My husband and I married almost 3 months ago. He's changing day to day. When we got married he became more controlling. Not jealous or following me or anything like that but, definitely more controlling. He told me numerous times before we got married that he was going to stop smoking (pot) and even tried and did. Now that we are married he does it all of the time and I asked him why he tried to stop b4 we got married and now he smokes all the time and doesn't care how it makes me feel, he told me now we are married and I can c the true him. Also, he won't take responsibility for anything he does wrong, it is always my fault. If I try to talk about issues we have he says that I'm just trying to start an argument. Also, I can come home from work and if he feels like being touched or talked to then I can touch or talk to him but, if not and I try to he gets mean about me leaving him alone. I'm a church girl and he used to hold the cuss words in front of me. Now, he just lets them fly and even calls me whore and tells me to shut the f*c* up quite often. Last night we were watching a movie on 2 seperate couches (always snuggled during a movie b4 we got married), I asked him 2 come lay on the couch with me and he sayed he might get 2 comfy and fall asleep. Then, when it came time 2 go 2 bed he was extremely awake & ready for sex. I said no, I was too tired ( just hurt from him not snuggling w/ me). I told him he doesn't spend time with me like he did b4 we got married. I told him that I come home from work and try 2 talk 2 him but, he just watches T.V. or plays PS2, he said that I start talking 2 him while he is trying 2 watch something. I told him that I don't care about T.V. I've missed him all day and would like 2 talk 2 him. He said that I can talk to him on commercials. On Saturday, we got into an argument and he punched the steering wheel in our truck and broke it. A few minutes later he told me he wanted a divorce. Of course he didn't want a divorce, that was just so I would beg him not to leave and I did. Sunday turned out about the same way as Saturday, he said he was leaving for a while and I told him that I don't care what happens I was just tired of the arguing and asked him not to leave. He stayed. Yesterday, I felt like he was pushing his control limits a little. With a comment here or there about something I could or could not do. I'm worried now that he thinks he has a lot more control over me. Since I'm the one that asked him to stay. Any thoughts? Also, he made a comment about me calling and talking to my parents all of the time. I talk to my parents about twice a day at the most and it's usually not even when I'm with him. Any thoughts
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