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Marriage & Divorce - 13 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I mean i think if more people put in half as much work into their marriage as they do into their weddings there wouldnt be so many divorces. They'd realize that marriage takes work and their days together wont always be as perfect as they day they got married.

2006-07-13 12:13:30 · 14 answers · asked by Sxyblkdiva 1

At the time of the affair my sister had just died and he didn't even accompany me to the funeral. I guess I can say I was being selfish because @ the time, my 5 yr old was in school and he wanted to stay and make sure she didn't miss schoo. Anyhow, he could have still met me. He opted out. Anyway, he was staying out late, claiming he was at work, he never calls to check on my or see how the children may be doing...his attitude is as long as their with their mother their fine. He never compliments me and I'm always by myself, with the acception of the children (we have 2 girls now) He didn't make me feel sexy he just always wanted to jump on me. I'm not into anal sex and that's what he keeps pressuring me about. He has a way of making me feel guilty. I've tried but it is very, very, very, very painful and I thought sex was supposed to be enjoyed. I don't know how much more of this I can take and to top it off, he has this young lady calling him off the hook & he's an up coming minister.

2006-07-13 12:12:58 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I are in the beginning stages of separation and most likely divorce at his urging. He feels we've grown apart and that I blame him for everything. We have to live in the same house for at least 9 more months. How do we do it? I was thinking of sharing a room with our two year old son.

2006-07-13 12:10:04 · 6 answers · asked by vezchakoyes 1

He asked for a divorce but wont leave. What we are hearing is that she can not throw him out unless there is some type of abuse. We need some help. He withdrew all financial help, and she already changed the utilities in her name. The girl is at a loss, and an emotional mess. Any help or adviced will be greatly apreciated. Thanks

2006-07-13 12:09:51 · 14 answers · asked by crhbarks 1

Here is my delima. I left my husband over a year ago and since then I have become pregnant by someone else. He won't pay his share of the dissolution so now I am afraid that when my baby is born in September, he'll be the step-father and have some kind of rights over my child. He also has someone else pregnant and if he waits until my child is born to do anything about the divorce, should I wait until his is born in December/January to do anything as well?
He lives in a disgusting house where in the winter there is no heat but a kerosene heater and the water pipes freeze for weeks at a time. The house has dust in it at least an inch thick on almost everything. The house has dirt piles inches high and it's slowly falling apart. His mother is a doped up freak who wouldn't wake up to a baby crying to save her life. She falls asleep so easily that if she were holding thier child she could easily drop it. Is there something I could/should do about thier baby? I'm more than aliitle worried.

2006-07-13 12:08:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am just taking a pole! My sister is telling me that I cant re-marry because I have 6 children and I am in a very miserable marriage! I am married to a cop who continually cheats, lies, and verbally is abussive, but to all his cop friends, " HE IS THE BOMB!" His cop friend the other day I head him state, " Wow, you have this gorgeous wife... and you get away with this and that... bla bla bla!" I was so hurt. Now, my own family is telling me to stay in it for the kids. I am getting more and more depressed.

2006-07-13 11:57:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anna Q 1

He's really cleaned up his act, but the 3 years of emotional and financial abuse has left me with no respect or trust in him. Financially we are devistated, and had to move in with my parents to keep a roof over our heads.

How do I tell him I want out of this marrage, but want to remain partners in raising our 2 beautiful kids?

2006-07-13 11:57:06 · 5 answers · asked by Josie B 2

My wife and I have been married for almost 12 years now, and she recently had her 4th affair....I will pause at this point for the deluge of,"and you haven't left yet?" to rain down....Anyway, she still talks about this guy, even so much as saying that she would like to sleep with him at least one more time. She is even trying to bring other people(men and women) into our bedroom with us. She has said as recently as a few weeks ago that she didn't want to be tied down, and would leave if I paid her truck off. Next morning, she didn't remember the conversation(we had been drinking). Now she says she loves me and wants to be with me, but how long until her next affair? Or is she staying because I am her safety net? A little more info-not only do I work all day, but come home, clean the house, do laundry, cook dinner, do dishes, take care of the yardwork, take care of the kids, all because she doesn't have time due to her ONE college class a semester....Anyway, should I go or stay????

2006-07-13 11:56:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

you were married and you just happen to have a lover on the side but you lover taught you so much about sex that your spouse loves what you do , and you know that it is wrong to cheat but , the lover you have can't let you go ,,,, what to do ?????

2006-07-13 11:55:04 · 4 answers · asked by E.M. 4

2006-07-13 11:53:54 · 13 answers · asked by superdude 2

My best friend just divorced her husband of 16 years in November. She still loves him and wanted to take him back. In May she caught him with another woman in front of the other woman's house. She talked to the this woman and she told her that they have been together for 6 years.

The last 6 years of their marriage. She has asked him what happened and he keeps denying everything. They are co-workers and she wonders if they really did break it off. He is always in another world and he tosses and turns all night. He denies everything.

