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Marriage & Divorce - 10 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

He is a good man, who is very sorry. He earned a promotion and he was given internet access unexpectedly and got pulled in again. I love him very much and we have four children together, but I cant live like this. I hate feeling that I am not good enough.

2006-07-10 03:35:08 · 10 answers · asked by flowerandkevin 2

i think so many guys find it difficult keeping their marrigae vows. so why get married if you cant be faithful. and why would you cheat on your wife?

2006-07-10 03:25:58 · 33 answers · asked by minny 2

2006-07-10 03:24:27 · 9 answers · asked by Cutie B 1

dated for over 8years. never for once did you catch you cheating on you.even when you suspected, you had no prove as he dismissed your fears. all of a sudden you find out about his infidel acts.
Claims all those relationships meant nothing to him. but the year you got married, he still got a present for one of his ex-es and he claims it was nothing.
You have never hidden anything from him as regards your own past. he knows virtually everything about you.

2006-07-10 03:22:46 · 15 answers · asked by minny 2

On my wife's myspace, she only adds people that she knows and her page says she's married. The guy that calls my house is someone that she has known since jr. high. When I question her as to why he is calling my house when I am at work she asks me if I would rather him call when I am home. I tell her no.
I am constantly checking up on her and always accusing her of having an affair. I must tell you that she is always at home and never leaves the house unless she is with the kids. She will be starting school this fall and I think it is going to make me crazy because she will actually have a life outside of me and the kids. Anytime she does something outside of the family, such as myspace, I start acting crazy. What should I do?

2006-07-10 03:12:03 · 20 answers · asked by atury_g 1

when i came into work this morning, i had an email from my boyfriend, but when i opened it up, it was an email from his ex, saying that she was not going to give him his boys as long as he was with me, and that he would always be hers, and that she was gonna to have sex with him tonight....and that she got the password from their son....should i respond to this email, or just discuss it with my boyfriend.....i think its odd that it came this morning....

2006-07-10 02:59:39 · 7 answers · asked by angel_fire_2149 2

Now that I have made the decision not to live in a deceitful, agressive and negative environment and have taken steps to live my life... how do I get my obviously guilt-laden-(I say this because he knows to sleep on the sofa and leave me alone)and-soon-to-be-ex husband to realize that his tushie should not have the priviledge to exsist under the same roof.

2006-07-10 02:58:21 · 13 answers · asked by Brown Id Girl 2

2006-07-10 02:57:32 · 13 answers · asked by mysweetpea1972 1


2006-07-10 02:37:57 · 2 answers · asked by T S 1

2006-07-10 02:37:13 · 5 answers · asked by Nik V 1

Were you the one cheating on your spouse? And was it fun or just and one thing?

2006-07-10 02:36:31 · 8 answers · asked by Butterfly 3

I have to find cheap,fast help for a divorce.I need closure from the abuse.I was already denied restraining order,or protection order I asked for because I am Progressive Multiple sclerosis. He took my power adapter to my scooter ($550 to replace) so I wall to food shop and fall down alot. I just want out,my soul is dying he still keeps tabs (stalks)my calls,friends,my son is going to explode one day watching what is done to me.

2006-07-10 02:36:31 · 3 answers · asked by LdynRed 1

I am looking for other men and women who crave the scent of worn panties from healthy women... The aromas trapped in the fabric which spends all day nestled on a woman's nether regions is more of an aphrodisiac than ANY perfume in a bottle... I'm married and STILL grab the panties of women when ever I can for a quick sniff and jerk...or longer one if time allows....love sharing wife's panties with others too...

2006-07-10 02:36:06 · 14 answers · asked by iltsdp 1

2006-07-10 02:35:09 · 13 answers · asked by youngbp2006 1

My boyfriend has been acting strange lately, first it was him avoiding making love with him, and now he told me he cant pick me up to and from my workplace since he’s taken some leave. Unfortunately for him, my friend told me he is working, in fact he is not on leave as he’s has claimed to be.

