my daughter, age 4, has always been more active than my son, age 9, ever was. She is especially hyper when excited about something, or when we have company. She often will, quite literally, bounce around the room, and from person to person, climbing on people, climbing off, giggling, jumping, etc.
She is very needy of physical contact with others, and will often come up to me and touch me, or touch my face, or want to look at parts of my face with great interest (ie. the mole below my ear is a great fascination to her, or my crooked tooth.)
She is very talkative, and will come up to me and start conversations without having anything to say. ie. "mommy, um, mommy.... um uh mommy, um mommy, " It is almost like she wants to talk for the sake of talking. Quite often when she does say something other than "mommy", she will obsess on a particular topic. ie. for the two week christmas break, every chance she got she reminded me that when she is 6 her friend was going to sleep over at our house. She would carry on in great detail (and with great repetition) about all of the details of this event that is far off in the future.
She also is very intelligent, and has an excellent memory of stories and lyrics to songs that she may have only heard one or two times. She is very good at memory games, and practises them sometimes obsessively, until she gets better and better (ie, such as games on her leap pad).
She also has the nasty habit of picking her nails and skin around her nails until they bleed. We have tried to get her to stop this, but she even does it in her sleep. One month ago, her thumb became very infected and required medical treatment after one such "picking" injury. She also puts non food objects in her mouth (This had stopped when she turned 2, but returned again just a few months before her 4th birthday). ie. she will chew her collar, sleeve, ties on her jacket, her mitten, small toy animals, the plastic "eggs" inside of a KinderEgg, a piece of paper, her shoe, etc.
For the past two or three weeks, she has started making a "sniffling" noise all the time, and has started "clearing her throat" on a regular basis. (both are unproductive) There doesn't seem to be a cold or sinus problem of any kind, and her nose is not running. I am considering taking her to the doctor for allergy tests, but there is no evidence other than the "noise" of sniffling and throat clearing.
When she was younger, we thought she might be autistic, because she would have very intense periods of concentration that would last for 45 to 90 minutes at a time. She would kind of "zone out" when engaging in certain play activities (ie. doing a puzzle, repetetively covering up a dolly with a blanket) If you interrupted her in these activities she would become physically agitated and angry and would fight to get back to the activity. She still gets in a "zone" like this often, but not as frequently as before, and she doesn't get quite so agitated if you gently interrupt her zone. Also, she has good eye contact, and plays with her peers quite well.
The daycare hasn't pointed out any problems to us. Her kindergarten teacher said she has noticed that she has a bossy side when interacting with her peers.
Sometimes the looks she gives me are disturbing. If she doesn't like what I tell her, or if she wants me to do something for her and I tell her she will have to wait a few moments, she sometimes gets this very angry look in her eyes, grits her teeth, and pushes her fists towards me. She holds this pose for about 15 seconds and growls and grits her teeth at me the whole time. She always is very apologetic afterwards, but still wants her way. I can actually remember her doing a version of this when she was an infant and I would be breast feeding her. If she coudn't get the milk, or couldn't latch on right away, her fists would grab me and she would literally "shake" with anger.
I am not sure what to make of this. Is this normal behaviour for a 4 year old? I can't really tell. I should mention that my older son has Asperger's, so I am not really sure what normal 4 year old behaviour should look like. She is certainly MUCH more outgoing, social and agressive than my son ever was (or likely ever will be!).
Thank you for any input you may have - I have read some web sites about ADHD, but it is hard for me to judge whether my daughter's behaviour fit into the criteria or not. They don't seem to me to fit the Asperger's or ASD critera. Also, most of the descriptions of OCD don't ring true. Your opinions are appreciated.
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Mental Health