ur sexy body right now.
2007-05-16 01:18:23
answer #1
answered by Mr. Sexy 4
Most of my family have passed away and I miss them all so very much. My Mother, Father, Aunts and Uncles, and several cousins are all dead. I never dreamed that my life would be just me and my daughter - my sister and her two children. Now she has 2 grandchildren and I realize that the family is still growing, but my heart is in the the closeness that my immediate famly had and we don't have that any more. So, I wish that I could see them 'in heaven' , to know what they are doing, to know if they can 'see' what we do here on the earth (I'd probably do much better) so that I would know what to expect when I get there. God is so good - but enduring the death of loved ones, even when you know where they are, can be difficult at times. I miss my folks. I miss my mom. It is so bad that I can't even pass by her place of burial without tears. I guess you can imagine what Mothers' Day was like for me. Anyway - this was a thought provoking question.
2007-05-15 13:33:37
answer #2
answered by THE SINGER 7
I wish I could see the world thru my dogs eyes. He has it made in the shade! He is fed well, we play a lot, he gets brushed and rarely has a bad hair day. He gets petted and loved all the time. Doesn't have to figure out what to wear that day and if he will look fat in it or not. To boot sh*ts where he wants and I have to pick it up!
But I love him more than anything.
2007-05-15 07:11:28
answer #3
answered by deb2polar 3
I wish I could see my real mother that I haven't seen since I was 5yrs old (and I'm 33 1/2)
2007-05-15 07:09:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
What I will be like in 30 years.
2007-05-15 06:57:50
answer #5
answered by sofa_king_rare 2
I wish I could see my crush.
miss him loads <33
2007-05-15 07:15:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I wish I could see a hippo packed full of dynamite, hurled from a plane, and detonated 500' off the ground.
That would rule.
2007-05-15 06:58:40
answer #7
answered by P.I. Joe 6
I wish that I could see racism gone, and all GOD'S people in harmony
2007-05-15 07:00:04
answer #8
answered by Mr. and Mrs. B 2
i wish i could see mah ex boyfriend right now
2007-05-15 06:58:16
answer #9
answered by whyt3gurl 2
i wish i could see the younger version of C. Thomas standing right in front of me asking me out. (happy-happy sigh) he's so sexie in everyway imaginable
2007-05-15 12:15:32
answer #10
answered by jerry'sfairy15 2
if my relationship with my GF, Rebeca, lasts ten years or more from now. I'm not religious, but i would like to see Jesus, and see how he was. and i would like to see Keichii Tsuchia the drift king and see if he could teach me to drift, :D
2007-05-15 07:06:25
answer #11
answered by ParadoxZero 3