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Family - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Ive been verbaly abused and threatened at a young age and even now i cant build confidence and get out of the way of it to save my life. Im twenty three and she makesme get treated like a 3 year old when to start im a stand up good dude. I think shes ill and trying to escape it by putting it on me. I need to get out.

2006-09-17 14:15:34 · 9 answers · asked by justin g 1

I don't want a party at home we did that already i just want something alittle different and not costly.

2006-09-17 14:15:27 · 7 answers · asked by shyhonney 4

MY mum always said only the weirdo's come out at night.... am i a weirdo?!! I'm only up coz my son WONT SLEEP!!

2006-09-17 14:13:52 · 24 answers · asked by chickL 3

she acts more like an adult then some adults I know, but yet she still has the same fears, and questions that a four year old child does. My husband and I have always talked to her as if she was an adult ever since she was a baby and I think this is one of the many reasons for her behavior. She mothers our nine month old son (tries to do everything for him watches out for him and says she sometimes wishes she was an adult) I just feel like this behavior isnt normal and that she is missing out on being a kid because of this. She doesnt really talk back but she lies sometimes, we can tell her every day five times not to do something punish her for it and she still does it I have never seen a more stubborn kid. We have tried every form of discipline to discourage her from lying and doing things repetitively that are unacceptable. I dont understand why she does this either because neither I or my husband lie to her or anyone else about things. Ive considered taking her to a psychologist.

2006-09-17 14:07:37 · 18 answers · asked by beautifullybroken 2

i know he done it he was the only one around at the time know he stoled one of my cell phone found sim card on his desser but can't get enough proof and he always gets alway with.

2006-09-17 14:02:17 · 7 answers · asked by sandra p 1

like technology and the the way we live

2006-09-17 13:59:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have heard about a plush teddy bear for children that allows their parents/grandparents/etc. to record messages for the children. When the child hugs the bear, it plays back variouse messages. Sounds like a wonderful relationship building toy for the children. I am trying to find one. Thanks.

2006-09-17 13:47:32 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother calls me all different things. Shes done this for years. At first i tried to ignore it but i find myself turning into these things after she yells away all my motivation and invades my privacy just to make me a lowlife.

2006-09-17 13:30:12 · 12 answers · asked by justin g 1

2006-09-17 13:28:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-17 13:18:03 · 29 answers · asked by *~@~* 2

ok.. my daughter is 13yrs old. when i ask her to do chores such as laundry she takes like 2 days to it and she puts clothes everywhere she even hides them in her closet so she doesnt have to put them up. Or she just forgets to do it she says. i asked her to watch her brothers and clean up the apartment a little and when i came back 2 hours later nothing was done. i took her 2 major priv away the phone and comp. Help what do i do if this does not work

2006-09-17 13:17:46 · 9 answers · asked by sunflowerchick 2

My grandma is going through hospice and i cant deal with it i keep crying, how do you cope with really hard things? i cant get myself under control, they say she could die in a few days or weeks or months, they have no clue and my dad wants me to go take them dinner sometime but i'm afraid i will just cry nonstop when i get there i keep crying now, and i just want to get myself under control so please help me

2006-09-17 13:17:01 · 11 answers · asked by soulrebel 2

Mom and dad give you 4. Grandma and grandpa give you 8. Great grandma and great grandpa give you 16. Great great grandma and great great grandpa give you 32. That is already 62 people and your only back to your great great grandparents. Everytime you go back a generation, the number doubles!

Think about when you go forward. Some of my ancestors had 14 kids!!!

2006-09-17 12:49:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who would it be?
What would you do?

2006-09-17 12:40:48 · 21 answers · asked by Trans Atlantic 2

I am 28 years old girl. I live in a house close to my mother`s house. When my husband traveled to another country to work, I visited my mother more often. I usually had lunch with her and with family every day. And I spent the rest of the day at my home to study or do the house work. I noticed that my mother is not so happy by my being around so often. She looks glad when I say, well, I am going to leave now! She even said once to me, why are you waisting your time here, don`t you have a job to do?! She does not look so happy when I go to her fridge to have anything to eat!! Although I am gerenous with her, I buy her mother day presents, and I take my little sister out and sepnd money on her. Why does she hate my being around?
N.B: My father likes me alot, he always says to mother I cook better than her. Could this be the reason? I also was a difficult kid when I was a teenage, but not any more. What can I do? I feel so hurt because my mother doesn`t love me, or am I wrong?

2006-09-17 12:34:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

to live with a 8 mon pregnant wo men and her two kids. he has been having long distant phone contact for three months.Father and child have only seen them once. all of childs family is here in Califorina

2006-09-17 12:33:59 · 3 answers · asked by looking4me 1

I have been in and out of court with her mother.She is a good mother;her and I just never could see eye to eye.Her man she has been with since we broke up.Has raised my daughter."he is a good dad,I just wanna smack him lol...just kidding" The point is I pay my support.It has been an up hill battle.I do not want to confuse my baby.
Keep in mind I have several other children that are home with me.They need me, and my emotion as well.Should I continue to fight,or should I let her go.It is real hard when I see a movie with Father and daughter reunions and so forth.
In her mothers defense I was a real serious jerk back then.I worked long hours yada,yada,yada......I am a good father now.Is the best thing I can do for her just walk away,or fight for my legal rights...I am only concerned for my daughters best interest......

2006-09-17 12:22:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a serious question. If I had to do something over I would get my Mom a house, but because she has passed she is in the House of the Lord. Thanx in advance for your answers.

2006-09-17 12:17:57 · 8 answers · asked by spiritcavegrl 7

I’m needing to rent a house in whangarei or even near
Having trouble finding one need a 2 or more bedroom as I got 2 boys 5yr and 2yr
Not fussy but need to be at a reasonable price
please if u can help plz
Would go though a agent but can’t afford the extra they charge

2006-09-17 12:05:13 · 4 answers · asked by xshilomx 1

i have a few in mind, but would like some fresh ideas. please leave out the following:
sara lee
sara jessica


2006-09-17 11:57:55 · 13 answers · asked by pinhed_1976 6

I find when I ask questions for advise, all I get is opions. I am asking for help with something. And there are not many nice answer. Mostly people being rude. People asking questions, are asking for help cause know that they have a problem, and really want to solve it. They are talking to people as friends. Who else has this problem? Why can't people grow up and be supportave? (i've put this question in this catagorie hoping that I would get some mature answers from adults)

2006-09-17 11:53:45 · 10 answers · asked by doggie.days 1

my parents always take his side and i cant do anything near him without geting in trouble what can i do to stop this

2006-09-17 11:48:33 · 10 answers · asked by ♥♫Music Mist♫♥ 3

I`m being babysat by my grandma. All she is doing is sleeping, while I watch my little 7-year-old sister! YAWN!!!

2006-09-17 11:33:30 · 17 answers · asked by girly_girl 2

he lashes out at me all the time and snaps at you when you talk to him its makin my life a misery i get the blame for everything although im the eldest but i should stand up to him

2006-09-17 10:58:54 · 14 answers · asked by blue_lead_sky 1

2006-09-17 10:58:32 · 9 answers · asked by Sad 1

i got kicked out of the house and need to know the most important things i need to survive the best way on the streets

2006-09-17 10:57:53 · 9 answers · asked by alif 1

For christmas my family puts names into a jar and we each pick one. This Year i got my sister!!! She is 23 and she just got married!!1 What am i supposed to buy her???

2006-09-17 10:46:22 · 10 answers · asked by Camera_Queen 2

2006-09-17 10:38:46 · 11 answers · asked by dossin 2

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