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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

Why did Warrick pharmaceuticals discontinue this product? And why wasn't I (every1) contacted? And what is our substitute? As much money as they make on us...........we should have been contacted. Before we started gasping for air. I'm completely out of my medication and pissed off.

2007-03-11 08:29:42 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-11 07:39:02 · 11 answers · asked by Cookie777 6

2007-03-11 07:36:55 · 6 answers · asked by mjgrady33 2

any clues of what i might have?

2007-03-11 05:37:46 · 4 answers · asked by Kassy 1

They sent me home with an oxygen machine, and nebalizer machine, but i never need them i do use a spray for Asthma though. I saw some R.N's on here. Have you ever seen mistakes in this area before.

2007-03-11 05:13:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mam was diagnosed with severe copd a year to this month out of the blue twice we were asked to consider donating her organs it was totally un exspected as you can imagine,she showed no signs of any breathing problems at all it was all of a shock. She has been back in hospital once an exabation which they sorted her out now what is worrying me is almost every morning when she wakes up she has these attacks even after she has had all the medications inhalours the drs said she is on the highest possible cant give her any more, she wont come down stairs because of the worry getting back up its such a struggle iv been onto the health care they said it would be 6 month waiting list for a stair lift i dont know wether she has that long please give me some advice i have read every possible website going on what people have witnessed or gone through i know every situation is different can anyone enlighten me on what to exspect and when and what to do many thanks in advance

2007-03-11 03:51:22 · 4 answers · asked by diddydinsdale 2

2007-03-11 03:34:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-11 03:24:48 · 2 answers · asked by Cynthia M 1

2007-03-10 20:16:03 · 2 answers · asked by Zex Z 1

Was typing a report (medical transcription) and noted that this person had histamine headaches - much like headaches I have had - plus my breathing doesn't every get really good. I eat a lot of pizza and tomato products - and will drink some occasional red wine. I am approximately 100 pounds overweight and would like to excercise, but cannot walk across the room without gasping for air - have no reason to believe it is cardiac related - am 58 y/o but never had problems with my heart - have had bouts with asthma - but not even sure if that is for real. Just wondering if anyone had any input on this.

2007-03-10 17:17:38 · 2 answers · asked by cubfan 2

It was a tan colored,spongy little chunk,about the size of a bean. it had a bad odor to it!it freaked me out,lol.

2007-03-10 15:34:44 · 8 answers · asked by m16 1

2007-03-10 15:08:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Went to the dr. because my sinuses were hurting me so bad and he gave me ceftin an antibiotic plus another pill for coughing, drying up,ect. and now, I hurt all over can't hardly move, but, feel better mentally, but, everyone that has seen me ask me if I'm dying, I guess I'm really pale or something...and it's not like me to stay in the bed, didn't even work yesterday or today, and that is really unusual. Why do I feel worst physically hurting, like my ribs especially, if I cough, but, I feel like my fever is breaking because I'm waking up sweating. Am I getting better, or am I allergic to this medicine, because it really makes me feel like I've taken a drug for the kicks of it, but, don't act like it, if that sounds right....should I keep taking it, even though now, I feel like I'm hurting really bad and can't move all over, and see if it kicks in or should I stop it till Monday, I just started yesterday, and my college kids keep asking if I'm dying, I guess I look so bad

2007-03-10 12:42:04 · 7 answers · asked by Confused 3

2007-03-10 12:25:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

tried the usual nudging making them roll over its worse

2007-03-10 11:30:24 · 21 answers · asked by little flower 3

just wondering..

2007-03-10 11:15:06 · 6 answers · asked by iplaythesweetelfamber 1

I am taking tetracyclinefor upper resp. infection, and last night I took my evening dose and then went to bed. I woke, feeling as if there was an obstruction in my throat...i read about the U.of the E.S...what do I do?

2007-03-10 07:57:28 · 1 answers · asked by adam g 2

I caught a cold and bought Zicam Oral Mist Spray. Spraying did not work, nothing came out. I exchanged the item. The new spray also did not work. Who has ever bought this spray? Did you have the same problems? How can I spray?

2007-03-10 07:49:23 · 5 answers · asked by Kay 1

hi. my throat is really killing me and it hurt s in the middle i tried theraflu drinking lots of water and taking advils and gargling warm water with salt. iam only 13 and is it that my voice is changing? i also have ashma and i cough alot. I also have state tests on monday so plz i need relief FAST

2007-03-10 07:13:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Quite a few Nasal Polyps were removed under GA. Reports are OK but it is very difficult as the days pass to expell dried up Nasal Crust / blood. Besides I am having headache and general low feeling when I cant get rid of the crust. I am using normal saline spray, Rhinostat - S drops, Nasal Douches every 3-4 day and have also been advised to put liquid paraffin drops, besides to try Jal Neti. Help.

2007-03-10 07:10:20 · 7 answers · asked by BS 1

searching for one close to the zip code 60172? can't seem to find one anywhere.

2007-03-10 06:50:36 · 3 answers · asked by Nessy K 2

I am using symbicort200/6- it works but my question is can this inhaler make you feel hungry- put weight on you and actually make you feel breathless

2007-03-10 05:20:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was a teen i had breathing difficulties. I once saw a specialist who told me the reason was that I had oversized lungs! the problem went away for a couple of years.

over the past two months ive been running about three miles a day and the breathing problem came back. Now that I look back I remember I used to get a lot of excercise back then when I was a teen. and almost no excercise when I was in uni.

could the reason be excercise?

2007-03-10 04:12:58 · 4 answers · asked by 3 mile runner 1

2007-03-10 02:50:04 · 4 answers · asked by Pennyma2 1

I do cardiovascular daily. I do smoke about five cigarettes per day. I have smoked a marijuana cigarette daily for a few years. I got a chest exray last july which showed no disease. I have no chronic cough, no shortness of breath, sometimes wheezing when i sleep. i am 42 years old. the stinging comes and goes, i know i need to quit smoking- is this a sign of a serious problem

2007-03-10 02:42:58 · 9 answers · asked by yodez 1

2007-03-10 02:32:21 · 15 answers · asked by peace&lOve 1

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