If you mind is made up and your sure your not going to wait..... USE PROTECTION!!
2007-05-15 06:12:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
16 is far to young to have sex with a guy you've been with for four months. Your body is your temple. Sex for the first time should be shared with someone you truly love and care about. At 16 how could you possibly know real love. U haven't lived long enough to really see what's out there. Live your life you should be planning on college and your future not some 16 year old boy. If he really loves u then he'll wait to until both of you are prepared for the outcome. Sex has alot of consequences. Babies, STD's and the various diseases like HIV,AIDS, and HPV those are some things that penicillin won't cure. Besides all that are u ready for the emotional side effects of sex. What if he dumps you soon after? Then you're gonna be on here again like why did he dump me. 16 is a priceless age. The best time of your life. Live it to the fullest. Be prepared for your decisions. But if you must have sex remember to use PROTECTION. Make sure he takes his time with you.
2007-05-15 06:38:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
wait...wait...wait...i can't stress that enough you are too young no matter what you say if you two love each other like you say you will wait and each of you will understand if one of you don't understand then the relationship was NOT meant to be look I am a woman who is 37 have a 16 year old daughter and she is now a mother please wait if it is love, love will wait the fact that you are scared sounds to me like you are really not as ready as you think you are I am not just saying this as a new grandmother but someone who has been there I had the chance when I was 16 I choose to wait and he understood please really think long and hard about what you are doing I know it may feel like the right thing to do but it's not if he's pressuring you then it's really not the right thing to do same if you are the one pressing him 4 months is really not long enough espically when you are as young as you are just because you are still a virgin don't make it the end of the world it makes you much stronger than those around you who are not you may want to go thru with it now but you will regret it later waiting is a good thing don't look at it as you have to do this you have a choice
2007-05-15 06:21:23
answer #3
answered by sassysandyinmi 3
Well, my tip to you is DONT DO IT!. I think if he really loves you he will wait, and showing that he cares and loves you and that you love and care about him dosent nessasarily means you need to sleep with him. There are so many things that you regret in life doing, takle it from someone that had that expirience, this is one of those things you will regret so much. When you finally grow up and dicide to get marry and your husband asks you about it, telling him is one of the hardest things you will do. Dealing with it is another. The guilt that you carry and then filthness that you also carry with you, is not worth the 10 minutes of "fun". Guys that age are only looking for one thing and one thing only, and thats to use girls like they were towels to wipe their dirty hands on. Think about the consecuenses....even if you use protection, if you come out preagnant, what are you going to do? Does he have a job? Can he take care of the child and you? Do you have a job? Do you have any idead how to take of a child? Do you know that it is twice as hard to go to school and have a kid!? What would your parents say about it? If you do come out preagnant and you dicide to marry this guy, how long will your marriage last? Do you know how to cook? Do you know how to clean and take care of a household? Are you ready to give up you life, so that you can stay at home with the kids? How long will this guy stay with you until he finds another girl and do the same thing? Think about all these questions and I strongly suggest you answer each one of them HONESTLY. Really thinking about the BIG PICTURE and outside the box is really going to make a difference in your dicision. I really do hope you make a good decision and a wise one.
"A smart man learns from his own mistakes, but a wise one learns from others"
Be wise and make the wisest dicision in your life!
2007-05-15 06:27:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
well my friends daughter felt the same way and as soon as they had sex he dumped her for another girl! He gave her a ring and everything...they dated 8 months too!!! Be careful because it is one thing you can't get back...you have only been together 4 1/2 months why now why not wait? If you have waited this long why not wait til you are 16?
2007-05-15 06:13:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
why people will lead their love ones with sex?i know wonder why.....and as for u dude,u r still 15 and u r not suitable to have sex.yes,u can't.cause why,cause u r still growing up.don't u know the effect having the sex in the early age.the probability for u to miscarrage is so high in the future.u want that and u will have STD.when u have that,nothing much can be done,what u have to do is waiting to die.........
2007-05-15 07:01:56
answer #6
answered by mamin_87 2
Sex not occur before:
1. You are ready to deal with a pregnancy, should it occur
2. You are ready to deal with an STD, should it occur
3. When you know how a woman can become pregnant (all the ways it can occur)
4. When you know what the various STDs are and how they are transmitted and how to help protect against them
5. When you are ready to insist your partner wear a condom (female) or insist that you wear one (male)
6. When you are on a reliable form of birth control and using it properly (female) or ensure that she is (male)
7. When you are ready to deal with any emotional issues that may come from being intimate with another person
Until you've got those things covered, you should not have sex.
2007-05-15 06:11:30
answer #7
answered by . 7
Your rushing it if your not married to him. Sex is supposed to be an open giving of yourself to your beloved, one who has vowed to love and cherish you the rest of his life in front of witnesses if this has not happened your going to wish you never started the procedure. Nobody makes you have sex and unless you want to be the next unwed mother stay away from the source.
2007-05-15 06:12:37
answer #8
answered by Tapestry6 7
oh sure, he really loves you until you put out then he will drop you like a hot potato. Girls are so naive nowadays. You're too young to be having sex for one, and for two if you're so scared of it, don't do it, that just is another reason why you're not ready. Gosh. use common sense.
2007-05-15 06:12:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
first of all..........its only four months, if ur going to lose your virginity for something u think is love, wait more than a year, the you will know, this way ur most likely gonna get screwed over and be heart broken. if ur losing ur viginity for fun it doesn't matter. but since u mentioned love, then wait, if ur gonna lose it now for love, then wait to make sure its more than just infatuation, hell you could tell me that i dont understand your love and i'm a hater, bla, bla, bla; or i'm a guy, bla, bla, bla; the thing is if ur gonna have sex for love, then wait longer than 4 months. he may or may not be honest about how he feels, but if he says he's in love, both of you may just be infatuated with one another, and u can try telling me "na-uh, its true love" then if it is, wait and if it really is then you will last longer than a year, wait one more year, wait until you have been with him a year and four months at least.
2007-05-15 06:23:20
answer #10
answered by ParadoxZero 3
be careful and be sure this is what you want to do. use protection, even if it's the first time for both of you. but how do you know it's love at 15? i was still playing with barbies at 14-15. you watch...a year or 2 if even that for down the road, you 2 won't even be speaking. good luck.
p.s. is he telling you he loves you? cause guys will say anything to get what tey want.
2007-05-15 06:12:31
answer #11
answered by trisha_r_c 3