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General Health Care - October 2007

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First Aid · Injuries · Other - General Health Care · Pain & Pain Management

my arm more than a 50 degree angle, could I have torn a muscle?

2007-10-22 02:52:25 · 10 answers · asked by ~*Arabian Princess*~ 2 in Injuries

I cut my foot recently and I need some advice. It seems to be okay and not infected. Is it better to keep neosporin and a band-aid on it or let it dry out and try to scab over? Being diabetic I know it will take longer to heal but please let me know how to handle it.

2007-10-22 02:40:13 · 11 answers · asked by rlanconjr 2 in First Aid

it has been with me for a while,it is not severe as i can do anything i want but it does bother me,i have a clicking sound sometimes when i rotate my hips, how can i strenghthen my hip

2007-10-22 01:51:50 · 1 answers · asked by sarfraz a 1 in Injuries

i have been on methadone for about 2 & a half years. i want to get off of it. how do i do this? without getting all sick ?

2007-10-22 01:41:00 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management


For the past few months i have this tingly, sharp feeling in the back of my leg. Mostly in the left. This seems to happen mostly when I sit down or lay down. I can hardly sleep now because it is getting worse. Is it time to go to the hospital? I read somewhere it could be the veigns (place were the blood runs through).

2007-10-22 01:39:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

If anyone has leg problems as a result of hardwood floors, please let me know anything that helped alleviate the pain.

2007-10-22 01:23:21 · 3 answers · asked by Hatbe 1 in Pain & Pain Management

Be absolutley honest please

If a very close relative of yours had to be adicted to alcohol or smoking, which would you choose?

2007-10-22 01:11:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

Everytime i make my bad my back starts hurting..Im only 13 and i do p.e twice a week..Why does it start hurting?

2007-10-21 22:49:32 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

Since about junior year, I'm a freshman in college now, I noticed that it's a lot harder for me to breath. It feels a little like I have some fluid disrupting the passage of air. When I run i get very weezy and if it is something strenuous like sprinting or running a long distance I get very weezy and end up stopping and coughing a ton. I smoke weed every once in a while, it's usually two or three times a month, so I really doubt that would have an impact. I don't even really smoke weed anymore. I don't do much cardio anymore. But it is hard for me to really do too much or really push it on any cardio workout without having to stop and take a breather, which usually involves me wheezing a lot and coughing a lot. I've always had some trouble with cardio workouts because I'm more of a sprinter than a long distance runner. But I didn't use to find it this hard to breath after hard run. What could this be? What could've caused this? Is it just that I'm really out of shape?

2007-10-21 20:55:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

I don't know why. Is this an ear infection? Its really really new, uhm i noticed it this morning. It started as i woke up this morning but it happened a dozen times before stopping.any ideas?

2007-10-21 20:39:20 · 1 answers · asked by odokodo 1 in Other - General Health Care

2007-10-21 20:37:39 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3 in First Aid

I'm a teacher, so I'm on my feet pretty much the whole day. Lately, my feet have begun to hurt immensely near the heels. If I sit for a long time, and then get up, it's almost impossible to walk right away. They always hurt, even when I'm wearing comfy shoes. What's wrong?

2007-10-21 20:16:44 · 7 answers · asked by I really hate my job... 4 in Pain & Pain Management

i mean is it better to sleep on hours of 3's like 3,6,9 and if you can only sleep for a maximim of 7 hours do you get a better rest if you take only 6 hours of sleep?

2007-10-21 19:58:26 · 12 answers · asked by Tayna H 1 in Other - General Health Care

My left arm was previously broken about 4 years ago when i was 10 years old. My elbow didnt start squaking until acouple months ago. Does anyone know what could be causing this?

2007-10-21 19:33:35 · 2 answers · asked by Tayna H 1 in Injuries

Just wondering

2007-10-21 19:13:58 · 5 answers · asked by Koter Boters misses Rufus! 6 in Injuries

ok, so i have bags under my eyes. I sleep normal (7-8) hours a night, and I eat regularly. I went to the doctor for check ups, and he said I might have anemia. So, I had a blood test done. When he got the results, he told me that I am perfectly fine. I'm not anemic, and that I'm doing well. I asked him about the bags, and having nothing else to say, he said that maybe I should try claritin clear for that. He didn't prescribe it, so I don't want to use it. Maybe there's some kind of trick to getting rid of them? Or a creme? thanks

2007-10-21 19:06:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

2007-10-21 18:18:03 · 17 answers · asked by djgunn93 1 in Pain & Pain Management

ok wat if i have also taken some thing that says taking more of this medicine may cause serious breathing problems wat should i do?

2007-10-21 18:07:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

I am a 17 year old girl and since I was about 12 I have had those spells where I stand up too quickly and kind of momentarily blackout. I understand why these happen.
However, this past year I have been having different but similar spells. I will stand up quickly, and make it about 10 steps. At this point I will receive the usual blackout but my head will also start to convulse. It will move forward and backward. I will usually also fall painfully, normally into a wall. All in all I'd guess this episode lasts about 3 to 8 seconds. I also find myself thinking inexplicably about a random object or task. Like a deck of cards. Or brushing my teeth. Even if these things had nothing to do with my prior thoughts.
I do have SLIGHTLY low blood pressure, but nothing notable. I eat pretty well and I am very athletic. This is probably nothing but the head shaking and falling worries me. Has anyone experienced the same feeling? Should I just write this off as a drop in blood pressure? Or is it something more serious? Thank you.

