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Singles & Dating - 23 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I am a hopeless romantic.
My bf wrote some sweet things in my card.
I am hopeless with coming up with things like what he wrote:
"I am very fortunate to have met you"
"I look forward to spending more Christmas' with you and i hope we grow old together"

Girls what would you write?

2007-12-23 12:33:13 · 8 answers · asked by Glamourous_Girl 5

I have met this guy about about a month ago and the first night he was interested in me but I want his flat mate who takes advantage of me and not meaning to,i've known him for nearly 5months now. His lituanian. We had sex twise and spent time together lots of times and our friendship was good but he asks me for loans and offers me pleasure which I love but feel ashamed about.One night he admited that I had either fallen inlove with me or that he was inlove with me but this was nealy 4months and a half ago before he changed flats.He'd give me that sexy look and smile and feed me sometimes with his money and we kissed alot more than we had pleasure,so even the days without pleasure we kissed but when I ask him he says he loves me soo much but as a friend and confessed that he has been infatuating about a girl he met in a niteclub with his friend who he never touched but recently misses her and wants to be with her.He started being with her 4/6 weeks after we had sex and I want him...?

2007-12-23 12:32:28 · 4 answers · asked by conwayrockchick 1

I don't know. Maybe it's just my age group. But, I can't find anybody with real thoughts and feelings anymore. I know people like my friends and family are okay, just because I know i can trust them. But, I've had several relationships that have all been the same way. Everybody has to play a game. No one can just tell you how they feel anymore. Dose anybody else have this problem?

2007-12-23 12:32:18 · 33 answers · asked by corrola_1995 3

my hair is naturally wavy and curls at the end. its brown with a few natural streaks of blonde and red. it long enough to reach my butt when straight, but since 99.9% of the time its reguar curly/wavy, and in a ponytail, its maybe 2 inches above my butt. from what i told you, would you say its pretty?

i swear, im not as superficial as this question makes me sound. if i was, i would probably bother to straighten it or style it rather than put it in a ponytail.

2007-12-23 12:30:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i say egg. You?

2007-12-23 12:27:46 · 12 answers · asked by hi 3

This guy & I(we're like friends w/benefits..I guess would be our "title")usually talk everyday. We've known each other about 2 mos. He said before he isn't trying to look for a serious relationship, but hopefully we could lead up to more. Anyway, I try to not be a clingy girl. So 1 day passed(1) that we didn't talk. He called me Thurs. & then Fri. we didn't talk. Saturday he called me & one of the first things he asked was "why haven't you called me?" I told him I didn't think he had his phone b/c he was supposed to get it fixed b/c he can't get text msgs. He was like "I still have my phone, why haven't you called me?" He wasn't rude...he was just asking. It made me feel like he missed me.(aww) But it also made me wonder why he was sweating the fact we didn't talk for 1 day when he doesn't want serious. Am I doing right by not being clingy & letting him do most of the calling & initiating, etc...since he doesn't want serious? Or should I try & pursue him more than I have?

2007-12-23 12:27:45 · 9 answers · asked by love my life 2

i have this friend who says he loves me more than a friend..i don't know what to say to him or what to respond to his statement,,i already have a boyfriend..it's kind of complicated..i am being paired with this friend of mine when we were about 11-12 y/o..he started calling me "luv"...i said that he should stop calling me like that but he won't stop..what should i do/say to him???...he always play a joke on me, that's why its hard to believe if he is serious or not..

2007-12-23 12:27:38 · 5 answers · asked by honey_106 2

i'm a senior in high school and all through my high school year i'll have feelings for these girls... i talk to them for a while and it feels like i really like them, and then after i get some from them my feelings totally change. i don't mean to be a douche bag, but idk y i'm like this. i always tell myself when i find my love i won't be this way, any advice?

2007-12-23 12:25:59 · 25 answers · asked by jeff ray 1

my teacher wants a report and on how many lesbians im taking a sex class

2007-12-23 12:22:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girlfriend wants me to stick it in her poopar during her period. Should I? I ain't scared of getting feces on my penus or anything.

2007-12-23 12:21:18 · 7 answers · asked by 2-D 1

is it true or is it a myth. can men be loyal or is cheating part of their being.
Can a man be loyal for life....?

2007-12-23 12:18:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shallow as it seems, after 6 years together my fellas birthday and xmas gifts to me get smaller by the year. in the first year he bought me the world.This year I got a few gifts without...A CARD!! I know he loves me, we spend every night together, and he is not a man for talking about emotions. I am not in it for gifts anyway I love him. But just wondering does this mean anything?

2007-12-23 12:17:56 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

who do you think would win in a nude no rules fight between a man and a woman of the same height, weight, and strenght? and how would they win?

2007-12-23 12:14:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Females in the 20's would be alot of help. Everytime I get about 1-2 years into the relationship, I get bored i guess, and just look for ways to break up with the guy. And the guys are always good too, really romantic. See right now, the guy i'm with, I'm just trying to break up with him, but can't do it, cuz he didn't do anything wrong...but its just me, i dont wanna be in the relationship anymore, i wanna be single. I'm 22, and im just wondering if other women feel this way?

