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Marriage & Divorce - 28 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-28 08:00:14 · 11 answers · asked by sophia_rey66 2

I think when all ladies start a relationship men always ****** things up. Ladies I know we be ****** up but men **** up to much. Thats why all tha sista's an brotha's gitten divorce. An sista's If u cant trust a ***** dont bring her around yo man.

2006-07-28 07:57:39 · 13 answers · asked by kenisha b 1

2006-07-28 07:53:32 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Trust me i have tried everything. Flowers,cooking dinner,back rubs, cuddling on couch watching movies she just is never in the mood? We are both in our mid 30s. Is this normal for you ladies in your mid thirties is it just a faze please help..

2006-07-28 07:52:36 · 16 answers · asked by bruinsfan72 1

My husband had an affair 2 yrs ago. I stayed to try to make work. Found out he is spending time with another woman and didn't tell me. He says they are just friends and it is none of my business. Affair?

2006-07-28 07:51:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 13 and hes 14 we get it on but i lik him for mor than jus doing it oter people in yahoo here told me that im to yung to be gay since both of us dont hav faters i wan him jus to be my frend an i wan us to be strait an meet 2 prety sisters an marry them an hav kids an luv r wifes a lot an hav kids an the kids wuld be cosins an just be dads an husbands hes real nic an i no he wans the sam thing an we culd stil be togeter as frends an married to the sam sisters wat do u think can we do that

2006-07-28 07:50:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-28 07:43:27 · 19 answers · asked by dlfoster67 2

I am annoyed. My wife gives me the feeling that nothing in the world I do that should take more than a few minutes. If it is some project she wants done she is always"are you done yet," "why are you taking so long," You are so slow'," etc. If its something I want to do that takes more than 5 minutes I am either obsessed, I want to get away from her, or I am trying to hide from responsiblities. If I take too long on an errand beacause of traffic, long lines or some other thing beyond my control I am told I must be up to something else cuz I took so long. I can't even sit and enjoy taking a crap for more than 5 minutes without getting grief. It sucks. Is there another way to deal with it besides tuning her out?

2006-07-28 07:42:36 · 7 answers · asked by Alex C 1

My bf and I have been together for 5 years, I'm 28 as of next week, he's 25. We almost got engaged last year, but he got cold feet before he bought me a ring. We even had a little bit of planning done. We love each other, are best friends, and I know he does want marriage and kids in his future--even though I've always been more anxious about getting married sooner because I'm a bit older.

He's been saying things lately like--wouldn't you be surprised if I got you and engagement ring for your bday? And at a friend's wedding last week he asked my what I would want my bride/groom song to be--and how he liked the idea of using homemade cd's with the soundtrack to the wedding on it...

You see--never b4 would he say anything that would bring up conversation about getting married because he didn't feel ready. He's taking me out to dinner Monday night for my bday and going to Marineland (dolphin park) the day b4. So does it sound like he may be ready to pop the quesion? What gives?

2006-07-28 07:40:42 · 11 answers · asked by brd1000 1

is still acting the same....we had marital problems after i cought him talking to his ex wich he claims they are just friends and they didn't talk for a year but when i taxt her she said she didn't see the ring on his hand but she knows about our son....then i found napkin in his pocket of her home phone# and he says he doesn't remember that he did that...i'm so mad..he denies everthing ofcourse...but i have truble beleiveinghim...anywas i was ready to forget and let go but now 3 weeks later he is barly tuching me...i asked him his simple answer was i love you....that's it...i tried to be sexy basically throwing myself on him and nothing....he is works and comes home spends time with us ,we have nice dinners wach tv do stuff tugether but we don't feel connected....what is going on??he doesn't want to conversate,makeing me look like a needy person wich i'm not.we had a good relationship up till this point...what to do guys?/thanks

2006-07-28 07:32:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I were seperated for 5 months this year. During this time I remodeled my home and spent ALL of my time alone trying to over come my anger at my husband fo rmany things that had happened over the years. One sunday my husband showed up at my house all pissed off and angry at me...why?? I still don't know, turns out he had spent the night at the beach w/ some (girl) friends of his, which he lied about a tthe time. We have been back together for 2 months and he swears he did not have sex with any of those girls. Today I found a condom in his glove box....he says he doesn't know how it got there (it matches the ones I found in the house). So do you think he is telling me the truth or he's lying (I don't know what to think I am so upset)???

2006-07-28 07:25:07 · 19 answers · asked by cautionim 2

Ive been with my husband for about 13 yrs.When we first met we were like nimphos,always having sex.But now its just different.Why does sex get less enticing the longer your with someone?

2006-07-28 07:23:30 · 11 answers · asked by jessicaal2002 1

I have been dealing with a liar (husband) for several years and I am through with it all. (See my previous posts) I have found a house to rent near my job. Right now I am living at home with him for a couple more days until the other house is ready. Do I tell him now that I have found another house or wait until the day I am moving? He knows that I intend to leave but I don't think he believes I will actually go through with it. I have a lot of packing to do so I can't really "sneak" out. Plus, we have a 3 year old son together so I am going to have to let him know where we are going. I am so nervous about the packing situation as I have a LOT of stuff to move. I never thought I would ever have to do this. Any advice would be helpful on how to handle this transition. Be gentle, please, this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Thanks!

