I'm not really sure how to explain this... Throughout the day I suffer from no involuntary movements. But, when I go to bed, they start. When I lay down, and this is the weird part, I start moving uncontrollably, trying to get my feet away from the end of the bed and ducking under the window or away from a curtain that isn't basically taped to the wall surrounding the window. I know that, for some reason, these uncontrollable spasms occur when my comforter isnt positioned just right in the space between the end of my bed and my bookshelf. That's with a mix of my OCD i guess. If the curtains arent taped to the wall, it will happen, as if to be sure nobody can see me. It also happens if I enter a room with a clearly elevated door. If I can see the light or lack thereof on the other side, I have to run behind a counter or in a corner so as if, if you were trying, you couldn't see me through the crack, where I then have spasms for a bit. What the hell's wrong with me?
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