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Other - Family & Relationships - 29 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I am having sort of a crisis, was wondering if anyone could give their opinion. Right now I'm 19, male, and I am starting to think a lot about how I was raised and how my parents act towards each other and to me, etc. Well I find that my mom waits on me like a butler, she never disciplined me, and never gave me responsibility. My dad talks down to her. I don't want to disobey her and I know she loves me, but I think that she should expect me to do things I should be responsible for (she INSISTS that she do them even if I try to help).

Well I find that my dad is misogynistic and I am also misogynistic subconsciously, even though I think this is a bad trait that I wish I didn't have. I can't really tell whose fault this is: my mom's or my dad's. I don't think they are good role models for how a family should function.

So I think my parents love me, but I think that they do a lot of things wrong. I'm in college, live close to home, and visit a lot.

2007-01-29 19:10:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i make more than my husband, and he says it doesnt bother him but i dont really believe him, he works alot of overtime saying he just wants to help us save money for our future house.....but do you think it bothers him that i make more??

2007-01-29 19:06:52 · 14 answers · asked by dansbby 1

I have had a relationship where my partner thought that sex within a 'normal' relationship was dirty. I could not and still dont understand why. She couldnt tell me why, she just said its how she felt. We were just talking straight up missionary sex. Nothing else. She had no history of abuse, violence, rape etc. She was very attractive and very desirable. I am not fat, unhygenic, dirty, or unattractive. Just a normal nice guy.

Was I missing something obvious?

2007-01-29 18:51:16 · 10 answers · asked by hoarfen 2

At 46, I fell in love with a man and moved in too quickly. After I moved in, he told me his savings were gone, he didn't make as much as he lead me to believe,we wouldn't be able to buy a house, constantly stressed about $ and I had to bring in $, even though I am on a pension for an illness.
From the start the sex was not that great, as he had ED. I worked very hard to please him, but he gave little in return. I hoped it would get better. 2 months after moving in, he stopped having sex with me. He may be ill, but won't go to a doctor until insurance comes in. I am extremely compassionate, but it's now been 4 months without any sex, hardly a kiss, but he loves me so much and tells me all the time and is very sweet. There are things I wanted, like laughter, fun, sex, plans that we don't have. I do adore him. He's not cheating/ gay. I feel so lost because I give so much, but he doesn't give back in ways I need. He keeps saying he has no energy and too anxious. Please share advise.

2007-01-29 18:31:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

u know he prefers things shaved (down there)..would u do it if it wasnt your own preference, or just think he can take me as i am??

2007-01-29 18:23:59 · 11 answers · asked by spdy 5

Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost two years now things are seeming to be old. I just dont feel sexy any more. I mean i look good not to boast i'm a brunette 105 pounds 5'5 whats not more to ask for i just feel like i basicly have to throw my self out there to get him to look at me. Every now and then he just randomly wants me at the wierdest times. But the thing is the sex isn't the thing. I'll find my self tierd as hell trying to do sexy things when i dont even want sex i just want that attention is that odd ?? like we are with each other alot!! But we just sit around play games,computer, tv, school, etc. (we live together by the way). When we were first together things were exciting and daring now things are just like ( USUALL) how can i put this excitement back. Im just scared i know pleanty of people who have lost good relationships due to boredom, how can i get him to be more romantic or is that possible with a guy?? hah (im the hopless romantic not him :[ )

2007-01-29 17:59:01 · 23 answers · asked by catieann 3

I have lost other people that were close to me in my life, but it never felt like this. I have been crying for 2 days straight. I can't explain to my family cuz they didn't understand how much he meant to me. I can't stop thinking about him & how much he helped me thro some bad times. My heart breaks over each time I think. I have tried many things to keep my mind off of thinking of him. I think that I would be able to handle it more if I knew that he was still around, but he isn't cuz he is now dead. I have never felt this alone very in my life. I don't know how to stop the feelings of lost, empty, alone. I don't want to hear that I should pray to God, he is the one that took my bestfriend from me. I am a God fearing lady, but I don't feel any comfort knowing my friend is in heaven. He wasn't ill or anything.

