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Health - 6 December 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

so i would like to try out acid for just one time, just because the allucination thing sounds pretty cool. my friend told me it would kill my brain, i am a straight A student and i was told the same thing about weed (which i am an user). what are the effects of acid, is it worth it? By that i mean what happens to my brain and my body after the trip?

2007-12-06 16:12:01 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health


I have silver amalgam/mercury fillings and want to get them replaced with gold, because I heard resin composite fillings can degrade into toxic chemicals. Does anyone know how much gold fillings cost? I have 2 fillings that I want to get replaced.


2007-12-06 16:11:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

Does it really hurt the first time a girl has sex? Can she get pregnant the very first time she has sex? Do all girls bleed the first time? How effective is a condom? How effective is birth control?

2007-12-06 16:10:43 · 15 answers · asked by Peaches. 2 in Women's Health

i grind my teeth in my sleep. when i use a mouth guard, i wake up in the morning with it missing, ill find it somewhere across the room. i've even ripped earrings out in my sleep before (i just take them out in my sleep). So, how do i stop grinding my teeth.

2007-12-06 16:10:30 · 4 answers · asked by Julia B 2 in Dental

My brother-in-law smokes inside his closed room and the smell spreads to the living room and in the hallway. My one year old is just learning how to walk and his play pen is located in the living room. I'm worried that the strong odor might affect my son.

2007-12-06 16:10:14 · 5 answers · asked by tgf1016 1 in Other - Diseases

..i have red pimples on my face, black heads and white heads as well.

2007-12-06 16:09:13 · 2 answers · asked by mariane 1 in Skin Conditions

ever since i started taking prozac(30 mg), its like i dont have a need or a want to have sex anymore and when i do have sex i cannot orgasm. regardless if im masterbating or having sex, i just cannot orgasm. i used to have a want to have sex everyday and now i just dont want to anymore. how do i fix this? do you think its the medication i'm on, do i need to switch?

2007-12-06 16:07:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

2007-12-06 16:04:19 · 2 answers · asked by Care 2 in Other - Health

I started taking iron prescribed by my doctor 2 weeks ago and since then I started experiencing dry mouth symptoms. It has gotten worse, now my lips are cracking. Am I doing something wrong? Could it be blocking other vitamins? I know I can ask the doctor, but doctors don't like to discuss vitamins much. They blow you off if you have vitamin questions. They only like to talk about what they can see in your blood tests.

2007-12-06 16:02:55 · 2 answers · asked by moegold2000 2 in Other - Health

My stepmom was recently diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. She had a pap, it was abnormal, she had surgery to remove the effected tissue and was told it would be gone and that a hysterectomy was optional and precautionary if she chose to do it. She did this and pathology tests came back saying she should have her lymph nodes checked to jsut to be safe and make sure nothing had spread into her lympatic system. Just two days ago this surgery took place and it has spread into her lymph nodes, which the doctor removed all the enlarged ones he could find. Now she just came home today but has been diagnosed with Stage 3B cervical cancer. In amount a month she needs to have a Pet Scan (I believe thats what its called) to make sure no other organs have been effected, in which case the doctor says it wont be curable. If they arent effected she has 40-60 percent chance of beating the special 5 yr cancer mark. The doc thought it was caught early but it really tricked them. Any thoughts??? =(

2007-12-06 16:01:08 · 3 answers · asked by YahooHelp20 1 in Cancer

i had acne for. i think the last 3 years, it goes and comes again, but for the last 2 months i've had the worst acne of my life!!! i tried proactive, well almost evry brand outhere... my dad is taking me to a dermatologist next week.. will he be able to clear up my acne and what else does he do?? is this worth the money??

2007-12-06 15:53:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

Not sure what type neurofibromatosis i have but my sis has it also along with my mom, aunts (her 2 sis) and their mom but her bro doesnt have it, my sis case is the worse of them all, why is it only the females got it? i know its a 50 - 50 chance of me passing it on to my kids is there anythin out there yet to prevent it????

2007-12-06 15:52:40 · 4 answers · asked by anna 2 in Other - Diseases

i have a malformed tooth that the dentist thinks should come out. i am young, but the tooth itself is "double" cusped--additionally, i have periontitis in that gum, BECAUSE the shape of the tooth prevents me from keeping it clean. anyway, point is, should i go ahead and have them pull it and do the implant? this is what they are suggesting, as there is no other way to prevent the gum from repeatedly becoming infected (i can't even floss between the teeth correctly because of the malformed shape). i am afraid it is too serious of a procedure at my age. anyone had implants? am i being taken for a ride by the dentist or should i do this? my tooth is very painful.

