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Singles & Dating - 15 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

how many of yall look for good sex in a relationship

2007-05-15 06:58:05 · 27 answers · asked by mean_punk_chick 1

underwear color or underwear style? answer for both girls and guys

2007-05-15 06:57:57 · 24 answers · asked by Alexa F 2

My job is done here.......goodnite !

2007-05-15 06:56:48 · 20 answers · asked by fws204jb 3

I wish I could see my boyfriend ty right now.

2007-05-15 06:55:23 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know with me and some friends...a guy is cute and such, but if hes taken it makes him more cute...Hard to explain and it means if is off limits...But GUYS is it the smae way when you see a female....Do they seem more attractive after youve found out they are taken? And do you stay clear or still try to get with them?

2007-05-15 06:54:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've posted a few questions and the answers I've gotten range from blunt to callous; most people telling me what an $%@ I am. Is everyone so harsh?

2007-05-15 06:50:25 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was playing fooball across her street because theres a field like me ? ? ?there, she knocked through the window and stared for a minute at ME!!! i am unsure whether she likes me?? please help and answer from you hearts !!!as this will only gain you more points. i like her lots !!! what should i do, should i wave at her or ask her out ?
she lives two doors next to me and always looks at me when i go past her house in the mornings and afternoons she watch's TV and always looks at me !!! she is a year older then me, so please help. thanx ..x she always looks at me when i play footy. what should i do and do you think she likes me ??? she lives with her mum and dad and is only 16 years old !!! i didnt look at her today.which i should of

please feel free to answer please!!! thank you if you do answer my question! cheers have a gd day !

2007-05-15 06:46:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am single now and really enjoying it! I am 30 and i like to party and have fun and usually end up sleeping with someone different . I cant help how i feel , i have a very good job and take care of myself but since i have become single again( was in a relation ship but the other person said i wanted sex to much)i dont want to settle down yet and a friend of mine said i am becoming a slut! i have been with about 50 people ( i tried it with a couple of girles too) does that make me a bad person? i just enjoy sex a lot. and i am not ugly or feeling sorry for myself i have no problem meeting people actually i am quite attractive, just out having fun for a while.

but honestly i feel like i need sex every day to keep happy, the wilder the better, and i am not sure what to do about it? I have found myself wanting other females and i dont want to feel that way either. Is my hormones in overdrive? will it stop so i can be normal?

if you got time email me stacyshivers75 @ yahoo

2007-05-15 06:46:15 · 16 answers · asked by crazy 1

What do you think about a boy who knows i fancy him(he doesn´t want any girlfriend, but even so, he didn´t reject me) tells me that has a problem cause had one night stand with a girl who´s engaged to somebody and he surprises i feel bad at hear it.

I think is a very selfish and thoughtless action that he tells me "that kind of problems" knowing what i feel for him and even so expects it doesn´t hurt me.

Please no silly answers , just serious.

2007-05-15 06:46:15 · 11 answers · asked by CREATIVA 4

I mean why are they looking for that when the first go out with a girl?

2007-05-15 06:45:23 · 11 answers · asked by lexi M 1

Just now, I saw my prom date and the last girl I liked/fell in love with sitting at a table of about 6-8 people together. I have this really sick feeling inside that the last girl I liked must have said something that made my prom date change her mind about me. She didn't act towards me the way she normally does and like she did with me at the prom and yesterday (explained further in the link under additional details). I'm really afraid, I wanted this girl to like me and I think she does, but now the last girl I liked that didn't like me back may have bad-mouthed me to the girl I like now. The girl I like now talks to me even though bad things she said she knows about go around about me. With her and the last girl sitting together, that might all change.

2007-05-15 06:43:12 · 5 answers · asked by Icebox -0: Never Again 5

Please Help! If you really love the man you are with, but there are only 2 good things you can say bout him. What should you do? Because I can name 10 reasons why me and my boyfriend should not stay together. I'm crazy about him, but I'm kinda thinking now, that maybe I'm just crazy. He is older then me. I'm 23 and he is 34. Maybe it's the age???? So, the question is" if there are only 2 things you love about a person should you stay?"

