Our family is kind of disfunctional, my mom doesnt live with us but she pays for a car that is left here at our house insurance and all,. Its a nice SUV and its the only "good" car we have. My dads truck broke down and now hes using our only good car that we have left wich he doesnt even pay for. Im so angry that he doesnt want to pay for the repair of his truck (its 1,000$), that he has to use the family car that he doesnt pay for AT ALL, and most likely will turn out like his broken down truck. Does anyone else think this is fair? We just got it in the summer and hes been using it for almost a month now, he delivers newspapers and the couches will get dirty if he keeps using it. We have a toyota corrolla that isnt great but good for his job and its HIS. Im angry that hes gunna destroy the only family car just because he likes it and doesnt have money to pay for the repair when he has AN EXTRA car that he can dirty up instead. What should be done?
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