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I haven't slept well for the past few evenings cuz I keep coughing really bad when I lay down but can't sleep if I'm sitting up.Hard to breath that way. No money, no health insurance so I'm asking you all for something that may have worked for you in the past. My stomach muscles hurt so much from coughing. Thanks

2007-03-04 01:31:20 · 7 answers · asked by Dual M 1

I have constant daily difficulty breathing through my nose. The sensations experienced are different to that experienced when one has a stuffy nose due to a cold or flu virus or similar

This is worse in the morning.

When putting my finger on one nostril and blowing the other, i feel a sensation of pressure in my nose (around the bridge of the nose area) and feel this is in someway causing difficulty of breathing. When i blow my nose there is nothing to come down.

This has over time also caused skipped beats and regular palpitations with my heart. I would be thinking it was a heart issue if my nose didnt have the blocked feeling it does, making me think it may well be the nasal region causing the difficulty breathing.

What i would like to know is are there are natural things can be done at home to breathe easier? (say for instance leaning over a bowl full of steam, certain exercises etc) Please assist me if you can with this

I am to get a bike soon to get me out and about

2007-03-04 01:05:51 · 10 answers · asked by bueller82 1

by running

2007-03-04 00:39:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I constantly have a sensation of difficulty breathing but its not severe but uncomfortable. My nasal passages for some reason seem to be really blocked every day, especially in the morning and its an undescribable blocked feeling as it is not like when you have a cold or a stuffy nose or anything like that. You know when you place a finger on one nostril and blow out, i do that but it just feels like a pressure in my nose & not actually anything up there (sorry for being gross by the way). A knock on effect is that it causes my heart to skip beats and palpitate regularly. Ive been to the doctors and they weren't sure what it was but said keep an eye on it.

For the longest time i thought it was a heart problem but i don't know because of the pressure in the nose issue. Is it possible for just a simple problem with the respiratory system in the nasal region to have an effect on the heart & cause the symptoms mentioned above?

I feel like i need to blow my nose but theres nothing thing?

2007-03-04 00:37:46 · 5 answers · asked by bueller82 1

Howdy! I was doing some calisthenics based workouts just now, and had what I believe to have been an asthma attack - much difficult breathing, extreme burning sensation in chest, lots of mucus coughed up, etc. I used to be an amateur cyclist, and no matter how powerful my legs became, my lung problem was constant. The suffering was so intense I gave it up completely. My exact problems were that I developed an intense burning pain in my chest, working up to the throat, and I had difficult breathing. Air wasn't getting through, and I coughed up A LOT of mucus, a disturbing amount. I'd push myself to muscle failure biking, but the breathing issue caused me the most pain by far. I was always the fastest in 200 meter dashes in school, unbeaten, but in the mile races, I'd always be top 5, often puking after completion. I am sick of this. I have put myself through great suffering trying to build my lung strength, but exercise isn't working! Do I have asthma; is there a treatment? Thanks.

2007-03-03 23:56:15 · 3 answers · asked by Pearl Jam 2

I have stopped smoking 2 months now-I have been through a hurrendous time but now starting to feel the benefit of it,I am 52 years old and dont want to patronise anybody whats soever .I would just like to say why i stopped and if possible give a little advise.I have tried 4 years to stop but just kept using every excuse i could think of,as you do when you are a smoker.I knew deep down my health was getting worse {breathing wise} but still the excuses came.then one morning i got up breathless and feeling very ill.as it turned out i had got pnuemonia and pluerisy from a chest infection which i took no notice of cause i would rather of ad the smoke.this was my oportunity to stop, i realised you cant do anything when you cant breathe right Please dont think 4 one minute i am a preacher i not.iam just trying to pass on my own experiance and for you 2 to be honest are you in the same position.please stop. if i can any1 can -would b nice 2 know of other people experinces-helps to keep me pos

2007-03-03 23:00:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every time I wake in the morning I keep on sneezing. Sometimes I sneeze a hard particle from my mouth and when I smell it smells bad. Is it also the reason why some says I have a bad breath? Please help what causes this or is it a symptom of a disease?

2007-03-03 22:20:57 · 8 answers · asked by uniquejoy 1

Does anyone know how much they cost without insurance?

2007-03-03 21:03:57 · 4 answers · asked by Lydea_Jade 2

how to solve it? thanks

2007-03-03 18:24:00 · 3 answers · asked by haiLey 1

can you give its definition? indications and contraindications?..

2007-03-03 17:13:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


Monday I got the flu, and I'm just starting to get over it. I had to take Pepto to ease my stomach pain and diarrhea but now I'm bloated. I don't have a fever anymore but am still getting the chills. Three nights in a row I've slept more than 10 hours, with naps during the day. I've developed a cough, similar to bronchitis or an upper respitory infection. My heartbeat seems like it's pretty fast, too. Strange syptoms, I know. Should I just wait for the doctor Monday or could this possibly be pneumonia?

