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Singles & Dating - 13 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

so this guy that i really like also likes me back, but he says he wants to move slow, and that he likes to be friends with a girl before he dates to see how we will get along. does it just sound like he wants to be friends or does it seem like he's the type to take it slow?

2007-05-13 23:55:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Around a year ago i started seeing a guy who moved next door with his mum. im 19 and he is 25. it was a secret thing as we didn't want others to know and still to this day nobody knows. but the worst possible things has happened. he has fallen in love with my mum and now they go out together and i sleep in a room next to them two.

what should i do??

im in a happy relationship now with a great guy, but still the though of them two getting up to stuff drives me insane and i cant bear it!!! any idea how i can get to grip with it??

any advice will help so long as its reasonable and within reason!!

2007-05-13 23:54:08 · 18 answers · asked by Kirsty N 2

His "dream girl" always give's advice to him, and also cheer him up a lot, my Friend is confused about this situation, My friend tried to court her, but she said that she's not ready yet, She told my friend that if he changes she might answer him.....

And also His dream girl seems to care about my Friend a Lot, My friend is confused, what should he do???

2007-05-13 23:34:35 · 22 answers · asked by DARKSTAR 3

Is he lying. I wish i knew.
I feel so bad to leave him, the thing is we met online, i'm from arizona and he's from vermont, i flew 2,000 miles to meet him and then realize he loves me. And i fall in love with him, then move in with him and his family. Since the beginning of this year, all we've been having are arguments, and i don't know whether to leave or to stay right now i'm packed up. yester day we argued this morning to and i feel it's all my fault cause i get mad at what he says in his dreams about girls, i check if he really is dreaming about me and ask him to hold me. when he says no i feel i'm not in his dreams. it's hard for me right now. i say i will leave and he cries then i stay. i can't make up my mind. i need advice.
The first day i moved in he said that's your room and this is mine, come in here if you want to have sex.
the first day we met we had sex.
he called up his ex and told her he was with me, in front of me, she couldn't believe i flew 2,000 miles for him.

2007-05-13 23:31:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have kinda been out alot lately and i would like to stop drinking for a while, im gonna join a gym and start boxing after work. i wanna do this to get into shape and have a new focus in life. i will go out with my friends sometimes but not get so drunk and i wanna do this for the whole summer. is this a good thing or a bad thing? and why? whats the positives and negatives? thanks in advance!

2007-05-13 23:15:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cant understand why we argue over many things and i end up saying i will pack up and leave i suddenly realize i really love him, and can't.
I did this many several times.
And still feel the same.
He has said to me hurtful things, like you're just jealous you don't have a best friend you could take advice from like i do, all you have is your aunt and your dad.
He has then cried like a baby each time i said i would leave, then i feel his pain, and want to comfort him and stay.
He has told me i don't say i love you first he has to be the one to always say it first, he's said i don't really love him if i say i'm going to leave him.
He has attempted to stab himself with a knife the minute i started packing one time, then stopped and said there are other people that love him like his family and friends.
When i talked and interuppeted him he bursted out angry and punched me on my shoulder arm several times telling me to let him finish what he was going say. I need advice.

2007-05-13 23:05:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

yesterday my bf called me and i was in a situation that dosent really allowed me to talk with him, but i answered .
while i was saying hi , he felt that am not comfortable at talking so he asked me if theres people around me and i saied yes.
so he told me its ok and he will call after a lil time.
then he sended me a msg saying thats : " is this my treat cuz i wanted to hear ur voice, u tell me people around me , im really angry now and i will never call again sorry for bothering u !""
i traied calling back many times but he keeps shuting on me then he sends me this " dont call me again never, its enough until now "
i was realy angry at him. especially i now i did nothing wrong, and its the first time i do this.
while he does it to me many times when i call him, he always tells me :" baby am with some friends call me after 5 min.or he tells me his around people call me after a while.
i never was mad or said anything about it.
what is wrong with him acting like that. i luv him

2007-05-13 22:58:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

On Friday night I was in the pub with some friends and we spotted this fat girl sitting at the bar. My friends put a £50 bet on that I wouldnt take her home. I took her home and got my way with her and collected the 50 quid from my mates the next day. The thing is that this girl keeps calling to my house and I am hiding and pretending Im not in. She also got my phone number from somewhere and keeps phoning me. How can I get her to go away?

