i'm 14 years old, and i'm alwasy embarresed to talk with my mom about stuff.
it was very hard telling her that i need to shave, and i need bras
i haven't started my period yet, which i don't think is normal because i'm 14!!!!!! but i think it's because i'm extremely underweight ( 81 lbs, 5'1 in )
recently, my vaginal area started to itch horribly! it was all RED, and some parts were a little swallowen!
at first i thought it was genital herpes, and i freaked out, but I'VE NEVER HAD SEX BEFORE
and then i did some more research, and i saw that my sympthoms are similar to the one's of yeast infection
my vagina itches HORRIBLY, and i really want to go to a doctor, but i don't know how to tell my mom, cuz i'm really shy
i need adult and teen help!
please, don't answer this if you just want to make a joke, i need real HELP
thank you.
2 answers
asked by
jade r
Women's Health