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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

Like clear, white, yellow, green and brown? Is the colour specific to the type of infection, viral or bacterial?

2007-03-12 14:50:44 · 4 answers · asked by Rush L 1

I frequently get food stuck down my throat, which causes me to produce a lot of saliva and I have to keep spitting. This time I was eating steak and its been stuck down for an hour I keep spitting, I can breathe OK, its just really annoying.

2007-03-12 14:03:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are the four major organs regions of the stomach and its two opening?

2007-03-12 13:46:35 · 2 answers · asked by gelai 1

We have a 22 month old child born 16 weeks premature. He has been in the hospital on a ventilator for about the past 40 days with several illnesses (i.e: pneumonia, flu-A, 'H'-flu, e.t.c.) His sat levels range from low 60's to low 90's; sometimes staying level for hours (usually high 70's to low/mid 80's), sometimes fluctuating 10, even 15% within minutes with the former being more common.
When we were in the N.I.C.U. the neonatologists stressed the importance of keeping the sats in the mid to high 90's, This was due to the still developing heart, brain, and lungs. With these organs much further along in development, is it still necessary to worry about keeping the O2 sats as high?
We are trying to balance the damage done to the lungs by the ventilator with what may be done to the brain by staying at lower sat levels. The lung damage is physically easier to determine than the possible brain damage. Is anyone aware of any clinical studies? (sat level X time = damage)? THNK U!

2007-03-12 13:28:36 · 3 answers · asked by tripindayz420 1

I am a bit concerned over the medication my son is prescribed. He has terrible asthma and at the first sign of a cough or cold his consultant wants me to give him 10 puffs of his blue inhaler 4 times a day along with his usual 1 puff of brown twice a day. He also gives me a three day course of steroids for any wheezy episodes. However he tends to get 'croupy 'rather than wheezy and also my GP does not agree with his consultant.
He says the dose of blue inhaler is too large and to increase his brown to 2 twice a day (his consultant says NOT to do that!!)
I'm at a loss as no one seems to agree. He has an awfull croupy cough at the moment and has been given antibiotics. his blue inhaler is relieving him for a short while, but the effect is not long lived!
Any advice on what else I can do to help him, or why his doctors cant give me a straight answer.

2007-03-12 12:24:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-12 11:57:10 · 2 answers · asked by Tha Prince 1

11 years sandblasting boat trailers for trailmaster custom boat trailers. owner is a youth pastor his partener leads bible classes.worked a year and a half in extreme pain but you dont bring up workmans comp. small non union shop they do what they want. they found out about my back injuries and fired me. that was 2004 in 2005 i almost died and now only have 3/4 of 1 lung. they destroyed all my dr. notes all my day off request forms that had to be signed by me and the 2 owners. i have 3 kids and my wife and this has been going on for 3 years now. 5 years ago my wife was diagnosed with degenerated disc disease and cant work.we live on 400 cash a month and 600 in food stamps i am at my ropes end i cant support my family i just dont understand why GOD hates me and rewards them. all i think about is ending it so my family can live a descent life that a real man could give them instead of a worthless can never be a real man again if you ever see a trailmaster trailer or dealer tell them pls

2007-03-12 11:43:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have no trouble swallowing food, but for some reason, pills won't go down. If they are small enough, I can do it, but even a regular tylenol won't go down. Other than childrens Tylenol - do they make chewable adult pain relievers? I finally found chewable vitamins for adults.

2007-03-12 10:27:54 · 14 answers · asked by Pandora 3

2007-03-12 09:29:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a barking kind of cough, if not what else could it be?

2007-03-12 07:45:55 · 5 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3


I want to go to the doctor but only if it's necessary. I'm not bringing up any mucus and it sounds like a bark, it's really deep and I cough so hard I get a headache and hurts the mucsles in my neck. I have no other symptoms. I looked at the symptom checker on webmd.com but it didnt help any. What's wrong with me?

2007-03-12 07:25:32 · 5 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3

my mom kidnesy are bad and she will not uit smoking will it mess her kidneys up even more since she won't stop smoking. she smokes both cigrettes and weed. Any advice to get her to stop and uit will be helpful....

2007-03-12 07:16:14 · 3 answers · asked by sdotmurda 2

Has anyone had trouble with the new inhaler Pro Air Hfa, that is safer for the O zone layer, that replaced Albuterol? Is it working for you like the other one did, fast acting? Has anyone had excessive coughing, wheezing and still unable to catch your breath after using it?

2007-03-12 06:59:30 · 5 answers · asked by HeatherS 6

Oh My Gosh!It is the most horrible thing I have ever experienced.How do I stop it or at least make it better or enything.?