2007-05-13 22:55:42 · 28 answers · asked by Sean D 3

we had a previous argument, and everytime i ask him to hold me, he gets mad that i wake him. I'm not starting to like the fact he is this way. I get angry at him most of the time.

2007-05-13 22:50:28 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm serious and really would like to know the truth.

2007-05-13 22:43:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anyone been hurt by another that afterward they hated who they were even for a little bit and how did you benefit from it later on or learn from it or tell me stories of you loving yourself again... say if a significant other didn't like somehting about you that you hated but later learned to either love or live with or are still struggling with... please details... i'm bored and thinking of my own issues.

2007-05-13 22:41:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

we were doing great before. but somehow lately, i cant stand on his angry attitude. he's like always try to find my faults. at the same time i cant really tolerate with him anymore. previously, when he's mad, i'll usually tolerate and be soft. seems like i cant do that anymore. we will fight like hell even on a small matter. we were planning to get marry in 2 years time, but i just cant imagine my life if this situation remains. :(

2007-05-13 22:38:36 · 15 answers · asked by la la la 2

3 weeks ago my ex girlfriend ( she was my girlfriend back then) said she loved me more than anything in the world, and that she could never live without me, well after about 2 weeks from her saying that, She broke up with me, and dated someone else for two days, Then that week she said she still loved me, then we argued.. did not talk for a week, she texted me saying she wanted to see me, first two days of her asking I blew her off, I was upset. Then I finally came to see her, she said she had sort of missed me. That night we ended up making out, next day we went shopping together when I brought it up she was very embaressed, before this break up we were together for 3 years, last summer she had broken up with me, and was pretty much acting the same way she is now, She has bi polar, and last summer it seemed as if she were manic, this summer it seems that way too, but she says that she is not manic. She only wants to be friends with me and wants to be with someone else.

2007-05-13 22:33:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I met this guy. I want a relationship, he seems decent. But he is what most HOT girls would call a complete loser. He is not built, he is not good looking, and he sounds as if he is gay but he isnt. Through his voice i mean and sum of the things he does.

This guy likes me, and i was going to d8 him to see how things went, but my gfs would be shocked if i did and giv us a hard time about it. Specially me. I am worried about what they think, and i am kinda embaressed about it. Imagine you were me, what would you do?

2007-05-13 22:30:16 · 6 answers · asked by louise 3

Why do girls tease guys? She is just doing it to be mean. Like she was making signs that I was gay like the ******* handmotion which I thought was extremely rude considering I am not gay at all.

And she laughs whenever something bad happens to me with her friends of course.

She is a nice person but sometimes she does things that are just so mean.

She doesn't like me she has a crush on some other guy and has been since the VERY beginning of the year. Sometimes she talks to me like a friend but then she is like sooo ******* mean and annoying.


Also note: I do not have a crush on her at all for those of you who might have said something like that. I used to at the beginning of the year but then I got to know her and didn't like her anymore.

2007-05-13 21:41:15 · 8 answers · asked by Matthew E 3

that he is just having time out (we were spending all our time together) and if i just let him be he will contact me again or should i make the move and call him? Guys have you ever just chilled for a week or two for a breather and then got back in touch with the girl? Does this actually happen or is he giving me the miss?

2007-05-13 21:14:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like my best guy friend from high school...but he's got a die hard thing for the girl that he fell for in high school, who is also a good friend of mine. They got close last summer and dated for three weeks towards the end. They broke up because they were going to different schools. She is not showing interest in him and recently told him that they would have to build up back to friends, let alone to a romantic status again (which hurt him badly). He said that he doesn't want to build things up only to have them end like they did last summer, with him calling her and her being too busy to make time for him.
I've been trying to get something going with other seemingly more interested guys...but to no avail.
I'm trying to get over him, but he's so flirty and very sweet to me, sometimes in a more-than-friendly way. He asked me if I liked him and I told him that I did...Then he got even more flirty, even after he made plain that he had no interest in me.
What is up with him?!

2007-05-13 20:58:46 · 5 answers · asked by thatsalovelypainting 2

I have ever never talk to him or even look at him but his tring to make a relationship with me, he sends me letters or he calls me every day, I have no idea where did he get my number! would you help me please???

2007-05-13 20:49:38 · 20 answers · asked by negar_solati16 1

Guys...when you admit you are "missing" a certain female
as in you wish you had as much time to spend with her as you used to...
What are you really saying?

Does it take a LOT for a guy to admit he's missing a female?

