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Other - Diseases - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

It started 4 days ago, I wanted to make love to my wife and suddenly loosed erection after which running stomach began which later aggreavated into soar and pepperish anus / rectum. Up till now, i have not gain my erection and i have started loosing appetite. I am currently on tetracycline capsule. Kindly prescribe a drug for me please.

2007-11-14 18:38:56 · 3 answers · asked by g4u247 1

in order to GET MONO someone basically has to give it to you...well i went to go see my boyfriend about 2 weeks ago and we made out and everything and he just told me today that i gave him mono but yet i have no symptoms of it, now or even before..and i know the symptoms take like forever to develop so there is no way I gave it to him right??? or could i have it now and not know it?? i mean he already went to the doc cause hes been sick and they told him...but i feel perfectly fine..
except for the past 2 days the upper left side of my neck (below my jaw) when i press on it it hurts, actually its starting to hurt more but i think thats because of the canker sore or (ulcer) that i have on the lower left side of the inside of my mouth..so that couldnt be a sign....OR COULD IT??
i would really like a nice considerate answwer...someone that knows what there talking about

2007-11-14 17:32:24 · 3 answers · asked by I <3 him<3333 1

I've been drinking for 3+ years, at an average of at least 1/2 bottle of Vodka per day. I drink this much on normal weekdays and still go to work in a perky mood... on weekends I drink at least one full 1L bottle per day, including Sundays. I've been doing this for some time already. On labor day of 2007 I found myself drinking 3 full bottles of 1.75ML of Vodka and realized that 3X1.75L = 7 regular (750ml) bottles of liquor). I still woke up fine the next work day. Now, after several years I am finally feeling the soar... strong abdominal pains, lack of sleep, pain in the liver, kidneys, stomach, and chest due to the 2 packs of smokes a day diet. Can't sleep on my front because my abdomen area hurts. What are the symptoms of liver cancer or cirrhosis that can apply to me? If any...?

2007-11-14 15:47:28 · 11 answers · asked by Person123 1

2007-11-14 14:25:50 · 4 answers · asked by 1chefinva. 3

It's still hurting now... what can i do to to stop this?

2007-11-14 11:13:08 · 2 answers · asked by Mr. Questionair 2

2007-11-14 10:05:25 · 9 answers · asked by LK Doom 1

And I love him a lot...
How can I help him to
stay away 4m it with
out making him angry?

2007-11-14 10:01:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

will it digest if you swallow a hair by accident or what happens next''

2007-11-14 09:53:53 · 8 answers · asked by kay kay 7

2007-11-14 08:25:14 · 2 answers · asked by Sandy M 1

my ear gets really itchy a lot and when i scratch it, it starts to burn but it gets even itchier and somtimes my finger ends up with a milky white substance. a few weeks ago i pretty much went def in that eat and after a few hours, my hearing came back. and the worst part is that my ear smells....what is it?

2007-11-14 08:23:06 · 3 answers · asked by kailynn marie ♥ 1

(I know I asked this last night but my question got sent to the point of no return)

Ok so I completed my three childhood shots in 2001 (six years ago).

This weekend I hit my hand (I didn't slam my hand on it, I put my hand down and it was a pinprick like feeling) on a rusty screw.

I wanted to know if at that point I had a chance of contracting tetanus because I have read everywhere that boosters should be given every five years and was confused if the booster lost its power after five years or if five years was just a target range.

(I got the new Tdap vaccine today just to be on the safe side)

By target range I mean a target range one should get the booster.

Also, they did not give me that shot which you are supposed to get in 48 hours or something. They must have not felt the need to give me it. As stated earlier I did get the booster, but not that shot.

As of right now, It has been almost five days since the initial injury (Side note: my cut is now almost compleatly healed)

2007-11-14 06:03:33 · 2 answers · asked by knuxer 1

this is a medical quetsion........I have really awful pains just under my right rib. Feels like ive had a big fall or something and reallhy hurt them. The area under my skin is very tender too. Like there is a big bruise there. What is odd is that my shoulder blades feel the same. Really tender to touch and generally achey. I have got a temperature and was ill the past two days. Any ideas what this could be?

