Hello. I'm 24 years old, married and I'm helplessly confused about Nuvaring. I started using Nuvaring today at noon, which is saturday 12/1. Here's the list of the dates my period started in the past 5 months: 7/23, 8/22, 9/24, 10/20, and 11/22/07. I found a website that said I could insert it the first of the month and take it out on the 25th.
This threw me off, because as far as I know, I'm supposed to keep it inside for 3 whole weeks (21 days, right) counting today as day 1. That said, I must remove it on fri. 12/21 at noon, then re-insert it seven days later (friday 12/28.) I'm confused! Should I count the day I remove the ring as day 1?
Whatever happened to starting the ring on the first day of the month, in my case, Saturday; removing it exactly 3 weeks later (same day of the week) getting your period around that time, then inserting it back one week later (same day.) Please help me figure this out and make my bc as effective as possible. Thank you!
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Women's Health