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Skin Conditions - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

My daughter has it on her legs and it looks really bad. The doctor said it would go on its own but this could take up to 2 years.

Has anyone had this condition and managed to get rid of it? Any suggestions would be gratefully received as my daughter has just started school and she is very self concious about them.

2007-09-30 23:16:09 · 4 answers · asked by Dingle-Dongle 4

This happened 3 or so days ago. It is smaller now, but hurts. It is hard. Given that it has already been three days, will I be okay until morning? I don't feel nauseated. I wasn't as hungry as normal today, but I think that was because I ate a ton a ton of food last night. My legs are sore, but I am a server and worked a lot this weekend. Will I be okay until the morning? Anything I should do until then.

I did NOT see anything bite me, can't confirm it was a spider.

Oh yeah... I also have few red bumps a little over from the bite, not sure if they are related. I think the bit looks worse in the pic than in the mirror, but it is my back so I can't see it that well.

I can't really afford the ER, will I be

2007-09-30 18:27:49 · 4 answers · asked by hereceivedacall 3

Well im a red head an im only thirteen and im pretty good about wearing sunscreens, but this summer i developed a weird darkish freckle on my arm and its pretty small. only about a millimeter or less and it hasnt grown. but it looks suspicoius. it has wrinkles around it and it has a tiny little black dot on it. i want my mom to call the doctors but she wont. and ive asked her about 20 times. she wont even call and ask. i think shes being ridiculous. i dont know wat to do. my mom wont call the doctors and i dont want to go without knowing wat is is. can anybody help me?

2007-09-30 18:19:35 · 8 answers · asked by djman45 1

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S Do abscess go away for good?
I believe I have a abscess on my neck...well now, 2. They are small bumps on the side of my neck. One used to be pretty big (not like any of the HUGE ones I've seen looking on the web), but it shrunk with a heat compress. Didn't completely go away but was rather small. Now I have one more. They are right under my left ear. I went and saw a doctor, and she prescribed antibotics, but I think she was an imbecile. She had told me that abscess are like bursitis (which I have on the back of my right foot) and that they never go away. Once you have them, you have them for good. They can shrink, but will never go away. Is this true? Because I don't desire to walk around with lumps on my neck. I want them dealt with. Now, I must clarify, that they are no bigger than peas, but I'm very particular about my looks. I'd rather not have this.

2007-09-30 17:44:36 · 3 answers · asked by TIceman99 1

I work in a school where a child in my class has ringworm. I now have ringworm. It started in one place- and I now have 5 places where ringworm has spread. I have been using Myconizole since the first spot appeared- that one has almost cleared. I am also using alcohol to dry them up, then applying the myconizole several times a day.

I am beyond frustrated. I am washing my hands as usual and have never had this before. My family does not have it- but I am treating it, using separate towels and such. I am washing constantly.

If I go to my doctor, is it possible to have them prescribe an oral antifungual treatment? Are such treatments safe to take when you are breastfeeding? I am calling tomorrow from work but need ideas since I am so beyond frustrated.

The child's family said they are treating it and I do hope so.


2007-09-30 17:27:36 · 8 answers · asked by NY_Attitude 6

i was wondering if anyone had any other remedies or solutions for this problem? shes so itchy and flaky.

2007-09-30 16:02:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

my step daugher has had head lice for the 2nd time this month. we've spent hours treating her and the house both times. now she has little red bite looking things on her arms and ears and neck.

now my question . i've never had body lice or seen it. Are you able to see it? can you see the bugs crawling around? do they stay in your body or in your clothes? how do you get rid of them? can she give them to us as easy as head lice ? and finally i have a newborn 2 month year old...should i be REALLY concerned about her getting it? will it hurt her? THANKS

2007-09-30 15:24:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not sure how long they've been there... anyone have any idea what this could be?

2007-09-30 14:52:29 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

whenever i get rid of blackheads
more come the next day
how do i get rid of them for a long time?

2007-09-30 11:46:56 · 7 answers · asked by rachel l 1

Isn't it horrible?? It lowers your confidence and self esteem, and it happens to the people who deserve it the least!!

2007-09-30 11:42:40 · 12 answers · asked by Miss New Jersey =] 5

2007-09-30 11:04:36 · 2 answers · asked by Xanthous 4

Can these cause skin problems/ bad for your health? white pigments ect?

Eating eggs and drinking milk?
Eating apples and drinking milk?
or all together?

I heard something like this a very long time ago and just wanted to clear it up.

2007-09-30 10:19:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

my kitten scratched a mole on my arm and it bled quite a bit, I cleaned it with alcohol but it is still bleeding a bit and looks bruised. It's not a mole brought on by the sun, it's one I've had my whole life, but it almost looks like it's lifting up a bit on the side, as long as I slap some triple antibiotic and a bandaid on it, it should be fine, right?