2007-10-21 17:36:02 · 16 answers · asked by ohaigirl 2 in Other - General Health Care

I am getting randomly drug tested by my parents and i was wondering if i was to get one of my buddies piss thats clean if i just store it some were can i still use it for a test say like a month later or how long does it last. if it helps they r using one of those at home ones so its not like a real analysis and i no its suppose to smell bad when its old but i dont really care about that and if it gets to dark i can just lighten it up with some water

2007-10-21 17:11:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

I have had low back pain ever since I had my son 13 months ago. It hurts 90% of the day and about 40% of the day it is scale 10 pain. I am only 26 years old. My dr just gives me pain med and tells me to go see a chiropractor or a physical therapist. I seen a therapist and got a 400$ bill for 1 day I never went back. I seen a chiropractor about 5 times and my pain was at a scale 10 all day long. So I stopped. One dr did 1 xray and seen nothing. They are now starting to treat me like a druggy and wont give me enough pain meds to get thru the month. What can I do???? The pain is in the lower back almost to the tailbone. It hurts mostly when standing in one spot or sitting to long. Upon waking it hurts so bad I cry for about 1 hour and walk all hunched over. After about 10 minutes of pain it moves to my hips and in the buttock area all over. It does not go down my legs. When this first started I felt numb in my finger tips. Every now and then I feel a sharp pain when I twist.

2007-10-21 17:09:07 · 8 answers · asked by SIMSGIRL 2 in Injuries

Should my knee still be really painful and swollen still? and now it looks like my foot is starting to swell and it sort of feels like my knee is pinching inside... I have also noticed that my foot has to be turned outward otherwise if it is pointing straight like normal it feels like my leg is twisted and something is going to break. sometimes my knee doesnt hurt but then a few minutes later it hurts like crazy. What should I do is this normal or bad?

2007-10-21 16:32:32 · 9 answers · asked by monkeystoneart 2 in Injuries

I'm 14 and I frcatured my ankle yesterday when I landed wrong on it while playing basketball. It hurt so bad It wouldn't stop hurting and I never thought a fractured ankle wouldhurt that bad, my arm didn't even hurt that bad when I broke it. . I have a long leg cast on but unfortunatly I have to use crutches. I will eventually get a short leg cast but for now I'm stuck on cructhes. None ofmy friends know that I hurt it because I have been busy getting used to the cast an crutches. Luckily they gave me a wheelchair to use but I want to use crutches to attract less attention. I'mkind of worried about what will happen at school. like what will people say and how will I get around. My parents are letting me ride the bus and I think that it's a good idea because that way atleast some kids will be able to see it before I get to school and I can see how they will react

2007-10-21 16:15:20 · 9 answers · asked by taytitmer 1 in First Aid

My daughter was in a car accident Monday Night. In addition to a broken nose, she also did get whiplash. HER BAD. Wasn't wearing a seatbelt- LEARN FROM THIS! I am concerned, I've called the Doctor, and he suggested I keep an eye on the size of these axillary lymph nodes on my daughter. Any suggestions- She has been keeping ice on the sites that are sore- How much time should I give this? Breast Cancer runs in my family, so, of course, I am worried. Normally I wouldn't be panicked, but, as a parent, I AM! Is this normal? Should I be concerned? She is 16. Only sincere answers, please!

2007-10-21 15:39:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

theres like a lil bump rigght beside and under me ear what the heckaa is it?!?!!?!?!!?! it hurts!!!

2007-10-21 15:09:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

this morning i was feeling very terrible...i felt like i was gonna puke. i felt like i was gonna pass out. i felt like i had to poddy.
sorry bout the detail
but all day ive been really dizzy
i took some medicine the hospital told me to take. ibeprofin (sp?)
and then i went to sleep
i woke up and was fine
but ive been dizzy all day
tilting sideways more then usual
why am i so dizzy?!

2007-10-21 14:52:52 · 10 answers · asked by goldfish1679 3 in Other - General Health Care

I've sprained my ankle about 14 times now, my recent sprain was yesterday from dancing, I landed on it full out angle of my foot. This is the worst sprain in my life. Pain, swelling, etc.
Problem is...I think it's broken? I don't really wanna get an X-Ray done cause it takes too much time. Every time I walk I get pain through my ankle, but today it's a little better, however the swelling doesn't seem to go down that much even if I ice it a lot. About 3-4 sprains ago I noticed my right ankle is impermanently 3-5x bigger then my left since I sprain it so much. I don't know if it's broken or sprained this time?

-The area between my shin and toes is a little swollen too
-My swollen ankle barely go's down from ice, or doesn't even.
-I have some black/purple bruising on my ankle
-Sprained it 14x (Including this one if it's a sprain.)
-Right ankle is permanently bigger then left 3-5x bigger
-Twisted left ankle once.

2007-10-21 14:36:37 · 3 answers · asked by D.Shim 2 in Injuries

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