2007-05-15 06:42:36 · 14 answers · asked by LucyLoud 2

2007-05-15 06:42:09 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf now ex bf have been dating 11 months now.....well prom this weekend would have been 11 months ...i broke up with him four days before prom....now the details...my family and friends have been thinking i was in a mentally abusive relationship and it def. wasnt healthy we faught everyday and the signs were there...however when i broke up with him he has done everything possible to prove to me he can change my heart wants to be with him and now that he has saw the whole big picture give him that one chance(during the reltionship i have given him soo many)...well my parents are soooo against us being together and are like tellhim to give him your space and i was thinking for what so i can decide that i cant give him that chance..we ahve always told eachother we would fight for eachother and its impossible now he put flyers up on peoples car at my school saying he would treat me better but my parents say thats manipulation and he cant come on school grounds bc my mom reported it.help!

2007-05-15 06:41:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

honestly though what is the one thing that drives your species wild??? I know what I can do.... im just curious and bord...

2007-05-15 06:40:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's been 5 years since we broke up and I have been seeing someone for almost a year, but recently we (my ex & I) started texting and talking to each other. We even hung out once but I feel guilty not telling the guy that I'm seeing about it even though he's not considered my "boyfriend". Should I tell him or just end this talking with my ex?

2007-05-15 06:39:18 · 7 answers · asked by babygirl28 2

I have a friend in my life that i know has another woman.He is more close to her then me because he has known her longer.But i can tell he does not want to hurt my feelings if I can't deal with this.he tries to be with her without me knowing unless i push the issue.She knows me but thinks i am just a friend.When i want to spend time with him he will make up an excuse as to why he can't or will tell me that he will call me later and never does and i know its because she is over his house.But the majority of the time he will come to my place if i ask him. Last night was one of those nights he did not call back. But in the back of my mind I still want to spend time with him.& he actually told me he would spend the rest of the week with me but last night was going to be hard. I have a tendacy of holding on to no good men as long as i know, until i cant take it anymore. & new ones are always married or have the same drama. Is it better to have a partime love then no love at all?

2007-05-15 06:38:39 · 11 answers · asked by My two cents 4

My boyfriend and I work together and tonight he gave me a dozen roses after work. We both have all morning off tomorrow and he said he was tired and wanted to go home. I said okay and I left but I noticed his car was still in the parking lot. So I turned around to check on him because he sometimes has car problems. He then was like "Oh I'm just relaxing" and I was like "I thought you said you were tired" and he was like "yahh I am, let's go" so he drives off and then parks a little ways down again. I got upset and he goes "I knew you were going to come that's why I did it!" and then he did it again another time. Then he finally left for good. I've never not trusted him until now but I do know he likes to play mind games with me. What should I do and should I be concerned or no? Thanks!

2007-05-15 06:38:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girlfriend and I were out at a bar, and some scum bucket lifted up the back of her top to take a closer look at her tattoo which is just above her thong line. I told the asshole to back off, should I have been pissed or did I over react. She did not want this guy touching her at all!!

2007-05-15 06:37:44 · 13 answers · asked by Terry B 1

I have a question for the ladies about their perspective on something. There is this girl that I like who lives in my complex. I see her, we speak to one another like 2 times thats all. She is leaving to go to work when I'm coming in from work. Also Im wondering if she has a bf or is dating anyone bc I would like to know b4 asking her bc i dont want to make a fool out of myself. She leaves to go out when she gets in thats when im coming back from running. I have never seen her bring a guy or bf back to the complex. Does this mean she is single? What is the best way i should go about talking to her or what should i say to her the next time i see her? I really do like her i feel that she is the most attractive girl. Thanks Ladies,

2007-05-15 06:37:26 · 9 answers · asked by spurs257 1

Once there was a function in my college. Everyone said that I was looking beautiful (Including him). But as I was leaving he told me to never were that dress again, because he didn’t want anyone else to watch me in that dress.

He says he will kill any other boy who would come near me. He is in a real hurry to marry me, he says he wants to marry me in 2010, I told him that my parents may not allow that. Then he said the he would kill my parents if that happens.

