So, this is about the same guy i wrote about before. For the past 2 weeks we have been talking, and we did reveal to each other that we liked each other too. He has turned out to be a really cool, funny, and sweet guy. The thing is, whenever we talk on the phone or chat or text, we talk fine, but at school all we do is joke around and flirt. Hardly any socializing going on, and i feel like we have more connection with technology..Whenever we are face to face, its like hes hiding his feelings i guess..Besides, it was me that admitted i liked him first, when i asked him if he did, he was like " well, what would you think if I did?" What kind of question is that? He confuses me alot, and I don't know if i should still keep tlaking to him if he isn't going to start towards the next level. I don't want to waste my time, if he isn't going to do anything. I always make things easier for him, like beign the one to start up the conversation. He's hard to understand soemtimes..I just don't know.
16 answers
asked by
Chase P