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2006-12-20 15:31:09 · 9 answers · asked by dony f 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

9 answers

Definition of Blood bank

Blood bank: A place where blood is collected from donors, typed, separated into components, stored, and prepared for transfusion to recipients. A blood bank may be a separate free-standing facility or part of a larger laboratory in a hospital.

Separation of blood: Typically, each donated unit of blood (whole blood) is separated into multiple components, such as red blood cells, plasma and platelets. Each component is generally transfused to a different individual, each with different needs.

An increasingly common blood bank procedure is apheresis, or the process of removing a specific component of the blood, such as platelets, and returning the remaining components, such as red blood cells and plasma, to the donor. This process allows more of one particular part of the blood to be collected than could be separated from a unit of whole blood. Apheresis is also performed to collect plasma (the liquid part of the blood) and granulocytes (white blood cells).

Who receives blood: Accident victims, people undergoing surgery and patients receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or other diseases, such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia, all utilize blood. Over 20 million units of blood components are transfused every year in the US.

Giving blood to yourself: Patients scheduled for surgery may be eligible to donate blood for themselves, a process known as autologous blood donation. In the weeks before non-emergency surgery, an autologous donor may be able to donate blood that will be stored until the surgical procedure.

Typing and testing blood: After blood is drawn, it is tested for the ABO blood group type and the Rh type (positive or negative), as well as for any unexpected red blood cell antibodies that may cause problems in the recipient. Screening tests are also performed for evidence of donor infection with hepatitis viruses B and C, human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) 1 and 2, human T-lymphotropic viruses (HTLV) I and II and syphilis.

Storage of blood: Each unit of whole blood is normally separated into several components. Red blood cells may be stored under refrigeration for a maximum of 42 days, or they may be frozen for up to 10 years. Red cells carry oxygen and are used to treat anemia. Platelets are important in the control of bleeding and are generally used in patients with leukemia and other forms of cancer. Platelets are stored at room temperature and may be kept for a maximum of five days. Fresh frozen plasma, used to control bleeding due to low levels of some clotting factors, is usually kept in the frozen state for up to one year. Cryoprecipitated AHF, which contains only a few specific clotting factors, is made from fresh frozen plasma and may be stored frozen for up to one year. Granulocytes are sometimes used to fight infections, although their efficacy is not well-established. They must be transfused within 24 hours of donation.

Other blood products: Other products derived from blood include albumin, immune globulin, specific immune globulins and clotting factor concentrates. These blood products are commonly made by commercial manufacturers.

American Association of Blood Banks (AABB): The AABB is a key international association of blood banks, including hospital and community blood centers, transfusion and transplantation services and individuals involved in transfusion and transplantation medicine. The AABB establishes the standards of care for patients and donors in all aspects of blood banking; transfusion medicine; hematopoietic, cellular and gene therapies; and tissue transplantation. More than 2000 community and hospital blood banks, hospital transfusion services and laboratories and over 8000 individuals from the US and 80 countries outside the US make up the AABB

Source: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=13184

2006-12-20 15:39:16 · answer #1 · answered by Shashang_99 2 · 0 0

A blood bank is a cache or bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusions.
Please see the web pages for more details on Blood bank and Blood collection.

2006-12-21 04:32:23 · answer #2 · answered by gangadharan nair 7 · 0 0

Blood-bank means a place where blood is collected from donors, typed, separated into components, stored, and prepared for transfusion to recipients. A blood bank may be a separate free-standing facility or part of a larger laboratory in a hospital.

A stored supply of human material or tissues (blood) for future use.

A place for storing whole blood or blood plasma; "the Red Cross created a blood bank for emergencies".

A blood bank is a cache or bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusions.

2006-12-20 17:24:35 · answer #3 · answered by pravat 2 · 0 0

Blood is the part of life that is given to those who need it by
those who have the resource to satisfy the need. The love of fellow human and a desire to share something of oneself is what singles out a blood donor from the others. Emergencies occur every minute. For each patient requiring blood, it is an emergency and the patients could have set back if blood is not available.

Your blood donation may be even more special than you realize

A single donation from you can help one or more patients. This is possible because whole blood is made up of several useful components. These components perform special functions in your body and in the body of patients who receive your blood. The various blood components are Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, Plasma and selected Plasma Proteins. Each of these components can be separated from your donated volume of blood and transfused into a specific patient requiring that particular component. Thus, many can benefit from one unit of blood.

Blood is needed every minute

To replace blood lost because of accidents or diseases.

To treat shock due to injury.

For Major & Minor surgeries including open heart surgeries, transplants etc.

For burn victims.

For patients suffering from Anemia.

During child birth for the mother.

For exchange transfusion for new born infants.

To make blood derivatives which are used to treat medical problems.

For children suffering from ailments like Thalassaemia, Hemophilia (bleeding disorders) , Leukemia, Blood Cancer.

2006-12-20 16:23:47 · answer #4 · answered by Rajarajan Karur 2 · 0 0

A blood bank is a cache or bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation or collection, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The term "blood bank" typically refers to a division of a hospital where the storage of blood product occurs and where proper testing is performed. However, it sometimes refers to a collection center, and indeed some hospitals also perform collection. In the U.S., certain standards are set for the collection and processing of each blood product. "Whole blood" is the proper name for one defined product, specifically unseparated venous blood with an approved preservative added. Most blood for transfusion is collected as whole blood.

2014-06-23 13:17:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

Hey, like he said that is a pretty thorough answer, but I also know someone who works in blood bank in a hospital, so they match blood types and give the right bood to patients (I think, i'm not sure what exactly he does) in the hospital (that's the other side to blood bank).

OK, I confess i didn't really read the whole answer, it could have been in there.

2006-12-20 16:22:52 · answer #6 · answered by Bre 3 · 0 0

Blood bank is a place were people donate their blood for someone needed.

2006-12-20 15:38:18 · answer #7 · answered by Expertadvice 2 · 0 0

Cord Blood banking can be a good thing if your next child or this baby is in need of bone marrow, its not used for cloning as the 1st poster stated. However, the cost is very very very high to bank cord blood for you own use. Free to donate.

2016-03-29 02:11:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Like dude above me said, it's where people go to donate blood.

2006-12-20 15:39:49 · answer #9 · answered by Tyese 4 · 0 0

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