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Other - Diseases - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

I've noticed lots of people with simlair problems, all with answers such as 'go to doctors' 'get a blood test' etc.
Ive been going to doctors for the last 6 months, had blood tests,ECGs,X Rays etc
and all doctors are telling me now is to wait...
i cant go out to tesco! or weekends, etc.
im really not sure where to turn?
ive suggested, ear infections, Vertio, migranes, etc to doctors.

But generly, i feel dissy for a month, get better, for a few weeks, then in come on again for a month, been up and down like that for ages.

im very close to depression, is there anything you can suggest?
thanks alot

2007-05-31 21:39:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been having severe fatigue over the past year. My last testosterone level was 218 with no explained reason. I recently had a MRI. Although my pitutary was normal, the MRI found a 1cm pineal cyst. I have difficulty sleeping, and when I do, I feel unrested. I have an endocrine appointment in 2 weeks. I know the pineal gland make meletonin, can this be a cause why i'm so fatigued? Anyone expirenced in this area, any advice would be appriciated, no arm chair googlers please...thanks!!

2007-05-31 20:25:25 · 5 answers · asked by allanackerman07 1

I have never been an organ donor; and the only reason has been quite a conspiracy theory: "if I go to the hospital for whatever reason, and I happen to have the perfect organ that president whoever or mr. important whoever needs, they might take mine and let me die like the peasant that I am.... I know this sounds rediculous, but that is why I am utilizing this wonderful yahoo answers..... PRO ORGAN DONORS STAY AWAY! :) I just want people who are anti organ donation

2007-05-31 18:18:49 · 19 answers · asked by Bill 1

i recieved the toradol shot tonight at about 8pm and i want to drink tomorrow but i dont know if i can ? i dont knwo how long the shot is supposed to last so if it wears off in 24 hours i should be good to go right ? thanks!

2007-05-31 17:45:02 · 4 answers · asked by Lexi Love 1

i have mono. i noctied that my eyes are swelling up and my speen is really hurting.
what shoud i do?

2007-05-31 16:21:01 · 6 answers · asked by logsterh 1

hi i think i have TMJ sometimes when i brush my teeth I get this bad spasm on my jaw..it travels from teh end of my jaw to my chin area, and i also have bad tinnitus... can this be the cause? also when i bite down hard i can hear the loud buzz in my ear the tinnitus gets bad when i chew hard any ideas to help this?

2007-05-31 16:18:23 · 4 answers · asked by WellaTeam 2

My cousin had a kidney transplant when he was maybe 10 or around that age. Now he is gonna be 26 and the kidney is starting to fail. They might take it out and he has a blood clot near the heart. I am 14_and_i_wanna_give_him_my_kidney_if_i_can_how_should_i_tell_my_parents_on_what_i_wanna_do

2007-05-31 15:44:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-31 15:17:17 · 20 answers · asked by xnsanemaryjanex 1

Lately I have been feeling extremely fatigued and have been having blurred vision. I constantly have to close my right eye and just keep my left eye open so I can see right. Any ideas of what this can be? I am so tired that I just want to sleep all day. The fatigue is starting to interfere with my daily life.

2007-05-31 11:09:57 · 11 answers · asked by Kimberly V 1

Just curious peoples' experiences with meds b/c i've never taken them and i'm wondering b/c i've heard nothing but bad things lately about them.....

one guy told me he had like an itching feeling in his head and many others say they F--- you up.


2007-05-31 10:52:03 · 5 answers · asked by Christopher T 1

also pain where the esphagus and stomach meet, what can cause that?

2007-05-31 10:46:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are there any known diseases that affect ligaments and joints? I can pop almost every single bone in my body. My shoulder can fall in and out of socket and my other shoulder hurts constantly.
Is there some reason for loose ligaments and tendons?

2007-05-31 10:30:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

She just turned 52 years old this month. She's been having really bad back and adominal pain for a few months now. I looked it up on Webmd.com, but it didn't say anything about it being life threatening. Just that the bones lose mass and become brital. Do you know if anyone could die from this? Other than falling and braking some bones.