2007-05-13 20:49:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got to see this guy for a month when he was on leave. Spent everyday together and had THE BEST time. He leaves and I barely hear from him. Here's the thing, he hardly talks to his mom too. His mom told me things that he's said, like, "She's nothing that I've ever met before, I can be myself when I'm with her and it feels good." When he was here, it was like I was the gf w/o the commitment. His mom wants me to wait for him. He comes home for a little bit in Dec. b4 he's deployed to Iraq again. She thinks that he still likes me alot. His mother and I are close too! She calls me "daughter" and calls to check on me. I'm scared. I'm afraid that when he comes back, the same thing is gonna happen like they did last time and I get attached. I can't be a temporary girlfriend. But, I don't want to give up either. Why would he tell his mom these things if he didn't like me? Am I getting the run around? Or is he "married to the military?" Is he just not interested? I don't understand.. Thanks!

2007-05-13 20:44:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been depressed for a little while after nearly losing my son in a car accident , moving away from my family for this man and having him lie to me and hit me when he gets angry. To the extent on whipping me. Today it was a bad day for me being alone and wanting him to come straight home. He came home yelling at me because I needed him home and apparantly he drove like a maniac and hit the side of his truck on a tree. He has even driven through a fence when he has got angry. I know I needed him home but is it my fault he chose to drive so irratically and damaged his own truck. Please tell me if I should be blaming myself.

2007-05-13 20:32:34 · 26 answers · asked by golden tigress 3

im 22 and my parents are against me dating. ive been with a wonderful man for over a year and things are great. I've met his parents and they love me. I am very focused and plan to go to graduate school after i take a year off to work. My bf is planning on going to law school and has a very good job at the moment. I know my parents will disapprove. Even if i brought home bill gates they dont want me dating at all. Im so scared to tell them but i think its gone on far enough. My dad dated while in school and my mom got married when she was 23 but they wont let me date. I hate the fact that they are so strict and unrealistic. I am completely dependant on them until i find a job to live on my own...should i tell them and risk not seeing my long distance bf for a WHILE or not tell them and keep hiding it. The only reason im contemplating telling them is that my graduation is nearing and my family as well as my bf will be there. I dont want there to be an awkward situation. What should i do

2007-05-13 20:30:49 · 26 answers · asked by lovesickprincess 1


My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years now. Over the last year we have been arguing a lot and I feel that he is pushing me away. He has gone from being a really loving, affectionate and commited partner to more like a brother or a friend. I have to always ask him to kiss or cuddle me and he rarely says I love you unless I have said it first. More than anything, I want to get married and have a baby (Im 36 hes 41) but hes not so keen and changes the subject when it is brought up. It makes me so upset as I have done everything for him and his kids, have always put them first and feel like I have received nothing from him in return. I feel so unhappy and when I tell him that he says that it is me and wont see that it is him making me miserable. I try talking to him but it always ends in an argument then he acts like nothing has happened. I dont want to leave him as I love him so much, but I cant handle the arguments and rejection any more, its killing me. What can I do?

2007-05-13 20:25:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

ive always been really nice to them and they hate me for some reason. I dont know why. I think he is so scared of them that he wont even tell them we are seeing eachother anymore, He has to sneak around to see me. Why wont he stand up to them? I know he loves me but why wont he?

2007-05-13 20:23:47 · 9 answers · asked by slass 1

There is this guy that i know who has trouble showing emotions! I have tried to help but it isnt working! He sometimes tries but for example if a girl sends him a really sweet message telling him how she feels he doesnt reply! When she asks him why he says cause she should know how he feels already! But girls like to be reminded! I tried to explain this to him but he got upset about it! How can i help him out?

2007-05-13 20:16:42 · 5 answers · asked by Stacey-Lee 3

I'm a bit over 40 and I like women in the thirties and forties; if they've taken decent care of themselves then they look just great at those ages.

Personally, I'ld like to father and raise another kid or two. What I need, ahem, is a woman capable of the task, so to speak, as well as willing and interested.

I would just like to come out and ask woman I meet in this age group if they still fertile but I really do not want to slight or offend anyone with such a personal question at a first meeting.

Yet its important to me, and if for no other reason I can at least find a basis for some other kind of relationship once I know one way or the other.

After all, its getting to be September, so to speak, and I'm running out of time. I'l like to see the kids through thirty, even though I would otehrwise provide well for them.

So what is a nice, unoffensive way to bring up this subject without putting the other person on the defensive?

2007-05-13 20:09:43 · 5 answers · asked by Radzewicz 6

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