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Skin Conditions

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

I already use lotion. I've tried all different types and I've used the lotion specifically for feet on my feet. I also use the pumice stuff for my feet, too. It all helps, but only when I put lotion on/use the pumice stuff. Will the dryness ever go away where I won't have to use lotion so often? What causes such dryness?

2007-12-07 10:25:16 · 1 answers · asked by First Lady 7

I've been using Lanacane and Gold Bond Powder. But Im gonna get the Gold Bond Lotion cuz that works good. Any other suggestions?

2007-12-07 09:51:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had These for about a year.
What are these click for pictures: http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s290/original501/071206_205244.jpg


2007-12-07 09:46:29 · 14 answers · asked by Oh 4

got loads on my forehead, arms. especially after shavin my arms...wht can u do to prevent fast growth of hair on arms and legs???

2007-12-07 07:40:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Got a tca peel product from http://www.3amed.co.uk/celebrity-perfect-skin-body-celebrity-perfect-skin-25-a.html
and was wondering if I should wait 4 weeks between each treatment of if I can do it more often?

2007-12-07 07:20:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-07 07:15:59 · 12 answers · asked by veronica d 1

how do i get to see one off my own back what has happened is they have all confided and will not help me in my dilemma at all but i refuse to go out of the house unlesss necesary due to the extent of my facial deformity they are sayong that if ii have any surgerey on my face it would be more damaging for me ..... any suggestions please serious only .................or any suggestions on how to cover up my face i have even been in touch with my local burns unit for a prosetic masck to cover up . i myself am at a loss .... thanks for any kind replies only

2007-12-07 04:41:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-07 03:52:02 · 4 answers · asked by diamond_kursed 4

Is there anyway that you can use a bottle of green tea and dab it on your face? I know theres a way... but will that help my acne??!

2007-12-07 01:53:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I wear slip on shoes, when one falls off or a take them off, it smells so bad. Everyone smells it! Any home remedies that work?

2007-12-07 01:14:44 · 12 answers · asked by K.A.F 2

2007-12-07 00:31:19 · 12 answers · asked by Yuki 2

Will I be all right once it is removed from my body for good? Is it dangerous? I'm scared as to what the results will be.

2007-12-07 00:00:51 · 10 answers · asked by Louise Smith 7

..i have red pimples on my face, black heads and white heads as well.

2007-12-06 16:09:13 · 2 answers · asked by mariane 1

i had acne for. i think the last 3 years, it goes and comes again, but for the last 2 months i've had the worst acne of my life!!! i tried proactive, well almost evry brand outhere... my dad is taking me to a dermatologist next week.. will he be able to clear up my acne and what else does he do?? is this worth the money??

2007-12-06 15:53:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-06 15:49:12 · 15 answers · asked by Richard B 2

sorry to bother you all but i need some help/advice on what to do.
i have a breakout of blackheads on my nose and they have been there for quite awhile and wont go away my nose looks sort of invested with them.
what should i do? any advice?
your help is really appreciated.

2007-12-06 15:00:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-06 14:57:26 · 5 answers · asked by Mio 2

ok so im 15 and i have really bad acne. its not that i dont wash my face or anything i use face medication from my dermatologist. But my problem is that my face is REALLY oily. when i wake up in the morning my face is almost perfect then i go to school and throughout the day it gets more and more oily. when i come home around 4 i seriously have like 10 new HUGE pimples. so does anybody know how to get rid of oily skin??? id really appreciate it if you helped me! :)


2007-12-06 14:44:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you get rid of pimples!? I had pimples for so long and i popped them. I have pimples on my forehead and my chin. I tried pimple cream and scrubbing them, but they don't work. Is it because i popped them? Is it to late to get rid of them??? Plz help! Any1 have any advice to get rid of them???

2007-12-06 14:16:25 · 6 answers · asked by Candy1321 2


I am well informed on acne and what it is etc.. but I was wondering why I still get so many regular outbreaks? I eat healthy, I exercise, I cleanse and moisturize with good acne-specific products twice a day and my skin isn't that oily... so what else could be causing these regular occurrences?

I am a high-stress person but I do not think stress alone could be causing this or could it?

Any insight/advice is appreciated.

2007-12-06 14:01:30 · 2 answers · asked by english 2

Why do I have pimples on my body?

2007-12-06 14:01:03 · 4 answers · asked by Uncle Monkey 1

Well, I bought this acne medicine and it worked like a charm, clean face! :)

Anyways, should I stop taking it, because I did a day without it and a few pimples popped up. I've been taking it for four months. I've tried a week without it and I had a face full of pimples, nasty. I don't want that to happen again, what should I do?

2007-12-06 13:56:41 · 5 answers · asked by J J 1

ok, its in a spot where i can't pop it. It hurts really bad, how can i make it stop hurting?

2007-12-06 13:21:30 · 6 answers · asked by Rhiannon. Stay[[+]] 4

Well i've been having some problems with my skin lately. I've tried products and its gotten my face pretty cleared up, but these pimples are really weird. Its like under the skin, but NOT hard big red pimples ( sorry for the detail, but i just dont know how else to word it ) theyre small ( but there's a lot ), and practically blend in with my skin, but you can always see them in the light, and i feel them constantly, so it's very annoying, because it looks to people like i have clear skin, but if you ever ran your hand over my face it's bump after bump. I dont know what to call this, or how to fix it! help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

thanks in advance!

2007-12-06 12:20:54 · 7 answers · asked by Laur 1

Yep. Blackheads. I have tryed so many different creams and solutions that promise it will get rid of them...but they don't.
I clean my face every evening and I have had them for a couple of years, I get really concious if people put there face up close to mine. Can anyone suggest something? (available in the UK) Thanks :)

2007-12-06 11:28:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-06 10:56:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are very annoying and im meeting important people on sunday. Image is key.

I seem to have quite a few red spots/pimple type things on my head and 1 or 2 around my face.

Are there any home remedies or medication i can buy to take down the redness or just get rid of them? I havent touched them or anything as i hear the best way is to just leave them, but its taking forever,

so any fast home remedies or anything which will get rid of them?


2007-12-06 10:51:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous