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Other - Family & Relationships - 29 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

i mean what is the use of thois kind of breasts.
other animals do not have brasts like balloons.
does this play any role in lovemaking?

2007-01-29 03:44:16 · 44 answers · asked by George M 1

My wife and I talked about his subject this weekend. We both agreed that there would be many advantages to having a two woman and one man in a house hold rather than just the traditional husband and wife. She said that if she could pick the other lady then she was all for it. What would the positive and negatives be in your view?

2007-01-29 03:37:05 · 4 answers · asked by Johnny S 2

I want to know if there's any way to tell a family member that I know something really personal about them and not get yelled at or no longer be trusted for actually doing it and keeping it a secret from them??

Do I tell that family member what I know and ask them to forgive me for doing it and knowing about it or should I keep it a secret for the rest of my life??

2007-01-29 03:36:56 · 4 answers · asked by magicbay02 3

i need to buy a present for my boyfriend
he is turning 19
we have been going out for 15 months and are very close
i have a budget of $150 and would prefer to spend less
please help!

2007-01-29 03:36:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

in my opinion its could be 1 oz what do you think. i think no amount is safe.

2007-01-29 03:32:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is losing your virginity for a girl, really painful? My girlfriend & i both lost our virginity to each other last night. She found it REALLY painful, and I found penetrating really awkward, in the missionary position, it seemed an awkward angle! Does this make sense to anyone cos im quite worried!

2007-01-29 03:30:31 · 4 answers · asked by La Souffle 1

there is this guy that asked me for my number. he is so adorable and he works and hes so nice. he likes me but i told him the other day to call me and he didnt. i dont wanna date him because i wanna get to know him better but its hard because hes really shy.

what should i do

2007-01-29 03:28:53 · 6 answers · asked by Miss Justinee X3 2

Are you concerned about breast cancer? Guys may look the other way if your breasts are taken away! Benign cysts in the skin are not uncommon, even as a teenager. Be smart!

2007-01-29 03:22:22 · 7 answers · asked by Pancake 7

Someone at a factory (large company apprx 1000) started a rumor about a an affiar with another person in department. Then a month or so later another rumor about this same lady and another man in department.
What do you do to snuff out the rumors? They are all UN TRUE. Thing is my spouse has many relatives at this factory and it is getting hard since everyday a new twist to the rumor is added. The 2nd person involved took it to HR where they followed up as much as possible but it was unable to be identified who actually started the rumor

2007-01-29 03:15:54 · 7 answers · asked by Confussedhere 3

I’ve been with my b/f for two long years.
We had great times and we had bad times.
Lately, we both agreed to end the misery and call it off.
He was OK considering that he treated our relationship as ‘casual’ when I treated it as ‘special’.
I was OK because …. As much as I liked him, I had enough.

After our ‘agreement’, he still e-mails me (more than before), visits and wants to be helpful … in his own terms.
Not to mention he says he is in love with another woman … that he can’t have cause she’s married …but I am amazing in bed and he can’t resist that.

What the hell is going on??

Should I cut his di*k off or use him?

2007-01-29 03:04:10 · 19 answers · asked by Me me me 1

2007-01-29 03:02:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I am having quite the problem. I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 months now. The 1st 3 mths were OUT OF THIS WORLD. I am so scraed it was just infatuation. For the 1st 3 months I have never been so happy in my life. He brings out the best in me, I LOVE doing nice things for him, I love living with him, he is caring, genuine, trustworthy, & VERY attractive. But the problem is I am questioning my love for him CONSTANTLY. This has been going on for the past 2 mths and I dont think that I would be putting up with this anxiety about our relationship if I really didnt love him? I feel like I am analyzing every move he makes and I make myself think that I get annoyed with him voice, his actions and his emotions. To this day, I love sharing all my stories with him and enjoy spending nights alone with him. I have never trusted anyone before in my life and finally I trust him which makes me think that I dont care about him. I think before I used to think I loved them cause I didnt trust them and was jealous of them. This is my 1st non-dramatic relationship and I feel secure but I have this nagging doubt in my mind that its not going to work out for whatever reason but I only want him. I dont want anyone else to touch me. Why am I having these thoughts?

2007-01-29 03:02:00 · 10 answers · asked by dawson190154 1

his mom and my dad married a few months back and i first saw him recently.he didint attend the wedding.he is too hot to be my brother.we are getting very closeand i think he have feelings for me too.waht should i do

2007-01-29 02:57:37 · 23 answers · asked by tot 2

2007-01-29 02:56:31 · 17 answers · asked by xhehehexx 3

ok i have no idea what to do, ok there a dude that i really like, and i'm guess he likes me well due to fact that we endind up kissin other week, (both sober) and well my feelings are kinda grownin for him like when ever i see him, my stomache does a back flip, but hes got a child, do i take the jump? or not?? bearing in mind i adore kids and i'd proberbly get attached which makes hings harder if we did get togeather and spit up... what can i do?

2007-01-29 02:45:12 · 39 answers · asked by Lescaa 3

call me old fashioned but i've sent letters to ppl just to do it. i think with all the technology it's nice to check the mail and see that someone from out of state sent something when u didn't expect it. it's just the feeling of knowing that someone took the time out of their life to think of something to say to me....too bad the ppl i wish would do that for me haven't :(

2007-01-29 02:38:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my soon to be ex wife and I have been separated for over six months now, we have a divorce/court date. I have spent the whole time trying to reconcile and talk her out of it, but it's what she wants. she has spent time out at night clubs and bars and has told me that what she does is no longer my business. this past weekend I actually went out to a tavern and had dinner, while I was there a lady sat beside me and we talked and ended up having a few drinks. I went home with her and we slept(fully clothed) on her sofa and nothing really happened except for a kiss. I feel like maybe i shouldn't even have done this, should i feel guilty

2007-01-29 02:31:54 · 28 answers · asked by hhhmmmmm?? 2

A whole bunch of guys at my college call me names and spread rumors about me because I'm smart! What do I do?