I told her that he will always deny it. He never answers her questions so she decided not to ask anymore. But when she is with me she is always wondering. I don't think she will ever get over it. When they divorced she was a different person she was happy and relaxed.

I can't tell her what to do so I ask you all why did she take him back if she will always have questions and doubts?

2006-07-13 11:45:25 · 10 answers · asked by ae1214 1

what else can I do to my husband to satisfy him, besides food should I wear food ? give my your oppinion...

2006-07-13 11:44:36 · 9 answers · asked by E.M. 4

i'm just wondering how other couples are coz my husband and i are married for a year now but we have only taken a shower together for only 3 times. does married couple takes a shower together a lot? does it always lead to sex?

2006-07-13 11:37:46 · 27 answers · asked by tangerine 2

WE have been married 1.5 years. Before we were married, because my husband thought that I was cheating on him... as he states, he cheated on me with three different men. I sent him money while working in colorado... so as to pay a bill so he didnt get into trouble on his law enforcement job... later finding out that he paid massage therapists to come over and give him massages while we were engaged... and I was waiting for him to transfer out to Colorado from Kansas. I never knew EVER until after we got married and 6 mos later, while pregnant, that he did this. I also found out that the day after we married he got online and had web sex with a woman. This happened almost a year ago. 9 mos ago, he then told other cops he works with that he would love to bone the CPT. Secretary. That also broke my heart. He said that he was just saying this being stupid and showing off. Never once since we have been married has he ever suprised me with a dinner, or done a thing romantic. I am getting....

2006-07-13 11:32:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anna Q 1

play & have fantasies ??? My hubby & I like to spend time together ALONE once a month we go & take our kida to grandma's house & we go out then come back home & have a special might. Last weekend was our weekend alone, but we had an idea to play on the phone like completely extrangers & start a conversation,then pretend to have a "date" or "afair" I then we continue until we did it , we enjoy it & had fun it was something new ... But how good or bad is it for a relationship to have this kinds or fantasies or games ????? Any suggestions or advices ????

2006-07-13 11:23:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well at least I think I am bi it seems to make me quite excited thinking of oral with a man.....don't even know if I would like it but I want to try or should I ???? What a conundrum.

2006-07-13 11:21:04 · 9 answers · asked by letsbnoty 1

trying to get him a way to get is hair cut , finding things for him

2006-07-13 11:20:53 · 18 answers · asked by shiba_owner 1

ihate /love,him even though there is 23 yrs age differance. he has been nothing but trouble to me since he arrived here in the uk 21/2 years back. he has called me bad names, been arrested for fighting,, even i have had to call the police,, at first i put this down to is ignorance of our culture and his liking for drink. but now i seek a divorce and he seems to just laugh , and insist i am is wife life and last,, why does a guy ,, and lets face it .. hold me hands up to it even.. want to still be married to a westerner , and an old gal at that, who can.t accept that theres no love there.. is it just till he gets his visa through,, or is this a indian thing.. i.e your my property

2006-07-13 11:12:53 · 11 answers · asked by valda54 5

Can the girl be older than the guy? Cuz my sister wants to marry this guy who is 4 years younger than her. is that ok

2006-07-13 11:09:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

They were seperated over 7 years when we met. It was an ugly situation and my husband tried to serve her divorce papers but she refused to sign them. We paid for an uncontested divorce and when we went to court for something else the judge said our marriage was over turned by her. Is that legal?

2006-07-13 10:52:44 · 8 answers · asked by joeysgirl 3

I love my wife so much, I dont want her to leave but i feel at times she wants to go and have a different life. We are both in our early 30's and have 2 kids. Please help...any advice would be great!

2006-07-13 10:51:36 · 15 answers · asked by broken_fish 2

2006-07-13 10:28:49 · 6 answers · asked by lekesisha r 1

I feel this is my worst area in our sex life and I would like to liven it up and ideas?

2006-07-13 10:20:17 · 17 answers · asked by 4X4 Woman 3

2006-07-13 10:18:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

And he has been talking 2 other girlz and checking them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And how should i tell him i found all this w/th my daughter???? ASAP
And how could i trap him on myspace.com ASAP ASAP

2006-07-13 10:17:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I chose to leave due to an inequal partnership and horrible parenting, mental and some physical abuse as well. Yet, I still cry a lot even though we've been apart almost two years now. I feel guilty for everything, especially my children. When does it end?

2006-07-13 10:09:02 · 8 answers · asked by imperf 1

I am nearing the end of my divorce from a 12 yr marriage. At first the soon to be ex and I could not be near each other without trying to yelling, but now we are actually talking, and I mean the talking like we should have done while married, no smoke and mirrors. I feel perplexed because he wants to go through with the divorce, let that part of business be done and then see what happens with between both of us after. Is this possible? he is not talking right after either he is talking in time, allowing for healing time as well as self identification, but I wonder if this is all a ploy to keep things nice or if he really means what he has been telling me.

2006-07-13 10:00:51 · 14 answers · asked by libby s 1

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