with my girlfriend, we were going fast and i slipped out and missing going back in and bent back my erection in a very painful way.

now a strange bulge appears only when i get erect. it looks normal soft. i am worried about it but i can't afford to go to the doctor unless it is serious.

is it wrong to ask her to take a look at it to find out if this is something that is serious or just something that i can take care of at home?

2007-09-11 09:52:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

he bang hes head earlyer hes had a nap and worken up ok he hasnt been sick he said it hurts will he be ok is there anythink i sould keep an eye out for hes two yrs old and he has a little bump

2007-09-11 09:51:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i run on a treadmill a lot...i know all of the downfalls of it...i've heard it all trust me! BUT my question is...what does it mean if you feel your foot going numb? the pain will start in my knee when i'm running and i can slowly feel my right foot falling asleep AS i'm running. this isn't ok...i know that...and i've stopped the treadmill workouts.

2007-09-11 06:43:19 · 4 answers · asked by notsolucky 3

During gym i broke my nose. It was bleeding severly, so i had to go to the emergency room. It is all swollen now and and under my eye. I also have a black eye. I've been icing it, but i want the swelling to go down quickly. What is the best thing to do? If i just have to wait, how long is it likely to take?

2007-09-11 04:10:09 · 6 answers · asked by Rachel 2

For the last 3 or so weeks i have had this uncomftable pain in my right ankle.

The pain started in the area between the middle of my ankle and the round looking bone on the side of your foot (sorry, dont know the name of the bone) and its become a little swollen. I wouldnt say its hurting enough to make me really scream out in pain, but its almost a heavy feeling in my ankle, which sometimes feels like its throbbing, just annoying and uncomftable. As the weeks have gone ahead the pain sometimes reaches the back of my achilles.
more recently the pain has also come up in my left ankle in the same place (not as much as in the right ankle though and no pain the left achilles). anyone help me and tell me whats going on?! It hasnt stopped me running about or taking part in activities such as football/soccer. Though i do wear a extra sock and tape the right ankle up.
Your help would be appreciated. Thank You!

2007-09-11 03:25:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-11 03:06:43 · 4 answers · asked by Johnny Law III 3

I have:
shin splints, so I cant walk very far or for very long.
a pain in my coccyx when I stand up.
a blister, and Im wearing flip-flops which keep rubbing it.
AND I'm having a bad hair day.

Wot a crap day.

2007-09-11 02:35:14 · 7 answers · asked by Gemma T 5

As I woke up from a sleep on a train, I noticed my small finger (the upper part of it) was trapped under the coach. More than a day has passed and I still feel numbness. There wasn't any weird coloration and neither a noticeable swelling. I can move it but my sensation in it is still altered and I have almost no control over it when typing on the keyboard. Should I expect it to heal naturally, or it could be a more serious problem (like nerve damage)?

2007-09-11 01:11:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-10 16:20:31 · 5 answers · asked by jace 4

I was hit by a locomotive in 1990 at 70 MPH, in my car, with my huband driving! My husband had a bump on his head. My son (18 yrs) had just graduted from the Marine corps in South Carolina had a fractured jaw. My oldest daughter (7yrs) went out throught the back windshield and was found where the trunk used to be. My youngest daughter (4 yrs) had 280+ stiches in her face and was in surgery for more than 7 hours to have her face reconstructed. I lost the top of my right ear and had 50 stitches in the back on the right side of my head. there was no gate, nor a bell to warn us before the train hit us. Our Camero SS was hitthree times...the front ripped off, the side sucked in, and the back torn off to the back seat. If we had had our seatbelts on, we would NOT be here today!

2007-09-10 15:56:26 · 5 answers · asked by Suneagle47 2

my son just had minor surgery today and I was wondering if there was anything I could use once his incisions heal, to minimize scaring? anything that actually works?

2007-09-10 10:44:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought i sprained my ankle litteraly 2 week and 2 days ago, it instantly swelled, turned blue and purple and I couldn't walk on it for about a week. Then the bruising healed, I could begin to walk perfectally normal, but it's STILL just as swollen. I wake in the morning and my foot looks like it's normal size, but as soon as I leave work, my foot is huge again. There isn't any discomfort or pain, it's just swollen, maybe a little tight feeling. Does anyone have any quick assumptions to this? I do not have help insurance, hence I am asking for advice on here, if i MUST go to the doctor, than obviously I will. But if there is a diagnosis someone can help me with, that would be great!

PS Yes i have elevated it and put ice on it for the entire 2 weeks.

2007-09-10 09:33:04 · 1 answers · asked by inherunderwear 1

I recently pulled a muscle, lower part of my left trapezius/about where it connects to the lat and muscles of the lower back. I tore it 8 years ago, has bothered me for years since, but for last 7 months of working out have been ultra cautious with it - and pulled it jumping rope last week.

For the first couple days I iced it, now I warm up and stretch it everyday, do a couple hot compresses a day, and wall pushes once or twice. Its been exactly 1 week - still not fully healed, but with my care it's healing very rapidly.

For the couple months leading up to when I pulled it, I would jump rope every morning, then after work go to martial arts classes for an hour 4-5 times a week, then do pushups and abs immediately afterwards - all with warm-up and stretching beforehand. When I resume physical activity I won't do all these things at once so suddenly - but my questions are:

2007-09-10 09:19:27 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been diagnosed with a dislocated coccyx (tailbone) and I have seen a physiatrist which is a type of sports medicine doctor and he says there is nothing to do. I mean honestly I can barely drive and he says there is nothing to do about it? He says this may have been caused by my daughter while I was pregnant from her laying on it and just dislocated the coccyx.

2007-09-10 07:40:39 · 13 answers · asked by rscottsluv 1

i knelt down on the slate in my home and landed on my knee and i went to the dr.they said nothing was wrong but my knee cap is higher that its suppost to be and they want me to get an MRI does anyone have an idea as to whats wrong?
i felt a pop when i knelt and there was lots of swelling and i still can't bend it or walk
and i get stabbing burning pain going through my knee.

2007-09-10 07:27:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

played football today, and got studded on the forearm.
anyone got any tips on how to kill the pain

2007-09-10 07:10:55 · 2 answers · asked by i love cricket 1

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