2007-03-12 06:56:03 · 13 answers · asked by oregoncheeto 3

2007-03-12 05:22:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been using a cpap machine for mild sleep apnea. It is turned up to 11, now I ask I thought the machine is supposed to help you sleep better so when you wake up you feel refreshed. Well, I still feel tried and not to energized. They did the tritation and said I was good at 10 so anyone know what I should do now?

2007-03-12 04:01:19 · 2 answers · asked by freekin 5

I have been sick for 19 wks. It started out as bronchites and now it's turned into another problem. I'm short on breath at times and I get really sore in my chest area and there is an hidden cough, the pain is really bad & I can't have very much activity.I went to the hospital and had an EKG and a chest exam and these came out fine. I saw a specialist and took a breathing test, it showed that I'm not using all of my lungs. The doctor said that I needed a PFT. I don't have the money to pay for the test right now. Any suggestions?

2007-03-12 03:28:26 · 3 answers · asked by holly o 1

Our office has no windows and no ventilation, and several of us are suffering from constant bloody noses. If they don't pour blood, whenever we blow our noses blood comes out. It happens all week long!!! What can we do to stop this from happening?

2007-03-12 02:10:40 · 6 answers · asked by babaganu12399 1

Am 26 years old and over a week ago i got a very mild cold but my chest has been hurting and feeling painfully tight. It got worse and worse and i went to the doctors and the doctor did a ECG which was fast (probably cos my chest was so tight) and my peak flow was only 250! My breathing seems to get worse when i do any exercise like walking more than a few minutes. When i rest lots it can feel nearly normal. I've never had any problem like this before but i often get ill. The doctor sent me for a chest xray and blood tests which am waiting back on. He told me to go back today if it hadnt gone which i did but he was off and i saw another doctor who i've never seen and he hardly checked me out and i could tell he wasnt really bothered and he made a remark about "it must be stress" but i dont have any stress as my lifes better now than it ever has been. Am slightly over weight but am fit and i do work out and normally do lots of walking.
Would welcome any ideas or advice?

2007-03-12 01:05:18 · 8 answers · asked by Sambo 1

I have been using a saltwater lavage which has only been partially successful. Is there another remedy which might be more successful?

2007-03-12 00:26:12 · 3 answers · asked by seveneagles2004 1

ok lately when i have been sitting down, the end of my ribs in the middle or your stomah and chest/ribs, it feels like its squeezing and squinting. it feels wierd, and when i stand up,i feel a bit heavy in the same place. please help!

2007-03-11 17:47:47 · 4 answers · asked by =] 2

If so, what kind of pain or discomfort did you have?

2007-03-11 17:43:37 · 4 answers · asked by Stephanie 3

I am almost 38 and have under neath it a spot that is tender and painful to touch, expecially when I move my neck up it hurts. I have a lump on the right hand side, and no it is not glandular fever as I had that in 1993. Last week I had trouble breathing as I was gasping for air, and no I am not asthmatic. Somedays I feel ok, but most I do not feel well and feel tired. I do not have a virus as I went to the doctors says week and my temprature is normal 36degrees(Australian standard) I was placed on antiboiotics Keflex but they are not doing anything at all which is unusual. I just got over bowel cancer, and do not want anymore problems. My periods are 11 days late, and no I am not pregnant. Any advice for me. Under my lympnode it is very painful which I have never had before. I do not have a sore throat, in any infection, as not antiboitics are working. Help. .

2007-03-11 15:25:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

someone told me that if i have asthma that i would have to take a pumonary function test what is it

2007-03-11 11:39:37 · 3 answers · asked by kaleigh w 1

My friend had the top and part of the middle right lung removed on Jan 31, they are home from the hospital but still taking pain medication every 4 hours and still has shortness or breath. Can the cancer come back?

2007-03-11 11:24:24 · 3 answers · asked by Haznad1 1

I'm still debating career choice, and respiratory therapist seems kind of interesting. I don't really want to work in a hospital though. I wouldn't be good under pressure in the ER and stuff.

Do RT's working in other settings, such as calm doctor offices and stuff like that?


2007-03-11 11:21:02 · 5 answers · asked by GoBuckeyes! 3

I'm having problems with my breathing. I don't smoke, I haven't got asthma and I'm healthy, yet I can't breath properly. I can't even walk 5 minutes up the shop without getting out of breath! I am making an appointment to the doc's soon but I just wanted to ask what you lot think it could be.

2007-03-11 10:16:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-11 09:26:07 · 2 answers · asked by Orlando J 1

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