2007-01-29 17:54:23 · 12 answers · asked by MaeSalgo 6

Wow It's already been a year since i've broken up with my ex... and well i've dated since but nothing special. Todays his birthday and i can't stop thinking about him. I haven't talked to him since i last confronted him about his cheating and games he would play. He wasn't the perfect boyfriend either but i spent 3 years with this guy and i keep saying that i'm so over it but to tell the truth I'm not :( It hurts so bad and i miss him. But i know that if we were together i probably would still be getting hurt by him..... I guess either way i'm screwed. I guess i just want to know... How do you completely let go for good.

2007-01-29 17:46:44 · 1 answers · asked by Manda-Panda 2

as a kid getting older was so much fun and hype then i turnt 21...
got a house a job had a kid....and seemed to stop counting my age i mean i some times even answer i 21 now today is my birthday and i think **** 23....what happened to 22....

does anyone else feel this way sometimes

i know alot of answers will be 23!!! hell im 40 odd and etc etc....

how does it feel to be the age you are and how do you feel...any wiser and older or just the same...

2007-01-29 17:31:00 · 13 answers · asked by MissTee 2

2007-01-29 17:30:50 · 14 answers · asked by sincere12_26 4

2007-01-29 17:26:13 · 22 answers · asked by BadBitch19 1

He has a warrant, she is pregnant, they both do drugs. He is violent, and she is In Love (in lust really), she wants to better her situation, WITH HIM... What advice would you give her?

2007-01-29 17:07:13 · 5 answers · asked by topsecretwrappers 4

I was so hurt to find out my boyfriend used porn.. He says he does'nt anymore but he does not seem to have any sexual desire for me.

I am frustrated, doubtful, shy to be naked because he does'nt look at me anymore like he used to. I feel it is not me that he wants, but a young, new, and "not hurt" woman. I feel that he thinks I am beautiful, but intellectually. Like.. She is very beautiful.. but I love porn !!!

I have talked to him about it and he tells me that there is always a tension, that he cannot "always" look at me. (I do want so much of his attention because I know es given it to lots of women), and he does'nt feel like having sex with all that tension.

I am so hurt.. and I don't know how to be sexy anymore, or initiate sex. If I do get sexy for him, I am sure he will be receptive (maybe because of his guilt feeling)..

Is it possible for a man to lose his desire.. and have it again..Or is it like when love dies, it's over ? Any ideas how I can get my confidence back?

2007-01-29 17:06:11 · 1 answers · asked by knightie 1

I was going with this guy, short of. I thought everything was going okay, meaning that I thought we were going somewhere. He send me 24 yellow roses and when we ment, he brought me the cuties teddy bear. Before we ment, we would talk on the phone. He would tell me all these wonderful things...like, he doesn't cheat, used, play, or anything, because he thought that was totally wrong. He said he wouldn't do that to someone. I believed him. He would come to my place and hang out. We would cuddle and everything. He took me to the movies one time. That was the only time he took me out. We always hang out at my place. On my 23rd. birthday, I lost my...you know with this guy. Then, like 6 days after that....we rented a room and you know.... I swear everything was going perfect. But, the next day.... he told me that the dating isn't going to work out. I was in shocked, because the day before...we spent like 6 hours together in the room.

2007-01-29 16:57:08 · 13 answers · asked by graduation_girl2003 2

I was so hurt to find out my boyfriend used porn.. He says he does'nt anymore but he does not seem to have any sexual desire for me.

I am frustrated, doubtful, shy to be naked because he does'nt look at me anymore like he used to. I feel it is not me that he wants, but a young, new, and "not hurt" woman. I feel that he thinks I am beautiful, but intellectually. Like.. She is very beautiful.. but I love porn !!!

