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Singles & Dating - 8 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2007-05-08 04:53:55 · 43 answers · asked by Sergio C 1

i wanna get back with my ex but i want him to tell me or show me instead of me doing it

2007-05-08 04:53:26 · 12 answers · asked by SHANNON H 1

2007-05-08 04:51:48 · 14 answers · asked by hope 1

When you take a girl or girlfriend shopping/out, what does the boy have to pay for? Obviously if you go to the movies, you'll buy both of the tickets and popcorn but whats the go when she asks you to go shopping with her? When she says 'what a nice skirt', is she trying to give you a hint 'buy me this'? What if she says that in each and every shop you go to?

What are generally the musts that boys must buy or pay for when they take a girl out (eg shopping)?

2007-05-08 04:50:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

with a guy on the 2nd date. Although we're in our 30s, I think this is way too soon. She said "the moment was right". I've been on my 4th date with a guy I'm really into and I feel the moment is also "right" but haven't... I love wondering and the anticipation of it..... I'm wondering what the thoughts are? would you think a woman is "fast" or is there a rule?

2007-05-08 04:49:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex is back in touch. We originally went out for a few months but I broke up with him because he wouldn't commit and I felt he was stringing me along. Now he wants to see me again but I know we'll just end up in bed. I'm sorely tempted as I've been celibate for 6 months and am feeling quite frisky ;-) On the other hand, it's unlikely he's changed and I might get hurt again. There's immense sexual attraction and maybe this time he might act differently. What should I do?

2007-05-08 04:48:13 · 42 answers · asked by Daisy Chain 2

help me >>>>>>????????????????

2007-05-08 04:48:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK here is the story. i feel in love with with this girl, and i knew that she like me, texting each other all day, going out movies, have a good time every time we see each other, etc., but then she went on a cruse the week of spring break then when she gat back she stop talking to me. i have tried to talk to her but she just dose not reply my text messages or signs off of AIM. i knew that she gat a boy friends on the curve, but they broke up, and then i found out that she gat another a new boyfriend. so i have no idea what is going on can someone help me?

2007-05-08 04:44:05 · 24 answers · asked by green_death66 2

I am currently going through a divorce (I was married for 5 years). I would like to start dating again, but don't really know how to go about it. I don't like bars, and I really don't know any other way to meet people. Please help!!!!

2007-05-08 04:43:10 · 10 answers · asked by Adrienne G 1

i'm curious cuz someone asked a question about it

2007-05-08 04:41:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dated a guy before, it was so-so but i really liked him. we even planned on seeing each other again this month. however while we were chatting weeks ago, i asked him questions about his past relationships and he said that he's not interested in getting serious.

the question is, why then would he keep on asking me out if he's not interested? was he "thrown off" that i asked him that question and that he didn't really mean what he said?

2007-05-08 04:36:58 · 8 answers · asked by PC 2

Most guys i see with their chicks are always lookin at other girls while their gf has he head turned. y do they have no self control, i mean u dont want ur girl lookin at another guy, do u???

2007-05-08 04:36:56 · 16 answers · asked by Rissa 2

can you' s answer me this question seriously (no piss takers) my partner can go without sex for weeks. we have a toddler and we both work different shifts when i come home at night (i work p/t in a pub) he is sleeping he is up from 5.30 every morning i know he must be tired*** but come on im GaGGinG
do all guys masturbate i dont think he is messing about. please HELP *****

2007-05-08 04:36:38 · 34 answers · asked by tinkerbell 2

Most guys i see with their chicks are always lookin at other girls while their gf has he head turned. y do they have no self control, i mean u dont want ur girl lookin at another guy, do u???

2007-05-08 04:36:24 · 25 answers · asked by Rissa 2

I see the commercials, I see the movies, I hear the hype...what makes sex so great? (This comes from the mouth of a virgin, yes, so please be gentle in response)

2007-05-08 04:35:23 · 37 answers · asked by Ayumi 23 3

2007-05-08 04:32:45 · 30 answers · asked by UPGRAYEDD 4

im 16... i feel so un loved! ive never had a boyfriend! when i find a guy i like they are too old! or they plan on turning into a girl themselves *cringes*... all guys my age are dick heads! until i got to high school i had no friends! im different and no body likes me for who i am... except my best friends! there was a guy or to that i liked! but he never asked me out! i asked him if he liked me! but he doesnt! there was a guy that liked me! it didnt work out cos i never saw him! ive never been kissed on the lips! stupid... hey? pls help me... y dont no body like me? the ppl who do like me are in there mid 20s and up! just as friends! except one guy! he makes me feel special! i really like him! and he likes me! excpet when he found out my age he backed off! he barely talks to me now! hes 29! and we have so much in common! he makes me laugh! and you can tell we like each othe by being in the same room (according to my friend)! y do i feel this way towards sum1 so much older than me?