2007-03-03 16:50:15 · 5 answers · asked by sarahlucy07 2

I have had these stuff nose for a couple of months now. I seen a head, nose, and ear doctor but he didn't see anything wrong, he also checked and said I had no polyp. I used nasal spray, nasonex, and taken claritin and also amoxicillin in the past few months but nothing has worked. Another problem is that when I go to bed at night and lay down, Always one side of my nose gets stuffed really bad and can't breathe on that side, but the next night its the other side.
I am just out of ideas and don't know what else to do.
Just wanted to get your suggestions and also to see if any of you had this problem. I am 20 years old by the way.

2007-03-03 16:37:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had 9 pulmonary emboli in my right lung almost a year ago. I took coumadin (blood thinners) for six months. How long do they take to break down and dissolve?

2007-03-03 16:34:00 · 2 answers · asked by anneboz 2

2007-03-03 15:18:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any one ever had one put in? My mom is having one and I am just wondering about it. The doctor explined it to me but if some one could "dumb" it down for me that would be great. And I did goggle it but I just want more info Thanks.

2007-03-03 13:37:02 · 4 answers · asked by Barbara 4

I heard that there was a study done, and cough medicne may be dangerous for children..

2007-03-03 10:23:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok well i have been coughing ALOT sence last week, i use to live in MO and it snowed alot and got really cold so i normaly dont get sick here in AZ but i started coughing alot and really hard, and i found out that if i cant stop coughing soon den its gonna cause a Broncidise infection ( donno how to spell it ) and wit can lead to emonia ( how eva u spell it ) and i could die from it.....i dont know how to tell my friends, but i dont want to wait cus it might be to late when i go to tell them.....and most of all How do i tell this guy i really like ( he hates me though ) but we talk somtimes, and idk if he still cares fo me, but i want him to no....how do i tell him, he usaly ignores me alot when i try talkin to him....PLS HELP!!!!!!!!

2007-03-03 10:09:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter makes a noise periodically throughout the day, every day, that sounds like an outward rattling noise from her mouth, not her nose.

Could this be a habit, or something else?

(My daughter has minor asthma which comes about mainly when she has a cold) - we are non smokers, have no pets, and she is not having any difficulty breathing when she makes this noise.

Thanks for any insight.

2007-03-03 09:22:42 · 2 answers · asked by swilkes 2

My doctor prescribed Medrol for me (which I've never taken before) for asthma. Well, Prednisone does NOT work for me (not even remotely), and I get awful side effects from heart palpitations to a constantly flushed red face, severe heartburn, etc., etc., etc. I was put on Decadron in the ER last month and that worked in 2 days without any of the side effects! I asked the doctor to prescribe Decadron (I explained all my problems with the prednisone), yet he went ahead and called in Medrol, which, after reading about it online, is apparently almost the exact same thing. Is that true? Are Medrol and Prednisone very similar? Is there a high likelihood of me having the same side effects with Medrol as with the Prednisone? Thank you very much!

P.S. Even just reading the generics makes me think that they're so similar! Prednisone vs. Methylprednisolone

2007-03-03 08:20:55 · 10 answers · asked by Happy 3

2007-03-03 08:04:36 · 16 answers · asked by jinx 5

2007-03-03 07:42:00 · 8 answers · asked by Heath S 1

Hi, I have pretty severe asthma, and right now it's worse than ever because I have a sinus infection too. UGH! Anyway, I'm doing 330 mcg of Flovent twice daily, plus a Xopenex nebulizer treatment every 4 hours (like clockwork). I'm also on Allegra-D and Biaxin (plus Tylenol for fever as needed, and Benadryl because I'm sneezing like crazy and the Allegra-D isn't cutting it). The problem is that even with the asthma medication, I have a terrible asthma cough, I constantly feel short of breath, and I'm wheezing (even immediately after doing a neb treatment). It gets much worse at night when I lay down, so I've slept sitting straight up for 4 days. Regardless, the asthma is getting worse and my doctor's office isn't open on the weekends. I hate going into the hospital a lot, and in the last month alone I've been in there 3 times (twice for asthma, which they gave me steroids for, and once I was admitted for a food poisoning/viral thing)... (continued below)

2007-03-03 07:30:51 · 9 answers · asked by Happy 3

Ok so i had a cold and i coughed at night and then it went away, and then it came back. It went away and came back two times. I went to the doctor and he just subscibed me some singulair but that didnt work. I am 16 years old and have never smoked in my life. The cough that i have is from a little bit of mucus building up in my throat when i dont talk for a while and when i try to talk my voice cracks.

2007-03-03 05:16:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can be talking fine in a normal coversation. I answer the phone and all of a sudden I start coughing.

2007-03-03 03:30:18 · 3 answers · asked by Jim B 1

2007-03-03 02:04:18 · 3 answers · asked by auntieb62 1

What makes these applinces different...does 1 just clean air???

2007-03-03 02:01:54 · 18 answers · asked by Kedah<3 3

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