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I Pay because I firmly believe the children deserve it, but the mother is spending it on partying, and things that do not go towards the needs of children, and the guy paying is absolutely living and struggling to get by.

2006-08-03 08:06:59 · 24 answers · asked by gifted 4 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

24 answers


2006-08-03 08:10:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first,i see there is a big diff in the reaction to this question depending if yr a guy or girl.there is a stereotype, but it goes both ways.#1 if u pay child support -u not a good father & the mother has the child 365days? #2 the mother only spends the loot on herself. #1- u can have joint custody of the child & make more money,so the court still makes u pay,alot less of course.if u want to pay less money ,get yr child more often.the only thing really wrong w/ child support is if its hurting yr budget & u get a second job,they can increase the amount based on yr second job xtra money.
#2 yr child needs to live right, as long as yr child is clean ,nice place to live,decent transportatiopn,eating healthy & attending a nice school-we shouldnt complain. but-if yr child is living foul & babymomma is too fly ,thats when the problems start.we glorify the negative problems way too much.its alot of good people getting along w/out all these issues.if we stop looking at who doing bettr & worry about the kids well being ,its way easier & less stressful.
basically,the courts have a formula that base child support on what the dad makes & what the mom makes+ the number of over night stays or how much the child is w/ either parent.so if the baby is w/ the mom 95% of the time, she needs that cash.but lets say u get yr child 50% of the time-the payment will reflect the amount of time yr w/ yr shorty,feel me.but please dont do it for the money , do it for yr kid.both parents are the best parent
playa.& if u can try & be cool w/ the momma.
(*s_sill can we talk??robming74@yahoo- i want to debate a couple of issues w/ ya..)

2006-08-03 16:55:45 · answer #2 · answered by robming74 1 · 0 0

POVERTY?!?!? Give me a break!

Most men pay no more then a grand a month and most woman would love that! Do you know how much it costs to support a kid? A mother takes care of her child 365 days a year and because you send a thousand dollar check each month (if that much) you think she's wasting it.
Maybe she's paying a bill to keep your child's electricity on...maybe she spent her entire check buying school clothes for your child because...of course your check doesn't come until the end of the month.
Maybe you idiots should stop complaining about having to pay child support and do what you have to do! Paying a few hundred dollars a month doesn't amount to a thing. How much do you think a woman spends? A woman has to fight some men for a few hundred dollars all the while, the guy is claiming to be broke!
It kills me everytime. Unfortunately, I have many friends that have to go through this and I think it's ridiculous.
Take care of your child, without someone having to take you to court, don't b##tch about a couple of dollars and BE A MAN!

2006-08-03 15:17:51 · answer #3 · answered by s_sill 3 · 1 0

Tough question. My fiance pays 200 dollas a week toward his 1 daughter for support, her mother has been able to pay off her mortgage, all of her credit cards, and go on plenty of vacations. Even worse, they have joint custody so we have this child as much as she does and nobody pays us to feed her. Her mom sends her to a friends house over the summer so she doesnt have to pay the daycare and we dont see a penny back, when we do have her shes always in horrible looking clothes or shoes that dont fit so we buy her new ones. Now for the other side of the coin, I am the non custodial parent of my boys, the ex has them full time, i do NOT pay a dime in court ordered support. But when my children need something my ex calls. Clothes, shoes, school supplies, summer camp etc. We work it out between myself and him. Neither one of us takes a hit on our individual income. So a note to all you out there going for a custody battle, for the sake of your children, dont fight about the support, do everything you can to provide for those wonderful children you brought into this world, live in poverty if you must, those kids didnt have a choice when they were brought into this world.
Incidentally, the kids he pays support for that we know is going to her mothers personal desires, in 2 years she'll be 10 and able to tell a judge that she doesnt want to live with her mother anymore, and we've saved receipts for the last 4 years for every penny weve spent on her, apparently, according to NY law if she can't prove what shes spending the money on, she won't get it anymore, and may have to end up paying us.

2006-08-03 16:12:35 · answer #4 · answered by skylark455st2 4 · 0 0

As a mother who has never gotten one single thin dime of child support....

I would imagine the number of children living in proverty because they do not get any child support far out numbers the children whose mothers are partying it up.

I would ask if you could modify the child support agreement so that you pay the children's bills directly instead of giving it to her first.

You pay the day care, dentist, doctor, diapers, karate lessons, new shoes, medications, anything else like that directly, it can be set up that way.

But when you do that, and add a portion of the rent...utilities...food...entertainment...etc....

And you might actually be surprised to find that child support does not cover every expense...but just a portion of giving your child a good start in life.

Kudos to you for paying your part...but if you feel your children are not getting the things they need, by all means, get it straightened out.

2006-08-03 15:32:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not all women take the money for themselves, but I do know alot of dirtbags who do. I myself am not a mom, but I have alot of guy friends who pay child support and the women do live off of it. What I think should happen is that the money that is given should be documented in writing with receipts every month to show what it is being spent on. Far too many people take advantage of child support, alimony etc. and refuse to get a job and just live off of that. I am not saying that all women do this, but in most cases it is true. Like I always say, if you do not have enough money, then don't reproduce!! This goes for the men as well, I have seen it happen with guys who have custody. It goes both ways.

2006-08-03 15:16:47 · answer #6 · answered by somechick25 5 · 0 0

Well a friend of my husbands had been paying child support and the mother of the child spent the childsupport to get breast implants. The mother of the child latter gave up the beautiful child to the father who was ordered to still pay child support ( WHILE HE WAS WATCHING THE CHILD)..... The situation finaly got fixed and she had to pay him for all the child support he had paid while he was keeping there child and the money for the breast implants... So it works out. Let the officials know what is going on and do your kid right and all will be well

2006-08-03 15:23:58 · answer #7 · answered by Elizabeth 3 · 0 0

Excuse me, but I am not partying. I have 2 children and I am struggling myself, and I work a full time job. I provide housing, food, clothing, and a lot of love to my children. The man made those children too. It is not easy for the woman either, or the children. I think you need to think less about you and think of what the kids are going through

2006-08-03 15:17:25 · answer #8 · answered by Right Wing Extremist 7 · 0 0

Taking a poll: how many children are living in povery because guys refuse to pay their child support?

I have not partied, nor purchase one single new item of clothing or anything not absolutly necessary for myself in the 2 1/2 years since I left that ahole, yes I work, full time. He just doesn't pay cuz he has to support his crank whore and he pays HER child support instead of his own. Man, you make me mad!!! However, I do know the kind of mom you are talking about. She is living with my ex...(except she doen't have her kids anymore)

2006-08-03 15:18:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that is the case for some people, but not all women do that, some do spend the money on the kids, my mother did, she did not party, or blow the money on herself. My dad did not have to pay very much for us 3 kids though it was only like $200/month back then.

2006-08-03 15:12:39 · answer #10 · answered by hahaha 5 · 0 0

Welll I know how you feel, I have been paying for 18years and now they want to extend it while they are in college, worst part is the state declared me flight risk and I have not been allowed to see or communicate with my kids since they were 8yrs old, but you can request a review where she will have to show how she is spending the support, also if your income has dropped you can review the amount of support you are paying to see if youare over paying for the amount of money you are making... You should if you have not already sought legal representation.....

2006-08-03 15:47:37 · answer #11 · answered by Rocco 2 · 0 0

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