2007-05-08 04:32:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

so i'm talking to this girl from a phone chatline. i'm 18 turning 19 in aug and she turned 17 in january. we talk on the phone and she sent me a pic and she 's not ugly she's pretty. i told her we should be friends but we can still like each other because i don't want to be serious with a female. i haven't met her yet but when i do i wanna kiss her and thats about it i can't see myself going down on her or any other extremely sexual things. even tho she's she told me i make her feel a way and i feel the same too. i don't know. i haven't even told anyone about her it's like my little personal thing i want to keep to myself. any comments?

2007-05-08 04:31:21 · 16 answers · asked by ch@L@nt 1

So there's is this girl and i liked her and we were talking and stuff; but then it turns out that she likes my best friend and she was just using me to get to him. So now her and my best friend are going out; but i still like her but she going out with my friend. It's not really much of a question, I was just wondering if you had any advice?

2007-05-08 04:29:42 · 7 answers · asked by nathan122591 2

I need to know why! I mean should marrige be a factor? But I want to be happy with the opposit sex. Who gets married any more- For true reasons without the prenups! Just a general question for all to answer!

2007-05-08 04:29:39 · 17 answers · asked by taa daa 2

I feel Like relationships just don't last like they used to, it's like you can be with someone for 4-5 years ( which is a long time) and be madly in love then out the blue the couple breaks up, then there's couples who eventually cheat on one another or eventually get into arguments and break up. It's like in the beginning everything is sweet and couldn't be more perfect then as time goes on everything goes down Hill. I'm starting to feel like most of us if not all, aren't meant to be with just one person the rest of our lives I feel Like we all get different learning experiences and memories from different people that we date or marry and then we move on to the Next person eventually, it's like a endless cycle are they're others who agree or not?

2007-05-08 04:28:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My guy and I had sex for the 1st time a few days ago. It was the 1st time ever for me so I'm sure I'm over reacting. He didn't use a condom and I agreed to this. Anyways, about a few hours after, i got cramps in my lower stomach. Then the next time I started to feel nausua. I still have the cramps and I still feel nausua. It's not all the time, just probaly half the day. Is this because it was my 1st time? (I'm 24 incause you need to my know my age) I'm really dumb to all this because I really didn't get in touch with my body till being with him.

Also, where can i go to get on birth control? Can I go to my primary doctor? Or planned parenthood? Any one recommend one that wouldn't cause weight gain and is on the cheap side?

Thank you for any help at all.

2007-05-08 04:27:58 · 13 answers · asked by Mom to one cute boy! 6

I am in a long distance relationship, and sometimes the need is crucial. I have a few, but would like to know what others use.

2007-05-08 04:26:51 · 18 answers · asked by Sarah W 1

If you found out that your girlfriend was pregnant, both of you are in school only and not working, you love her but don't feel ready to have a baby would you ask her/demand that she get an abortion?

2007-05-08 04:26:32 · 30 answers · asked by Melissa 1

Ok here it goes. I have been with my fiance since September and we are getting married in July. I love her with all of my heart but I am jealous of past relationships she has had, I feel jealous when she wants to go to the "club" with her friend that has lower morals than my finace. My fiance is a beautiful woman who I love dearly (I am 27 she is 29) just so you know our ages. I now guys look at her and "undress her with their eyes...like a piece of meat and I cannot stand it and it makes me jealous. I do not go to the club with her as I do not dance and she dances very very well!!! What can I do to stop being so jealous and to let her know that I really do not like her going "clubbing" especially with that one friend....thanks
As a note...I have told her before that I do not like her going to the club and do not care for this one friend due to her morals, but my finace has never given any reason to doubt her and always tells me it is me she is with and it is me she is coming home to

2007-05-08 04:23:15 · 7 answers · asked by lbs_dad2003 1

I have 2 boys and 2 different fathers I have been through hell went them . I met someone that I always dreamed of having. We only knew each other for 5 days and so far we have gone to church 2gether and took the kids to the amusement park and it has been wonderful we even plan on being saved 2gether but the only thing is he lives with another woman. Which he has been searching for his own place with me because he wants out of the relationship. He says she is not what he wants. Me personally has always had my guard up when it came to men since my 2 bad 1's with my kids father. But I trust in this man like this is the best feeling I ever had. I just want 2 know am I being crazy? Honest answers only.

2007-05-08 04:21:07 · 20 answers · asked by lsdhaiti 1

If you found out that your girlfriend was pregnant, both of you are in school only and not working, you love her but don't feel ready to have a baby would you ask her/demand that she get an abortion?

Does telling your girlfriend that you want her to have an abortion mean that you don't love her-as much as you claim?

2007-05-08 04:17:55 · 14 answers · asked by Melissa 1

i met this girl where i work, we started talking, then she said she likes me. no doubt i like her too, but then she says shes twisted, because her ex says hes coming back from vegas soon, and she promised him that she would wait for him. she says she doesnt want to go back out with her, but shes constantly thinking about him. iono what to do...

2007-05-08 04:17:26 · 33 answers · asked by jay 2

2007-05-08 04:13:42 · 3 answers · asked by tamashaperryman 2

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