2007-12-23 12:13:28 · 1 answers · asked by CRAZXY 2

Is it justified in a committed relationship that after trying very hard to make your wife understand; a man can tell her:

"Just do it !! because, I have said so"

May be under the assumption that it is good for the relationship to work in the long run. May be she is having a PMS or somthing...

Is it appropriate for a women to do the same?

2007-12-23 11:52:02 · 9 answers · asked by Panther K 3

ok im sat on the computer listening to sad love songs

im currently at college and this lad asked for my number so i gave him it and he said he would text me when he got his phone as he broke it he also over christmas but this was said aabout 3-4 week ago and im getting tierd now !!!

also i was walking with my brother around town and this guy i have liked for a while gave him a real dirty look what could this be we smile talk and he waves at me??

please be nice!!!

2007-12-23 11:50:56 · 5 answers · asked by Blondii 3

I'm not happy with any men that approach me. I find something I don't like about each and every one...even if they are good looking or successful ..but never both at the same time ..

I tend to like guys that could care less about me

Could it because I'm not very happy with my life at the moment ?

2007-12-23 11:49:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

&dont mind the eyeliner, it was halloween.
my friend's bf:

his girlfriend:

do you think they look cute together?

2007-12-23 11:39:28 · 56 answers · asked by Hehe. ;]] 3

Okay well I've been dating this boy for 7 months and so for Christmas, I ordered him a shirt from American Eagle Online. I was really excited when I ordered it [I'm the kind of person who has to give special people the PERFECT present, or it's not good enough]. So I'm pretty excited to give it to him. But, my friend Jillie got a boy that she's crushing on, and their verry close to dating, a shirt AND a hat from Herbergurs!! Now I'm spazzing because we both got them the same thing, but she got her "wanna-be-bf" more than I got my serious bf. Do I get him something, more? I don't have any time or money for more shopping! And I would bake him cookies with it, but he doesn't like sweets!! HELP PLEASE!?

2007-12-23 11:37:48 · 7 answers · asked by Laynerz 1

if they seemed friendly and you were very attracted to them but they never looked over at you (they were either busy or quiet) but you knew that they wouldn't brush you off when you approached them (because you saw that they are friendly to anyone who approaches them) Would you start up a conversation with them to try to get to know them or just ignore them until they gave you "signals" of interest towards you?

2007-12-23 11:32:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is giving in the community tho

This is the most beautiful girl I ever seen at my age,she has decent class of style and personality

But She has been with alot of dudes that just want to bang her up for her looks and body,$$$

I talk to this girl with ease with no flirtation
I know she likes me and of course i do too

but she get cheapest older guys that doesn't deserve here at all

if i hook up with her i don't want to get diseases and such
since it is confirmed that she has been getting laid in the past.

I try to forget her and aim for oher chicks
but it's a once of a life time of a perfect girl!!!!

2007-12-23 11:29:17 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

my bf came over a few minutes ago and said if we could talk privately. i said sure but i doubted that cause our little brothers are there(he said he had to bring his little brother to keep an eye on him to keep him from selling pics of him naked lol) so we went to the kitchen since the boys were in the family room watching tv. He said he needed to get something from his car and went outside. while he was gone i decided to check on our brothers and discovered his bro was gone i was like OMG not again! so i went to several rooms in my house and my bf came back and helped me look for his bro we found him in my room looking in my dresser taking out my bras I WAS SO EMBARASSED and so i said you both have to go NOW! and so he took his brother i showed him to the door his brother ran to the car and then my bf tried to kissme. i was like dont even try! he left and i slammed the door was i too harsh?

2007-12-23 10:53:18 · 261 answers · asked by ♥Šümmęrłãńd♥ 2

Where were you and what was it like?

2007-12-23 10:52:14 · 114 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im really great friends with this guy, we have alot in common and get along really amazingly,we flirt all the time and i have always gotten the feeling that he liked me but i never used to consider him romantically
that is until recently...
the problem is one of my close friends has told me that she likes him
at the time i told her i was happy for her but on the inside i felt jealous... i was really confused because i never thought of him in that way before and now i cant stop thinking about him...
i know i should back off for my friends sake but i feel such a connection with him(like ive never felt with anyone before), and i know he feels the connection with me.
i love my friend and i dont want to hurt her
is there anything i can do?

2007-12-23 10:49:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really love her and i know she loves me too, but we always have to be hiding from everybody including her family, we made a big mistake, we had sex w/out protection and she got pregnant, she was really scared she told her aunt, what was going on between us and that she was pregnant. Her sister asked her have an abortion i ask her to marry me she aborted the baby that's when we split and after 2 yrs we met again she told me she was sorry, she said that she regrets what she did she also show me that she still loves me but still can't be with me. I thought about what is going on with us and i really love her. We met a few other time and we agree not to see each other anymore for a long time. to see if what we feel is real love she said she might marry me in 5 or 6 yrs when we're ready but until then she told me to live my life normally and if i find somebody else she wants me to be happy, also she ask me to forgive her if she marries somebody else but i don't think she meant it.

2007-12-23 10:37:51 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-23 10:37:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous