In other words, excluding a very bloody bowel movement, what is the other common complain that people who are then diagnosed with colorectal cancer, brought to the doctor, since blood in the stool can be caused by many things and 99 percent of the time is diagnosed as something other than cancer ( although blood in the stool you should ALWAYS see a doctor no matter what)...Anyways i had a friend who had constant diahrrea, and he was getting it everyday for a while, and his bowel movements where in crazy amounts 4-6 plus in a day, everyday in the form of i was just wondering..he was also a rare case as he is under 30 years of age!!( and 90-95% of colon cancer patients are aged 50 or older statistically) , but is fine now though thanks to modern medicine. anyways this has been on my mind lately, and im pretty young to think of this stuff as my doctor told me ...(19), but i always worry about this stuff for some reason.
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