2007-09-30 10:11:32 · 2 answers · asked by LFE 2

2007-09-30 09:54:50 · 3 answers · asked by Puppylover22 2

I woke up this morning to a really sore right eye, and I kept touching it to see where it hurt. Well I went and looked in the mirror and right on the line of my eyelashes, like where you would wear eyeliner (top lid) there is a slightly pink bump, and it really hurts. What is this?

2007-09-30 07:44:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need help i dont want to go to school looking like a cherry
it is on my face

2007-09-30 07:00:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi, i have pearly penile since i was 15. i went to see a doctor a couple of weeks ago and told me its normal to have pearly penile for male but didnt believe the ressult he gave me. so now, im seeking variety of answers. if anyone knows about penile and how to cure it, feel free to answer my question.

2007-09-30 06:32:51 · 3 answers · asked by simon t 1

I have severe TMJ and i might go on accutane. I have tried all other acne meds already with my dermatologist for the last 3 years, so this is the next step, but im worried that it will make my jaw pain worse. has anyone else been in the same situation?

2007-09-30 06:04:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-30 04:23:44 · 3 answers · asked by kiumars1962 1

Yesterday, while laying sod, I got biten by something. Even today, after 24 hours, there's a circle around the bite with a diameter of 6 inches that's very swollen, and warm. It's also very itchy. I don't know if I should do anything about it or not. What do you think?

2007-09-30 03:53:58 · 9 answers · asked by psychofreak_17 1

i get large undergroud pimples. what do i need to do to get rid of these or pervent them? help!

2007-09-30 03:33:13 · 5 answers · asked by J_Dubs 1

i have one pimple and its big, i used to pop my pimples before and result is a SCAR! what am i suppose to do? any ideas how can i get rid of this? and any products that i can remove the dark spots and scar on my face because of pimples?

2007-09-30 03:17:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i get it when i get hot and it gets more reder and blotchy when drinking beer,i know that i am allergic to somthing as well because every now and then i get hive an my lips and throat swell up and i cant breath.i have had severe lead piosining a few years ago,do you think this could be a factor,or maybe my kidneys or liver,cause i am qite a big drinker.im a male 30yrs old

2007-09-30 00:45:41 · 6 answers · asked by mamajimmy 2

I wake up in the morning and there's a small bump on the inside of my foot. the next day I have another next to it. I clean my sheets, vacume around my bed but it still happens again. I have no pets and my house is very clean. what can i do to stop the biting and itching. It's really bugging me.

2007-09-30 00:29:46 · 6 answers · asked by corbie w 1

Well it was my first time to drink an alcohol... and I had a lot... when I woke up the next morning... ive noticed red rashes on my legs and in my arms...

It was my first time... please help... is this normal for a first timer? When will it disappear? will the rashes go to my face too?? please help... thanks

2007-09-29 23:48:56 · 4 answers · asked by geee 1

I've had these purple circles since I was 11. I'm now 24. I have enough sleep, drink enough water (very rare I go a day without enough) and I eat lots of veg. I have been using concealer which helps a lot but I would rather not have the circles in the 1st place. Besides, this is the best concealer I've found (it is specially for concealing dark circles) and it still shows some darkness unless I pile it on and then I have orange makeup circles instead. I have very fair skin and my concealer is the lightest color you can get and I find it a shade to dark for me but it is the best I can find. My job involves using the computer for a few hours a day. Could that be a strain on the eyes? I have very heavy periods. I found the best thing is a Hydrodermie facial (which I can't afford nemore) which got rid of the dark circles for a few hours (the 1st time I've been out with no makeup on). Does this indicate there is a blood circulation problem? If so, what can I do to get rid of my dark circles

2007-09-29 23:26:54 · 5 answers · asked by Tina 3

I got bitten by a mosquito or mosquito's through the night last night and although it wasn't itching, it is itching really bad now and I can't stop stratching.

Does anyone know what I can use or do to make the itching stop? Any home remedies that I can use?

2007-09-29 21:08:24 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would really like to know where I can find the most affective acne solution

2007-09-29 20:15:47 · 15 answers · asked by sweet_angel_love_83 1

Ok, so i found two kittens in my garage and took them it. It turns out they gave me and my sister ringworm. I have a spot on my chest and she on her upper arm. What i'm really worried about though is it spreading to my scalp and causeing hair loss! I have dandruff, but my scalp is pretty itchy right now. It might just be cause i'm getting all worked up over it, because my arms and back and face are itchy too.

Any home treatments for scalp ringworm? I tried using diluted bleach on the one on my skin, but if it appears on my scalp i dont know whjat i would do?? I'm going to the doctors tomorrow, if i get oral meds will it kill any bacteria on my scalp before it gets the chance to cause hair loss??? I'm so stressed out right now.

And what about the cats? Is there any way to clear them up? they have bald patches on them so, they def have it.

2007-09-29 18:38:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have acne ... helpppp.... i want to get rid of them badly!i've had them 4 lyke 2 years already!and i used every acne medicine i could find in shoppers drug mart!and of course i didnt use it at the same time cuz lyke it would make it worse. but i reallllyyyy need help!

2007-09-29 13:54:26 · 9 answers · asked by Lynn K 1