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Health - 6 November 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

I do not have any STDs

2006-11-06 18:08:00 · 11 answers · asked by Boboy L 1 in Other - Health

One of my classmates has bipolar disorder, he spoke a lot filthy language on my voicemail, and obviously he was in manic condition...
I just wonder that did he really mean to say that? Is there any meaning of what he said?

2006-11-06 18:05:49 · 15 answers · asked by Debby 3 in Mental Health

2006-11-06 18:04:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

My mother was diagnosed with Bi-polar back in 1993 and has had to be court ordered to take medications following three very sever manic episodes. This past year was the last, and she was in the hospital for several months. She has her medications stable again, Lithium, and a couple new ones. This time around she and my dad ended up divorcing as a result, and I have helped her restart a new life on her own. She is very depressed and I know that doctors don't necessarily recommend anti-depresents with bi-polar disorder. Is there something to help her from being so depressed? She has a fear of doctors as well, which doesn't help. I try to see her as often as I can, but it is very hard to see her so despondent. She won't take care of herself or her new place. We have found a program to help with a nurse three times a day and house cleaning. But it seems as soon as I go away she will resort back to watching tv/sleeping and crying all the time. Any help???

2006-11-06 18:04:13 · 10 answers · asked by Lilly 2 in Mental Health

pls help!.

2006-11-06 17:59:43 · 14 answers · asked by ♥chicagurl♥ 4 in Diet & Fitness

all the doctors give me a big list of what not to eat but nobody tells me what to eat....

2006-11-06 17:59:23 · 5 answers · asked by komal a 1 in Other - Diseases

these chemicals are in our everyday consumable products and are the biggest reason for many diseases like cancer, asthma and allergies

2006-11-06 17:59:10 · 4 answers · asked by Vickie S 3 in Respiratory Diseases

How come I keep on seeing 1123 on clocks and license plates and cell phones and seats in school and buses and on tv nd heard on radio . The weirdest part is that my dad sees 1122 nd wen i told him i see 1123 he freaked out is it some kind of genetic weirdness that gets passed down?? i mean i see it every where my dads b-day is 1-1-54 nd 1+1+5+4= 11 i mean its so weird and my b-day is 3-7-91 but that only equals 101 (once u add them) and yea it is so weird why is this?? please it freaks me outs umtimes because I dont ever try to see it i just see it randomly im movies too. My dads doctors appointment was 11-14-06 at 8am and he canceled it because 8 + 14 equals 22. 11-22-06 and 11-23-06 is coming up and we both wonder what is going to happen if anything.. please help me!

2006-11-06 17:58:53 · 10 answers · asked by scott g 1 in Mental Health

I have bipolar I take two medications zoloft and depikote I am having the hardest time gettting to sleep. I have taken sleeping pills nothing work's. I am finally back on my meds but still nothing any suggestions. I hate not having sleep and this insomnia

2006-11-06 17:57:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

My weight used to be 107 lbs. Now it became like 112 lbs. Now, 110 lbs is the heaviest I used to weigh. Now I'm 112 lbs. What happened?

I never had a problem with my weight. I can always eat what I want to eat. My eating habit is that I eat a lot of in-between snacks which consist mostly of nacho chips, potato chips, chocolate and chocolate chips and I never seem to get fat. Well, my eating habit is still the same but I feel that 112 lbs is too much for me, especially coz my height is only 5'1".

What is your advice? And for the people who can't answer anything good but just want to answer to post mean comments, don't be a smart@$$, don't even bother to post.

2006-11-06 17:50:16 · 12 answers · asked by Mrs Brandon 3 in Diet & Fitness

I am underweight for my age so I am on a fitness program. I need a diet that will contribute to gaining weight along with my workouts. I with be eating 5-6 meals throughout the day. What I need are some meal suggestions. I want foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates. I want to gain weight the healthy way. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

2006-11-06 17:48:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I am thinking about replacing my current nootropic Ginkgo Biloba with Piracetam. I am also taking Adderall 10mg twice daily, and i was wondering if Piracetam interacts with Adderall?

2006-11-06 17:48:02 · 0 answers · asked by Chris_55 1 in Alternative Medicine

my daughter's eye is very red and swollen, almost looks like a black eye!

2006-11-06 17:47:37 · 7 answers · asked by debs 1 in Alternative Medicine

I am going to the doctor but, can you please help me? Ok so like I started my normal period about 3 days ago (I have been them for about 7 years) and it hurts so much worse then usual. It has never hurt this bad, and it was still pretty painful today, like even today I had cramps so bad I was almost throwing up and to have that on the third day is not normal, I feel horrible and I have to work again tomorrow, so I was wondering if you could please help me. If it helps, currently I am not on birth control and my period was late by probably at least 2 weeks. Thank you

2006-11-06 17:46:09 · 8 answers · asked by cks 3 in Women's Health

my son who is disabled was exposed to my grandaughter who had them and it was confirmed she was still in contagious time on thursday night and it is now tuesday and it appears he has the same look of pox she had with the pimples with white heads but only a few of them so far.

