Ok, my fiance and I just recently had a baby, during the pregnancy he treated me really badly, he would call me names and put me down and yell at me and try to control me ALL the time. Well when it came sooner for our baby to be born he calmed down a LOT. Well just recently he is starting to be his old self again, and I do not want to go through it again. Our deal was for him to get a job and I will be a stay at home mom, well today we had a fight and he is thinking about leaving me, and I told him fine but I am taking our baby and he said that he will take me to court and he WILL get him because he will have a job. Well I have some proof of the stuff he did to me during my pregnancy, and I dont want to lose my baby, I love that boy more than anthing in the world, if we were to break up and if he did take me to court, is there a chance that I will get to keep my baby and them not give him to my fiance? I dont want my baby growing up like him!
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