2007-12-06 15:50:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

I just had my first period 7 1/2 months after having my baby. It was a normal cycle and I am on a progesterone only pill. I misseed one day because my supply ran out, and then next day I passed some tissue. It was not bleeding per se, but definitely period-like tissue. Any thoughts about what could be going on with my body?

Thanks for your input!!!

2007-12-06 15:44:17 · 1 answers · asked by kathyisawesome 2 in Women's Health

2007-12-06 15:42:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

i was recently at a party and i broke open the stick with my teeth and it got in my mouth. is it really bad for you? and i got some on my white dress. does it stain?

2007-12-06 15:41:57 · 18 answers · asked by littlemisstalkative 1 in Dental

do u have to have folic acid vitamins before you get pregnant?what about during pregnancy,can u take them throughout your pregnancy?if you havent taken folic acid prior to pregnancy are you at risk of brth defects??

2007-12-06 15:41:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

so were both 19 @ different colleges, but we've been together for 4 ish years.. he has ocd adhd and depression, & his doc. put him on depression meds about a year ago.. after that he literally changed so much, was constantly bouncing off the walls, broke up w/ me and just seriously went insanely hyperactive..so idk i think he may be bipolar but that's a whole nother story in itself..anyways we did not talk for 10 months until before we both went 2 school (4 months ago) & i didnt want to get back w/ him but it sort of just happened and b4 i knew it we were a couple again..2 weeks ago he just avoided me & stopped talking to me and then 5 days ago he ended it..he told me he loves me, and then texted me yesterday 7 hours after i txted him saying hi, telling me that " i miss you haha" idk how thats funny but w/e & that "he's fine but everything reminds him of me"..but then he'll just stop talking to me..whats going on w/ him, i dont think hes on his meds, but like does he regret ending it?

2007-12-06 15:35:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

2007-12-06 15:33:59 · 6 answers · asked by jason j 1 in Dental

2007-12-06 15:31:08 · 4 answers · asked by Buman Heing 1 in Infectious Diseases

I have no idea what could be wrong with my stomach it looks like I could be a few months pregnant. I don't think I am even though me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex the day before Thanksgiving and that same day I started my period. But lately I have been urinating alot and I've been real hungry and sleepy. These are signs of pregnancy but I just really doubt that I am. So I just don't understand what is going on? Could someone help me see what could be going on?

2007-12-06 15:30:26 · 4 answers · asked by starburyindagame 2 in Women's Health

i have been takeing sudeafed nasal decongestion and i took 2 at 6a.m and 2 more at noon and two more right now! but i read the box and it says take no morethan 4 within 24 hours! am i going to be okay?

2007-12-06 15:27:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

I am feeling so ill that I feel sad and possibly depressed. I really want to find something to help me feel better. I was diagnosed with a staph infection and given a week's worth of antibiotics. I am on Imuran from a kidney transplant 3 years ago. I had swollen lymph nodes all over, a blinding headache, and a stiff neck. I went to the doctor, and he said that, plus boils (I just though I was having an acne breakout) was staph from being on Imuran. Since then, I have been having unbearable symptoms. I don't feel rested after sleeping or napping, skin is peeling and feels sunbruned near some of the pimpes I drained, nausea that makes me carry a bucket, headache, itching red rash in several places, etc. Now my whole back is stiff. The worst part is that I feel like I am freezing and do not have a fever and have an insatiable craving for powdered donuts. I don't know if my thermometer is broken, but it showed between 97.1 and 97.6 all day today. My doctor isn't returning my phone calls :^

2007-12-06 15:25:58 · 8 answers · asked by BonnieBee 2 in Infectious Diseases

are there any anger management course for woman in melbourne australia? all i can find are mens anger management groups/ courses and for woman groups/ courses for victims of abuse groups. any help would be greatly appreciated

2007-12-06 15:23:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

theres a special name for it
please tell me

2007-12-06 15:22:25 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

All info conducted by email anonymously. Need info such as age, city of residence, race, what disease, how contracted, how affected your life etc. Email for more info and questionnaire. Thank you.

2007-12-06 15:15:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

ok im 16 and for the past few months my arms and legs and just my body in genral have been kinda twitching its not noticable to anyone else but me is kinda like it jumps for a half a second..when i think about it ..it seems to happen alot more..then when im doing something and not thinking about it i hardly notice it all..i went to a neroligist(sp?) and he did like a basic exam and tested my reflexs and other stuff and he said everything was normal...this has been happing for the past 5 months..it comes and goes..im scared i have like als...or ms or something...what could this be if the dr said i was find...also sometimes when im writing or playing a video game my fingers kinda become stiff...im really worried and im freaking myself out

2007-12-06 15:07:43 · 6 answers · asked by Est.1992 6 in Other - General Health Care

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