I had a baby at the end of May. My hair started to fall out maybe amonth afterwards. My mom said it was just cause my hormones were changing. At first it wasn't that big of a deal, but it has gotten worse prgressively. Now I have to clean my hair brush out every day or so, or else it is too thick with hair to be able to brush it. Also, every time a I shower my hair comes out in 5-6 strands at a time, everytime I run my hands through to wash it. So let's say I have somewhere between 40-50 or more hairs on the wall of the shower. Then when I get out and dry my hair with a towel, I have another 10 or more that come out in my hand. Then the brush takes out more. Even after that, all day long my hair is all over me. On my clothes, my back, the pillow, the couch, in the car.
I don't always wear my hair up, I will be 25 in Feb, I have Trichotillomania, but have been decreasing my pulling since my hair has started falling out. Do you think that it has somethin to do with it?
11 answers
asked by
Yooper chick
Other - Health