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Marriage & Divorce - 3 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

One of my best friends are married and has been talking to anther guy online. Is she a cheater? They talk about everything from the weather to sex.

2006-08-03 09:44:20 · 19 answers · asked by ♥ tinker123♥ 5

My married guy friend, 31, feels extremely guilty for wanting other women besides his wife. He claims that their sex life is very good (5+ times a week) and that he loves her, but he feels like he's missing out and deserves all of the hot women around him. We live in New York City and to be honest, there are more atttractive women than men (the ratio is something like 2:1). So men here always feel like there is something better around the corner (because there usually is!). Are his feelings normal? Should he feel guilty? Is there a married guy support group to help with this type of thing? Words of encouragement from other married men would be helpful. Thanks for the help. Posting for a friend so his wife doesn't know!

2006-08-03 09:43:23 · 14 answers · asked by AMS-NYC 1

2006-08-03 09:39:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-03 09:37:18 · 14 answers · asked by i crave yours 5

2006-08-03 09:37:17 · 1 answers · asked by vabch_1946 1

2006-08-03 09:32:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I say this is crazy cause i know a gyrl who husband was sleepin with another gyrl and the gyrls mother called the wife and told her since ur husband likes sleepin with my daughter so much i figured i would tell u my daughter has AIDS and da gyrl tryed to kill herself and she is carrying one of his many babies that will add on to the 4 she already has. What would u do if u this happened to u???? Do u think she should have tryed to kill herself

2006-08-03 09:20:01 · 30 answers · asked by powderjusblazin 3

Why is it that every single time you get involved with someone on a serious note, then everybody is attracted to you. But when you're single, the neighborhood dog won't give you the time of day?

2006-08-03 09:16:46 · 16 answers · asked by vernise2679 4

2006-08-03 09:15:22 · 10 answers · asked by YESHUA Y 2

His daughter collects welfare now for her self and baby. His daughters mother still collects support on her from my husband. If she is a mother her self now I think the support should stop. His daughter is not in school.

2006-08-03 09:15:04 · 17 answers · asked by Knit Wit 2

What is in the "contract" of marriage that woman always talk about? What "craziness" are women allowed to have that their husbands are supposed to put up with?

2006-08-03 09:12:41 · 13 answers · asked by thebuffettour 2

Do girls watch pornography in the internet? Do they get addicted to that? Who visits those sites more Married girls or unmarried girls. Genuine answers plz

2006-08-03 09:11:06 · 8 answers · asked by deamer boy 2

Today is my Birthday i want to go play pool with my friends get wasted have fun.
My wife wants to go out with her firends to dinner ...i dont like her friends at all.Not only that i dont enjoy my wifes company she's boreing, why the hell do i have to go out with her friends for my birthday?She has one male friend he's gay im not.I got nothing against him just dont wanna be around him she thinks if she brings him along i wont feel left out
unreal so my question is do have to go ?what would you do

2006-08-03 09:09:08 · 18 answers · asked by bluff_mike 2

I know I am no good at small talk and her yelling at me for what I do talk about makes me even more self-conscious about talking to people. When I get self-conscious I go into my "comedian" phase and continously crack jokes. What does she do this?

2006-08-03 09:01:45 · 16 answers · asked by thebuffettour 2

My wife and I have been having some problems for some time. She works ALOT and is really into her job. I support her and want her to be successful -- but it takes away from our lives. I had a talk with her and found out that she may not feel the same way about me that she did when we were married. I married her because I felt she was my best friend -- but I am not sure that she shares the same feelings. She seems so involved in her job that there is little time for me. I believe she works all the time because she is not quite happy at home and does not want to deal with us. Some of my friends recommend counceling -- some recommend learning to communicate better with her. The only time she tells me that she loves me is in the morning -- no other time in the day. Also, I do not hear from her all day long -- no calls to say "hi" or anything. Some of my friends think I am being needy. I am starting to get tired of feeling like this -- but I am not sure what to do.

2006-08-03 08:54:12 · 12 answers · asked by Brian F 1

My husband and I have been trying to have children for the last 9 years. He wants to have a family more than anything and we can't afford to adopt. My mother suggested that since my husband can't produce healthy sperm that maybe I should have sex with someone else just to get pregnant..... and my husband is convinced that my mother is right. I do know someone who is really hot and I think I could do it. Has anyone else ever been in this situation or has anyone ever done it. How did it turn out! My husband deserves children and is a very loving person who would make a wonderful dad.