Now do I confront him with all this and tell him to go to hell? I’m done with him and he has a tendency of showing up unannounced at my place.

2006-07-10 02:35:07 · 9 answers · asked by october_babe 1

My wife and I recently married a little over two months ago. We've been living together for approx 5 years. We have been through everything under the sun together from financial difficulties, in house seperation due to my temper/anger problems, counseling, etc. Weeks before the wedding we were both very stressed out becaose of wedding preperations and we got into a huge argument on the side of the road in our car, we came real close to calling the whole thing off, but decided against it. The wedding day was wonderful and the honeymoon was amazing. For me, it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of me and I was seeing her again for the first time. However, when we returned she started to change, started to pull away. We hadn't had sex in over two months and during that time I questioned many things; was she cheating on me, was she having regrets, was she falling out of love? A few weeks ago I confronted her about an email I had found that she sent to a friend of hers...

2006-07-10 02:31:54 · 31 answers · asked by imagineus2night 1

Do you consider yourself to be a leg, breast, or butt man? :-) Just a silly but honest question to ask in light of what you prefer most of a woman, and please reply as to why you picked what you did

2006-07-10 02:27:23 · 20 answers · asked by kristin22 4

2006-07-10 02:27:14 · 17 answers · asked by Butterfly 3

We both decided to wait for each other, but I'm scared he wont and I don't know what to do. We have talked about marriage and beig together forever when he gets back. But I'm still confused.

2006-07-10 02:17:13 · 13 answers · asked by nikki nicole 2

2006-07-10 02:16:41 · 10 answers · asked by diamond princess 1

How was the experience??? Did you enjoy it, why or why not????

2006-07-10 02:11:46 · 10 answers · asked by **What??** 4

Why when a person has no place to go,or sick, or have kids the other partner abuses them and tell them to get out!

why is it some people when they do wrong and they are confronted turn it around on the other person

why does a person say your not what i want physically i want someone else but never makes them leave?

why does an abusive man say what how he can rescue other women but cannot resuce his own relationship? he treats other women better than his own

2006-07-10 02:00:48 · 22 answers · asked by gaurdianangelic 3

Jane & Joe have been married for 21 years.He has always cycled through being mean,aggressive,controling,selfinsh BUT offers financial security (average),no drug or drinking problems, hard worker & never cheated.

Jane started communicating with exhusband "KEN" after "JOE" had a mean outburst at her.She considers Ken the love of her life and wishes he contacted her prior to 21 years after they divorced. He says he did but she never got the messages.They both agree they are soulmates & are madly inlove. Their relationship ended because of his infidelity due to his musical career.She shortly later married Joe and never had children.

Now she is left with this: Stay married and make the 21 year marriage work 2 someone she no longer loves but is SAFE & secure OR go 2 EXHUSBAND who is steady worker, no good credit, but hard worker who does drink (not sure if problem) & is romantic, loving, fun?Jane told Joe she wants a seperation 2 & he has been perfect since,but not "inlove" w/him.

2006-07-10 01:57:58 · 22 answers · asked by dreamsykel 2

My daughter is 9 and we had a wonderful relationship until the divorce. Her mom had an affair and Janea's world was shaken when I left. Since then however. Our relationship has suffered. The divorce was hurtful to her. My daughter has been going to therapy for over a year now. I saw my daughter over the week end and she wanted me to sleep in her bed. She has been emotionally stunted by about 2 years so emotionally she is 7.

2006-07-10 01:47:55 · 18 answers · asked by christsluv4u 1

Tell me what should I do?

2006-07-10 01:47:04 · 18 answers · asked by javed cool147 1

We've been married 5 yrs and are both around 26, it just seems she is less interested in sex w/ me as the years go by. When we were dating, it seemed like we would have sex all the time but now there are always excuses like "my head hurts" or "i don't feel like it right now". The other night I wanted to give her oral but she refused. Is this just normal in a marriage? I just can't see a man turning down oral. I'm frustrated and don't want to resort to cheating, any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

2006-07-10 01:44:51 · 22 answers · asked by handsome_q 2

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