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Other - Family & Relationships - 29 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

2007-01-29 23:53:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

While visiting our son and his wife we heard his oldest daughter(9yrs old)say in the heated discussion with her stepmother and father, "she couldn't wait until she was big enough to have sex. Now, she said "big enough" not "old enough". Where does a 9yr old learn this from.

2007-01-29 23:39:02 · 24 answers · asked by call2fly 4

I am Single Unmarried living in India. How can i meet new ladies on net so i can make one of them my life partner

2007-01-29 23:38:41 · 6 answers · asked by microcomputers_amd 2

my mom is becoming an alcoholic,and i told her that i think she shud take it slow and not drink every night, but she doesn't listen to me,my sister is worried aswell...please, i need advice!! HELP!

2007-01-29 23:15:30 · 8 answers · asked by missvixenx 2

I have been with for 2 months. I dont want to out do him ithere.so any idias.

2007-01-29 23:14:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-29 23:13:55 · 10 answers · asked by kays.nana 1

do you think if i love my aunt feet, rub them, massage them with passion, i have foot fetish by the way, is a kind of incest? i mean it her feet from heel down only?

2007-01-29 23:10:04 · 6 answers · asked by emad haddad 1

2007-01-29 22:53:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello everybody,

I am suffering from a bit of mental anguish here. I am going out with a woman that i love and care for very deeply. We have been going out (dating) for quite sometime now in a very good relationship. But there is one major issue...

.....She does not want to have kids. She is 28 and is adimant that she will never have kids. When she was 22 she asked the doctor to have her tubes cut and he, thankfully, said no. But now that she is older she is talking about it again and still says that she wants to get it done.

I want to have kids and it is tearing me apart that the woman that I love doesn't want to share my dream.

how should I deal with this situation? Talking always leads to an argument and neither of us are willing to back down. Should I just accept that i will not have a family with her and move on? Should I grin and bear it?

What is the best way to convince her that getting tubes cut is not a good idea as she might change her mind in the future?


2007-01-29 22:45:18 · 5 answers · asked by kwambonambi 3

my ex and i have been broken up for 10 months recently he has been calling me everyday at work sometimes 2 times a day and then i asked him if he wanted to go to the movies and then he kept making excuses. i told him i dont have time for a phone relationship and i havent heard from him for a week. he left me and i still love him. why is he calling all the time then? why is he doing this? he is getting jelous and asking where i have been who im with and what i have been doing. what is with this?? should i send him an sms and tell him i miss him?

what should i say to him? and how do i say it?

2007-01-29 22:42:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard some chemical reactions cause love...do you know something about that?

2007-01-29 22:38:10 · 2 answers · asked by Ëåíà À 1

He enjoys being spanked and I am normally happy to spank him with one of my slippers but on this particular evening a small amount of blood came from his anus. He says the spanking stimulates his prostate and is enjoyable but I love him and don't want to cause him long term harm. What should I do?

2007-01-29 22:32:57 · 7 answers · asked by sweetjen 2


I have to work on my other half's birthday in March and so I was thinking of doing something special for him. My plan was to send him and a couple of his friends to a strip club for the night. Do you think this will be like giving him the green light to do something silly or do you think he'll see it as it is.....just a birthday present???

2007-01-29 22:23:59 · 30 answers · asked by dnbgrrly 2

2007-01-29 21:59:35 · 22 answers · asked by babesherman 1

Hi, i havent had my periods for the last four months now. I have been to see the doctor and and have compeleted a blood test but still has come back negative.Two years ago i was on the depo which i did noticed i had gained wait on. People say that it takes up to a year to go and its been way over that now, but my periods have never been the same. The thing my doctor said was to not to worry about my periods because they will eventually come. I aslo have a 3 year boy who is perfectly fine.
Does/Can anyone shed some light for us please.

2007-01-29 21:29:27 · 10 answers · asked by Wella 1

I'm adicted to pornography and I feel it's not right. I has a very destructive power, destroying everything good in your life.. It even destroyed my marriage. How can I stop with this horrible adiction?

2007-01-29 21:16:49 · 1 answers · asked by reeftanksforall.com 2

It's 15 degrees below zero, snowing and icy enough to slip. I decided to artsy up an old book case because I need a place for school books... While I do have black spray paint I decided the weather was too horrible to stand in the snow spraying for a good ten minutes.. sooo.. I did something amazingly stupid... I used black oil paint (for canvas') to cover the book case. The book case is made of the same material as most cheap office furniture that comes in a box and you have to assemble.. you know ply wood with a paper covering. Now the oil paint has been on for about an hour and is still rubbing off with even the slightest touch. My question is.... How long, if at all, with it take before the oil paint is dry and the bookcase is ready to use?
The bookcase is small and more for decorative use and I've given it a fabric lining which means I don't care if the paint isn't very durable. I just want to be able sit it on the floor without a big black ring. Thank you so much!

2007-01-29 21:13:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

and also how do you make out with someone?
what do you do if you and the guy doesnt know what to do?
is it gross if some one fingered you??..some one that i know..(not me)

2007-01-29 20:48:58 · 34 answers · asked by ~Chelcie S~ 1

How do I measure this? My boyfriend/fiance thingy wants to know.

2007-01-29 20:21:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you fall in love without askingf for any physical relationship?

2007-01-29 20:15:15 · 22 answers · asked by Ilovetheworld 2

2007-01-29 20:09:34 · 18 answers · asked by firza 1

i know this guy i.ve only known him for 6 months from where i work. he has a sister that he talks about all the time. they are 1yr apart. when he talks to her on the phone he calls her baby, babe, shug, tells her shes beautiful and other things you would tell or call your spouse or girlfriend. hes told me that they've shared apartments together motels together for weeks at the time they buy furniture, t.v's and other things like that together. when he buys clothes jeans for example hes told me himself hes asked his sister do they make his *** look good. now i have a sister myself who i love but i guess not as much as this guy. is his relationship with his sister normal. i need to know cause if it is i guess im the strange one.

2007-01-29 19:53:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and myself are ready for the next step in our relationship, but we can't seem to get some alone time, does anyone have any suggestions??

we thought about maybe my car but we both have bad backs and that wouldnt work..

2007-01-29 19:51:54 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2

would you give them a second chance? Under which circumstances would you give them another chance? When would you absolutely never give them another chance?

2007-01-29 19:50:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Were you attracted to your sibling?

2007-01-29 19:16:16 · 12 answers · asked by pappujainsaab 1

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