2006-08-03 08:49:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

so after a bad cortship two kids lots of dramma he lives with his daddy no car no job and two kids after we had our two i finally left. now i found hard workin man oun place a work car and a truck, full time job, own money pays for every thing that i need. wants to get married but is it too good to be true?

2006-08-03 08:49:07 · 9 answers · asked by jaydaka 2

completely unexpected. She's in advertising and she decided that my hand would be perfect for a jewelry ad she was putting together. It's pretty cool even if I don't get paid. Have you ever worked with your significant other or family?

2006-08-03 08:43:36 · 5 answers · asked by Sausage Fingers™ 3

ok so here goes my sisters hubby fell asleep while having sex last night and she has been wanting to leave his a s s for a long time he is a good man who pays bills and takes good care of the kids but he is not there emotionally for the kids (3 total) or her. what is everyone's opioion about the situation? should she leave or stay?

2006-08-03 08:40:59 · 40 answers · asked by luvyduvy1184 2

I am a decent boy-next-door-looking 22 year old guy. I can be funny if I know you, but am low key and quiet by nature....kinda bookish. Because of this, most of my girlfriends have been out-going and talkative. Most have really picked me up, rather than me picking them. A couple months ago, a friend told me about this episode of 20/20 where some guy claimed that women--dispite the lies they say in public, and to themselves--are attracted to aggressive, confident jerks. He showed that if you are confident, women will even gravitate to men who put them down. I watched the show on my friend's DVR. Afterwards, I spent several weeks pushing myself to be super outgoing and test out the theory. At first to my delight, and then to my disgust, I found it worked. Even if all I did was brag about myself, or be mildly insulting to a female, being hyper masculine and super confident worked. But now it's really saddened me. I want to pull honeys, but respect them too. Please help me understand.

2006-08-03 08:36:30 · 15 answers · asked by J J 1

Just curious to know how many people actually settle and get married for security reasons rather then real love. I feel like its easier to just marry someone you love but not (in love with) for security and knowing that person loves you more..and you know that they would never cheat on you...rather then finding a someone who you absolutely love but would possibly cheat on you...I'd appreciate some input here..

2006-08-03 08:27:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I have been together for a littke over a year. We recently had our first child together. When I was first preg. he talked about marriage but with my moods i pushed him away and we fought alot. Since the beby we have been getting along great. it has never been better. I believe the man should ask the woman to marry him. It's more romantic to me. So, how do i get him to ask me now without coming out and saying it?

2006-08-03 08:14:52 · 22 answers · asked by karissa s 2

Mrs Skinny has been distant lately and I thought she was messing around. I had caught her a few times having cybersex - OK -and thought it might have progressed. - not so OK! But lately she has been sepending a lot of time with her friend, Mrs Skinny's Friend, and they are very close. I know Mrs. Skinny's Friend is not happy with her husband, and now I am seeing something kinda wierd.

Mrs Skinny's friend has recently moved her office home and now they take long lunches in the afternoon, with no explanation as to where they go or what they do. Mrs Skinny is tired in the evenings but much more relaxed.

I think I am good with it! I want Mrs Skinny to be happy and fulfilled! I just don't want to be left out!

What to do?

2006-08-03 08:11:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you don't really want to hear a real honest answer back from real people, if you ask a stupid question people will tell you it is a stupid question. if its a good one people will resopnd accordingly. if your going to shoot the messenger then shoot your self because we didn't ask you to ask your question you did that on your own we just gave you a real life answer based in truth from our own exp's and life's and thats real if you can't handle real stay off the internet because people here can get real tough in there answers... right people?

2006-08-03 08:08:10 · 8 answers · asked by 4stringthndr 3

I Pay because I firmly believe the children deserve it, but the mother is spending it on partying, and things that do not go towards the needs of children, and the guy paying is absolutely living and struggling to get by.

2006-08-03 08:06:59 · 24 answers · asked by gifted 4

2006-08-03 08:06:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

about 6 years ago with another man on a few ocasions. We just messed with her no guy guy touching. It was the best sex I ever had with her she was an animal all night. Now she says she doesnt want to do it agian but now I cant stop thinking of it. What to do.

2006-08-03 08:03:57 · 11 answers · asked by M 1

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