2006-07-28 07:23:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

she works as realtor. he's very attractive and works in joint calls and pays alot of attention to her. how do i find out what if anything is going on. she would never tell me.

2006-07-28 07:21:29 · 5 answers · asked by edward c 1

Married 5 yrs, 3yo daughter, 6 yo son (His) We have an awful situation with his son's mom. First she always wanted to get w him he would lead her to think he would for his son. He did whatever he could to see his son. Everytime I would catch him lying he would promise it wouldn't happenn again. I have left a couple of times.He always lies about things she says about me and vice versa so we won't talk.Well the other day she told me he was calling all the time and won't leave her alone.So I told her to prove it.She called him 3way and I heard it ALL.How he loves her, wants to be w her, he will leave me if she says they can be together,everything.Then he tells me when I confront him he just does that so we can see his son(we don't have custody papers). But I don't believe him,I think he just wants both because he has kids w both of us. This is someone we will always have to deal with so she is not going away. I want to leave then I think about our daughter. Please give me input

2006-07-28 07:20:41 · 28 answers · asked by Mygirlsmom 1

What bothers you/get under your skin,so to speak?

2006-07-28 07:17:24 · 12 answers · asked by Tinnee 1

I met the most perfect man, I mean it literally was as if I have met my soulmate, the one I am going to be with the rest of my life, and I have faith he is the person. We are so perfect for each other it's amazing. The problem is that he is at a very busy time in his life, with work, and he is been serverely in his previous relationship. He would like to take things slow with me as he is not ready right now, he would like to be friends so he dosn't mess anything up with me. He told me he has never met anyone like me, and I agree Should I wait for this man? My heart and faith tells me I should.

2006-07-28 07:06:10 · 9 answers · asked by Rose 4

Ethical real life question. What would stop you from having an affair with a good-looking, athletic, funny, doctor? Ethics or the fear of getting caught? Or would anything stop you at all?

2006-07-28 07:05:15 · 23 answers · asked by buri035 1

he is thinks he is smooth about it but i still see it.

2006-07-28 07:04:58 · 23 answers · asked by yush 1

I have been in a relationship now for 6 month, would you call it right or respectful for someone to continue to talk to someone else they met on a dating site, if they never hooked up? My boyfriend thinks that nothing is wrong if he talks to this girl he met on match, who has a kid, who my boyfriend has a close relationship with. He talks to her like 3 to four times a week, and writes her emails that tell her how wonderful she is. Plus he tells her all that is going on in our relationship, when something bad is going on with us, he crys on her shoulder. He has only known her since Xmas. Am I wrong for asking him to reconsider their relationship?

2006-07-28 07:04:36 · 4 answers · asked by sag79 1

Is it another way of sayin he's not into ME anymore? Or what?
When he compares me to other women it hurts me and makes me feel like im not good enough. When I try to talk to him about it he says im jealous, but really im just sad. He is psychologically breakin me down. What should i do?

2006-07-28 07:01:07 · 12 answers · asked by Mrs J 3

My first anniversary is sundayJuly 30th and my husband and I have been seperated for almost two months. it's just starting to hit me bacause the day is coming soon. we had so many plans and now I'm going to be alone. I have two daughters to keep me busy that day but it's not the same when you're suppose to be clebrating with you spouse. I need some advice please help. I'm crying inside evey day but it's so hard to deal with.

2006-07-28 06:49:32 · 20 answers · asked by sexibrownthang 1

I love her more then anything. Can't get her off my mind. When she's PMS ing, She hates Men and finds the littlest things I do so terribly wrong. At that time I turn into just another man. When the PMS has passed. She is loving, and caring, talks of marriage. I can't tell her this when the period comes. If I do, she says there's nothing wrong with her, its me, and all other men. We are seperated a week of every 9 months we have been together. I need some encouragement. She is well worth a fight, but I don't know how much I can take of the pms time. She actually hates me then.

2006-07-28 06:48:07 · 9 answers · asked by Terry 1

I love her more then anything. Can't get her off my mind. When she's PMS ing, She hates Men and finds the littlest things I do so terribly wrong. At that time I turn into just another man. When the PMS has passed. She is loving, and caring, talks of marriage. I can't tell her this when the period comes. If I do, she says there's nothing wrong with her, its me, and all other men. We are seperated a week of every 9 months we have been together. I need some encouragement. She is well worth a fight, but I don't know how much I can take of the pms time. She actually hates me then.

2006-07-28 06:46:04 · 16 answers · asked by Terry 1

I love her more then anything. Can't get her off my mind. When she's PMS ing, She hates Men and finds the littlest things I do so terribly wrong. At that time I turn into just another man. When the PMS has passed. She is loving, and caring, talks of marriage. I can't tell her this when the period comes. If I do, she says there's nothing wrong with her, its me, and all other men. We are seperated a week of every 9 months we have been together. I need some encouragement. She is well worth a fight, but I don't know how much I can take of the pms time. She actually hates me then.

2006-07-28 06:44:27 · 4 answers · asked by Terry 1

For the most part, I have a good marriage. But it seems like we get along really great for about two weeks and then all **** breaks lose for a couple of days. He works shift work, so maybe it has something to do with that? Anyway, is it worth it?

2006-07-28 06:44:13 · 9 answers · asked by just4funyall 2

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