2007-11-14 04:24:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

that had a brain anursima bust and lived from it ? and if they have how are they doing now ? and on the scale from 1 -5
1 a small one 5 being the worst they see ? how many surgeries did they go through ? how long did it take them to recover ?

2007-11-14 03:59:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of my eyelids is a bit more dropped than the other. Is that treatable ? If a surgery is needed , would it be a difficult one? and how much wud that cost me?

2007-11-14 02:31:30 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

8 days ago I used Rid lice-killing shampoo on both my kids, used the gel and comb and came up with several adult lice and lots of nits. I did it over and over until I didn't get any more of either. I followed the directions exactly. Following the product's directions, I reshampooed both kids and reapplied the gel and was shocked to find close ten lice in one child's hair, and 5 in the other. But the lice were all quite some and there was not a single nit (but I thought that last time too). Does this mean that I missed some nits a week ago and these are the baby lice recently hatched ? Because I found lice, do I need tocontinue with the every seven days wash with special shampoo/comb out regimen?

2007-11-14 01:35:08 · 9 answers · asked by Minneapolis Mamma 2

Not trying to be gross, just thought there might be something wrong with my digestive system. I don't eat corn a lot and noticed the kernels were imbedded in my stools, as if they weren't digested properly.

2007-11-14 01:00:55 · 9 answers · asked by Mike D 1

I just wanted to find this out for her. She says that she has been having kinda like sinus pressure in her head and also had a stiff neck. on the left side of her neck formed some sort of bump on the side but the bump is starting to go away. She says she feels a little better today but feels like she doesnt wanna eat anything and a little nausious, she also said she feels a little woozy now and then. Thing is she hates doctors cuz they scare her and if its not serious she doent wanna go through with that because shes afraid they will say there is something really bad that is wrong with her. She lost her mom of cancer and is very afraid something bad is going to happen to her. So any ideas on what might be wrong?

2007-11-14 00:49:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

every morning when I am about to refresh my face I spit blood, it is not red but brownish, I imagine it is blood mixed with saliva. After 2-3 spits the brownish colour disappears and I spit white as usual and I am fine during the day. What is it? it is a sign of cancer? could it be the gums or the stomach? has anyone got the same? I am 54 years old, I do not smoke, I do not drink. Thanks for answers

2007-11-13 22:11:36 · 14 answers · asked by susi 3

can anyone tell me if its a big operation.and how long of stay in hospital.and how do feel after it.and are u completely put 2 sleep.thanks

2007-11-13 20:20:11 · 4 answers · asked by rosslass 1

I seem to be getting headaches too.

2007-11-13 19:42:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a Beign Brain Tumour in the Piturity Gland.....I was wondering can it become Cancerous?

2007-11-13 18:58:42 · 6 answers · asked by Smiley Heart 4

don't tell me to just relax, slow down, or take deep breaths because that never works

2007-11-13 17:29:47 · 13 answers · asked by generalche22 3

I am not 100% sure but while I was getting a package from the UPS man I returned to my living room to find my 18 month old crying as though he was hurt. He rushed to me and I inspected him and realized he smelled like vinegar. I checked the mud room to find a bottle of vinegar on the ground, but the bottle cap is nowhere. I am pretty sure it was plastic because all of the other ones are plastic. The bottle was about 16 oz. or so. My son weighs 22 pounds so I am not sure if it is possible for him to swallow it. I immediatley gave him some water to drink. Thoughts? He did not appear he was choking so I am not sure what could have caused it. My question to you is, 1, is it possible for him to have swallowed it? 2, if that is the case, what are the risks? His behavior is normal. This all happened earlier this morning.

2007-11-13 16:27:42 · 6 answers · asked by oftheangels25 2

2007-11-13 15:43:34 · 6 answers · asked by I love screwdrivers! 5

what does dark, like real dark bowell movements mean? Keep in mind the person has crohn's disease.

2007-11-13 15:13:17 · 9 answers · asked by HmMm. 4

- i have anemia but cant take iron supplements because of a stomach provlem and need a home rememedy to help the dizziness im feeling

2007-11-13 13:04:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please provide sources.

2007-11-13 12:01:00 · 2 answers · asked by ash6529 2

How would they look? And where exactly do i look?

2007-11-13 11:19:11 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

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