2007-01-29 02:30:54 · 8 answers · asked by The PUNK Goddesssss 2

So I am having quite the problem. I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 months now. The 1st 3 mths were OUT OF THIS WORLD. I have never been so happy in my life. He brings out the best in me, I LOVE doing nice things for him, I love living with him, he is caring, genuine, trustworthy, & VERY attractive. But the problem is I am questioning my love for him CONSTANTLY. This has been going on for the past 2 mths and I dont think that I would be putting up with this anxiety about our relationship if I really didnt love him? To this day, I love sharing all my stories with him and enjoy spending nights alone with him. I have never trusted anyone before in my life and finally I trust him which makes me think that I dont care about him. I think before I used to think I loved them cause I trusted them and was jealous of them. This is my 1st non-dramatic relationship and I feel secure but I have this nagging doubt in my mind that its not going to work out for whatever reason but I only want him. I dont want anyone else to touch me. Why am I having these thoughts?

2007-01-29 02:19:31 · 6 answers · asked by dawson190154 1

My husband and I married almost 3 months ago. He's changing day to day. When we got married he became more controlling. Not jealous or following me or anything like that but, definitely more controlling. He told me numerous times before we got married that he was going to stop smoking (pot) and even tried and did. Now that we are married he does it all of the time and I asked him why he tried to stop b4 we got married and now he smokes all the time and doesn't care how it makes me feel, he told me now we are married and I can c the true him. Also, he won't take responsibility for anything he does wrong, it is always my fault. If I try to talk about issues we have he says that I'm just trying to start an argument. Also, I can come home from work and if he feels like being touched or talked to then I can touch or talk to him but, if not and I try to he gets mean about me leaving him alone. I'm a church girl and he used to hold the cuss words in front of me. Now, he just lets them fly and even calls me whore and tells me to shut the f*c* up quite often. Last night we were watching a movie on 2 seperate couches (always snuggled during a movie b4 we got married), I asked him 2 come lay on the couch with me and he sayed he might get 2 comfy and fall asleep. Then, when it came time 2 go 2 bed he was extremely awake & ready for sex. I said no, I was too tired ( just hurt from him not snuggling w/ me). I told him he doesn't spend time with me like he did b4 we got married. I told him that I come home from work and try 2 talk 2 him but, he just watches T.V. or plays PS2, he said that I start talking 2 him while he is trying 2 watch something. I told him that I don't care about T.V. I've missed him all day and would like 2 talk 2 him. He said that I can talk to him on commercials. On Saturday, we got into an argument and he punched the steering wheel in our truck and broke it. A few minutes later he told me he wanted a divorce. Of course he didn't want a divorce, that was just so I would beg him not to leave and I did. Sunday turned out about the same way as Saturday, he said he was leaving for a while and I told him that I don't care what happens I was just tired of the arguing and asked him not to leave. He stayed. Yesterday, I felt like he was pushing his control limits a little. With a comment here or there about something I could or could not do. I'm worried now that he thinks he has a lot more control over me. Since I'm the one that asked him to stay. Any thoughts? Also, he made a comment about me calling and talking to my parents all of the time. I talk to my parents about twice a day at the most and it's usually not even when I'm with him. Any thoughts

2007-01-29 02:07:55 · 1 answers · asked by Dsoftball 1

used to like this guy and I could have had him but I got scared because I had trust issues after another guy cheated on me. Well this guy eventually got a g/f and now their broken up. This whole thing started a year ago Recently I've been thinking about him and I miss him, but I lost his number and hes never online. We go to the same community college but I havent seen him there yet. So obviously its not easy to just talk to him about this. I wish I could hate him, but its too hard and I still care about him. What do I do?

As friends we could talk about everything and we had so much fun, and now I feel like I made a huge mistake.

by time I admitted my feelings he was with her but he was happy I liked him and he felt the same but was too shy to say anything

2007-01-29 02:05:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ordinarily if a person were crying every day that would be a red flag to suggest seeking help for depression. The thing is, right now there are a lot of situational factors influencing my 'teariness'. These include (and of course each has quite a story that goes along with it): I am just about five months pregnant. My husband and I have some pretty big issues which have brought us to counselling, which is not progressing. Our daughter will be 2 in a month and of course she can be a big challenge. And along with the marriage there are some serious financial and employment concerns. The thing is, there is only so much I can do about most of this. That makes me feel frustrated and hopeless. What to do, what to do? I appreciate your considerate responses. Please keep glib replies and trite answers to yourselves.

2007-01-29 02:00:24 · 12 answers · asked by jen 2

Mine would be:

"OUCH, You're standing on my balls!!!"

2007-01-29 01:53:16 · 9 answers · asked by Forlorn Hope 7

I have been with my boyfriend for two years, he is fun to be with and treats me well to a point but he is very unemotional although I am not really soppy and quite unemotional to a point it has already come to the no cuddles at all I cant remember the last time we had a cuddle. Should I just plod along or should I move on.

2007-01-29 01:43:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-29 01:41:54 · 23 answers · asked by Forlorn Hope 7

i tend to be a really neverous person, are there any ways I can reduce my stress or tension ?

2007-01-29 01:35:32 · 11 answers · asked by Dia 3

2007-01-29 01:30:15 · 26 answers · asked by anayara92 2

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