I have talked to him about it and he tells me that there is always a tension, that he cannot "always" look at me. (I do want so much of his attention because I know he's given it to lots of women), and he does'nt feel like having sex with all that tension.

I am so hurt.. and I don't know how to be sexy anymore, or initiate sex. If I do get sexy for him, I am sure he will be receptive (maybe because of his guilt feeling)..

Is it possible for a man to lose his desire.. and have it again..Or is it like when love dies, it's over ? Any ideas how I can get my confidence back? Thx

2007-01-29 16:56:37 · 1 answers · asked by knightie 1

Okay well I have this teacher in college, and he touches people all the time, both guys and girls. He puts his hand on ur shoulder, while hes standing behind you. Or if he gets a real happy moment he might hug you and I get the feeling if I would hug him back he might cry with joy. But I don't. Other times this teacher acts kind of depressed and sad. Myu question is, why do some rare teachers do this (put their hand on you), while others teachers are so stiff and no personality that they barely look at u, let alone want to touch you? What kind of personality will cause a teacher to want to touch his/her students not in a sexual or provacatative way? But just in a warm way.

2007-01-29 16:55:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there any special reason that makes the men feel desapointed of a woman that he loved before?

2007-01-29 16:48:26 · 4 answers · asked by Nora la exploradora 2

what is the best position to be when making love to a virgin for easy penetration and reduction of pain for her.

2007-01-29 16:42:30 · 12 answers · asked by icycharia 1

Suppose Angrish was a lonely boy of 18 when he meets Angela, a 15 year old underprivileged girl. Because of Angrish's romantic nature Angela falles in love with him. Angrish was not ready for a long term relationship, but he always felt a need for a GF, since he had been alone for the most part of his life. Think as "see where it leads" Angrish says yes to Angela and they become lovers. As time goes Angrish starts to really like her seeing that there are so many things that he used to take for granted but for Angela those were like "WoW". For example Angela's first car ride was in the Angrish car! In the mean time Angela's whole world becomes Angrish. For her it is Angrish after God and nothing else. She is completely dependent on him. But as time passes Angrish that he actually never fell in love with her. For him she has been just another friend who he has been fond of. Angrish doesn't really find any physical or mental comfort in her, but he knows that with out him she has no one..

2007-01-29 16:30:24 · 7 answers · asked by UpNorthDownSouth 2

Tell the truth

2007-01-29 16:28:32 · 14 answers · asked by interesting_awesome_beautiful 1

she loves cats and she is into nursing also.

2007-01-29 16:22:08 · 7 answers · asked by abby 2

"You're so big that I can't even keep a tampon up there anymore"

Somebody really said that.

2007-01-29 16:18:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Does Warm Milk Actually help u sleep cuz whenever i drink something and lay down ima throw it up lol.
2. How important r the final exams in highschool?

what site is like a clothing warehouse that sells lrg clothes and like bape for cheaper?

2007-01-29 16:17:31 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is constantly yelling at me for something, even stuff i have no control over. When my brother does something wrong, i get in trouble, never him. It always seems as if i can never do anything right and i will never be good enough for her. I have cryed myself to sleep many a nights because of things she has said to me. Like once she told me that if my brother had been born first, i wouldnt be here. which makes me think she never wanted me and still doesnt. i cant wait until i go to college because i will finally get away from her and i will never ever come back.

2007-01-29 16:09:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

....and I want it back. What can I do to regain it? And yes, I am over 21.

2007-01-29 16:02:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What makes a woman do that I would like to know

2007-01-29 16:01:47 · 25 answers · asked by bigdicjay06 1

i'm a housewife living abroad with my husband i wish to reduce phone calls to my native. but i am alone at home and i used to call long distance and thus a huge phone bill. i m pregnant now and i decide to cut short my calls and so phpne bills pls help

2007-01-29 16:01:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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