2007-05-31 10:22:12 · 4 answers · asked by Yasi76 1

2007-05-31 10:09:18 · 7 answers · asked by whatever66689 1

My moms anemic, is there a chance i am too? I bruise very very easly and a bleed much more than i should, my periods are very heavy and long too, i get light headed very much. I barely eat anything either, i know i blood test is nescessary but i pass out and im afraid seeing my blood will make me faint so what do u think? ((do i pass out b/c im anemic?))

2007-05-31 10:09:01 · 3 answers · asked by Kelli H 1

QUICK I WANT I GONE, if not posible to go away in 2 or 1 days than whats the quickest time?

2007-05-31 09:48:08 · 3 answers · asked by Hi, how the heck r ya? 2

I been seeing this girl for three years plus..I think she has add...she talks all the time..This weekend she ask me where the sissors are and I told her they were on this desk...she could't find it..I told her I bet I can find,so I went over and found it in a few seconds...she said she didnt pick up this thing it was under...

What are some sighs that a person has add or hd...I know i have this in school being born with spina bifida..I could not concertrate on things......Is constance talking one of the things that relate to add...she did say she thing she might have scatter brain...but aint that the same....????

2007-05-31 09:42:42 · 1 answers · asked by chris1h23 3

2007-05-31 09:35:07 · 4 answers · asked by Me<3JB 2

i love everything about poop is it weird or normal??

2007-05-31 09:34:19 · 6 answers · asked by meanjr 1

I am 52 year old white, non-smoker, female. -otherwise healthy.

2007-05-31 08:28:52 · 2 answers · asked by rocco55 1

2007-05-31 08:10:44 · 5 answers · asked by MoRgAn<3 2

2007-05-31 08:09:10 · 1 answers · asked by MoRgAn<3 2

I have no idea about medical stuff but watch the dramas all the time!

2007-05-31 08:08:29 · 5 answers · asked by supated 2

On Memorial Day, two days into a migraine type headache, I found a purple mass on my right temple. Knowing that a headache is the bodies way of saying that something is wrong, I went to the Emergency Room. I was told after a battery of blood tests that I had a rare autoimmune disease called Vasculitis and it was affecting the brain and the right eye. My level of inflammation was very high, so I was put immediately on Prednisone, which I have been on for four days now. Now I face the first of what may be two biopsies soon and I am understandably afraid, mainly of the fact that my immune system is attacking my body and that long term steroids will lower it. I'd like to know if anyone else either has or is going through this. I have faith that I will make a full recovery, but am scared at the same time. Is this normal or am I crazy? I'm trying to keep the best attitude possible in spite of the fact that it's affecting my brain and right eye.

2007-05-31 08:07:38 · 4 answers · asked by Raptor 4

When my doctor gave me the antibiotics prescription, I asked her if I could drink b/c I had a wedding and two big parties to go to during the time I was supposed to take it. She freaked me out and said "No!, you could have liver failure! DO NOT DRINK! So, I didn't drink but then 2 of my friends (one who is a dentist, the other is a PA) said that it would be okay if I just had a glass of wine...just one would be all right. I don't know who to trust...I don't know if the doctor was just being dramatic or if I really should not drink. It's not that big of a deal for me to not drink for 2 weeks b/c I rarely drink, I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with this.

2007-05-31 07:39:56 · 14 answers · asked by pancake on my face 5

My daughter, who is currently in jail has FINALLY been getting meds for biploar. She is taking paxil, Tegrital, Celexia, Seragul and Neuronton. I am trying to find information on these drugs to help her understand some of the changes she is feeling. can anyone suggest where I can look this information up?

2007-05-31 07:30:26 · 9 answers · asked by Kait J 1

I have it really bad and I take requip but sometimes it does not help. I am looking for some relief and doctors dont have a cure.

2007-05-31 07:18:58 · 5 answers · asked by Kima H 1

2007-05-31 06:53:42 · 2 answers · asked by Mike G 1