Now I really want to break up with him but I can’t, one we had a fight and I was sure that we would break up but one day he just grabbed me (as I was alone) and kissed me by force. Then he said sorry (not about the kiss but about the fight) he was really nice to me for two days but after that it was all the same.

Now I learned that he is some kind of gangster, and I am afraid that he may kill or rape me I break up with him.

I have heard these kinds of men are mentally ill. Is my bf one of them? How do I break up?

2007-05-15 06:36:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

me up today? having a bad day at work, could use a hug or a kiss from someone to make me smile....the more descriptive answer gets the best answer....send me a reply, guys and girls...


2007-05-15 06:35:24 · 21 answers · asked by Alexa F 2

I'm 18 yrs old, smart, pretty and charming. I know that guys feel attracted to me, but i've never, ever had a boyfriend. I feel so weird because, for example one of my best friends is real pretty and has never had a bf either. I've kissed 2 guys , my friend only one. I wonder if it's sth to do with my attitude, am i just 2 insecure? It's especially weird for me when i go out dancing with a heavily anorexic friend of mine (she is really too skinny, her teeth are yellowish and you can see she isn't healthy) and even though i have a great time, meet lots of people, etc. she goes home with a one-night-stand, and i go home alone. OK, well i wouldn't want to have my 1st time with a stranger... it wld have 2 b with a boyfriend, at least the first time.
but i really wonder what is wrong with me. Or is it just that swiss guys are too shy and uptight? because in other countries i get much stronger reactions from men.
the weird thing is, that i get a lot of compliments, both from men and women.

2007-05-15 06:34:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

he put this in his myspace profile and i don't know what to think "Who I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet someone confident, strong minded, independent, relaxed/ez going, and likes to play as hard as they work. looks are important , but there has to be a conection. I want something real not just on the surface. So if you are the lady to tame this lion i cant wait to meet. "

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ? Is he looking for a new girlfriend ? Please help me

2007-05-15 06:25:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex and I broke up 3 months ago. The breakup was sudden, unexpected and very cruel. The REAL bad news is, we work together 8 hours a day. I'm still in a great deal of pain and anger; I'm not even considering dating. She, on the other hand, has taken up with someone I know and I feel she's rubbing my nose in it. She calls him all the time from work, and even brought him through the office today! Is this decent behavior? It really hurts me when she does this(yes, I know it's over). How do I deal with this? I can't get out of the department for at least several weeks, and quitting isn't an option.

2007-05-15 06:17:45 · 5 answers · asked by aquaman2964 3

im 15 and almost 16 and im not rushing into it i do really love my boyfriend and he loves me :) its about 4 and a half mouths and we are go do it but im really scared, can tips??

2007-05-15 06:08:30 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

The brothers and the father of the girl catch the seducer pull down his pants and grasp the shaft of his penis where it enters his body and then strenuously twist it for about 10 minutes while he writhes in agony. The effect of this is that there a micro-tears in the penis and he cannot get it to be erect in future.

2007-05-15 06:05:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex bf is coming on holiday with me and my family in the summer for 2 weeks, we split up about 5 months ago, i finished with him because i changed my mind about what i wanted. we'd been going out about a year but had been very close for about 6 years.
Now everything has changed, he's totally changed. For the last five months hes been going on about how he still loves me and wants me back and that his life is over now if he cant have me. He's dropped out of uni and doesnt want a job and he is totally depressed but refuses to see a doctor when i ask him to.
he has told me that he cant take any more and wants to kill himself. but he has told me his family dont know anything about this and think me and him still get on.

i have a new bf now who i am really happy with and we have been going out for a month. but i just cant handle what my ex is putting me through and i dont know how to sort this because i never want him back now after this and i have told him so. What can i do??

2007-05-15 06:01:36 · 31 answers · asked by Claire g 1

2007-05-15 05:56:43 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex-boyfriend (long-distance) is still in love with me and calls/texts me all the time. Recently I met a new guy, and my ex is suspcious because I haven't been picking up his calls or responding to his texts anymore. He has been asking me if I've been seeing someone new, and I've lied about it and said no. Should I tell him the truth? Maybe it'll get him off my back if I do.

2007-05-15 05:49:42 · 17 answers · asked by kiki 1

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