2006-11-06 17:44:07 · 7 answers · asked by Brook 2 in Infectious Diseases

the red pill...or the blue pill?

2006-11-06 17:40:52 · 7 answers · asked by tinkerbell20 1 in Men's Health

Can you get into a coma after having a heart attack? I was wondering because my uncle had colon cancer and went into a coma and died. I was wondering if you could get a heart attack then get in a coma....

2006-11-06 17:40:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

I waited to have sex until I was married, but to achieve that feat, I fooled around quite abit beforehand. I've been married now since July, and I'm not sure if i've popped the cherry yet. We have sex for three days in a row, maybe two times a day, but he's in the Navy and is gone quite a bit. Sex is still quite painful for me, and I've never really bled. The only time that sex isn't painful for me is when I'm ovulating, drunk, or on my period (I know gross.) Normally it's during penetration, but lately it's stayed. The only other time this happened was two months ago, during the same spot in my cycle, when I happened to be pregnant but didn't know it-lost the baby. I had a normal pap then. How long after you loose your virginity does sex hurt? Does early pregnancy produce painful sex? Can you have sex but not pop your cherry? I have wierd CM, it doesn't smell at all and is white, but it's the consistancy of powder, no other irritation. Doc says nothings wrong, I think there is. You?

2006-11-06 17:36:04 · 5 answers · asked by janiewq 2 in Women's Health

Can anyone decifer this for me?? These are my ultrasound results from last week. My GP as no idea what it means and I cant get in until the end of the month to see my OB/GYN

ULTASOUND SAID: Transabdominal and transvaginal examantaion. The anteverted uterus measures 109cc in volume. It is mobile, being tender and the c-section scar region. Myometrium homogeneous. There is fluid seen in the region of the c-section scar. The fluid is seen moving in and out of the scar. It is probe tender and hypervascular. The right ovary measures 4.3cc in volume, containing 2 follicles, the largest 10mm. The left ovary measures 5cc in volume. The left ovary is only seen transabdoninally and I am unable to assess follicles. The right ovary is mobile and not probe tender. No adnexal mass nor free fluid. Both kidneys are normal

2006-11-06 17:32:45 · 1 answers · asked by Kylie J 2 in Women's Health

i need an answer today so dont tell me to go ask my docter. can you guys just tell me what to expect, what they'e going to do? and yeah, if its possible to return to school the next day.

2006-11-06 17:30:05 · 7 answers · asked by one.n.only 3 in Injuries

I need some adive on how to relieve the stress of life. I am a junior in high school and I am constatnly packed with work. I ususally do not got to sleep unitl 1 or 2 in the morning and I have to cut uout daily meals just to finish my work. I will appreciate it if you could give me some advice on time management.

2006-11-06 17:29:38 · 6 answers · asked by petswodahs 1 in Mental Health

I have gained 2 pant sizes in 4 months... my butt has gotten bigger, my stomache has gotten bigger, and so have my boobs. Is there any way to lose inches... I go to school for eiht hours and then I go to work for eight hours, so I dont have alot of time in my day... please I am desperate... I am only 17... I am really short and I don't want to be 150 pounds.

2006-11-06 17:29:31 · 8 answers · asked by lacey 2 in Diet & Fitness

im feeling kinda sick, because the inside of the left side of my belly hurts, it is like if something was pricking :S

what could it be?

2006-11-06 17:29:16 · 5 answers · asked by said m 1 in Women's Health

2006-11-06 17:25:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

Sticky situation here. I am in the process of a divorce. I ran into my former ex bf from 5 years ago and we hooked up. Here is where it gets sticky. His house burned down shortly after we fought about nothing. He moved in with his ex wife and it's been purely like roommates. His ex and I are like friends. So, we've been seeing each other for a while now. We made a mistake and went too far, from which I could be pregnant. He called me later on that day and said that he will do whatever I want, including moving in together. I think he's already started that, becuase he phoned me saying that his ex turned out to be jealous and that she had given him three weeks to move out. He wants this to go as smoothly as possible, so he asked me not to call for a couple of weeks to avoid any more trouble. I know for a fact they are not doing anything from knowing his ex so well and having gotten close. The three weeks thing, is he really working no getting out or is he running?

2006-11-06 17:24:01 · 6 answers · asked by Ding Dong 1 in Men's Health

2006-11-06 17:23:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine

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